Strange But True!

A new study in February revealed that fish can recognize themselves in photographs! [1]⁣ ⁣ Dr. Masanori Kohda of Osaka University, the study’s lead author said, “Much like humans, they can look at their face and say, ‘Oh, it’s...

Monday Archives: The Beautiful & Rare Darwin Jawfish

There are only a handful of jawfishes that seem to be regularly collected for aquarists (Yellowheads and Bluespots… Duskys and Gold Specs… the occasional Chinstrap), but the genus Opistognathus, to which nearly every jawfish belongs, is enormous, currently...

Long Island Collecting Log: Two new range records

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Long Island fish collecting update, largely because I no longer live there. But 2023 is turning out to be a special year for the tropical strays that spend a fleeting month or two in the waters of the northeastern US before they...