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Ok so Ive been sick for a few days and havent been on but ....damn. Aerosmith as far as you quoting me saying his tank was ugly I realized it and apologized through a PM. Anyways heres my OPINION. I think using limestone is fine as long as its fresh quary and hasnt been sitting on the side of the road collecting toxins. Basically limestone is NEW live rock. After about 50 years in your tank it will have layers of coralline, boring sponges and worms will do their work, and it wont be LIMESTONE anymore it will be "hey nice Live Rock." Anyways as for using macroalgae thats fine, its in the ocean for a reason and its sold for a reason. No one disputes the need for a refugium. However turning a protein skimmer off is not a good idea. The protein skimmer replicates the oceans system of waves removing foamed crap--that little children like to play with. If you turned off the waves, the local reefs would be full of......crap....no pun intended. Macro algae is a bonus, not a replacement. I allow certain patches of hair algae to thrive in the tank for that reason. I just keep them trimmed. Honestly LAW is right by comparing a tank as results. WHen a reef tank fails to look like a reef...something needs to be said. And as for expirimentation (sorry about spelling) expanding the hobby, I will leave that to those funny guys with long beards and sun scarred faces....you know Marine Biologists. Im an accounting major so I wont claim that Macroalgae converts nitrate faster than bacteria, cause frankly speaking none of our tanks is what could be considered a lab setting. New reefers may notice nitrates dropping at the introduction of macro, but these NEW REEFERS are not experienced. WHen I started I didnt even know what Nitrates were. Nitrates complete their cycle in new tanks in a matter of lets say...two weeks. Whose to say the new reafer didnt introduce the algae on day ten and say...oh look in three days the nitrates left cause I put macro in! Well duh it would have gone away in three days without the macro too. Its not a lab setting is all Im saying.


Advanced Reefer
blackcloudmedia":3entoaft said:
However turning a protein skimmer off is not a good idea.

A bit sweeping. I certainly don't have the guts to stop skimming.... my system works so I don't want to tinker. However, there are lots of people with a lot more knowledge than me who are going toward skimmerless systems. Eric B's forum over at Marinedepot talks about it quite a lot.


Advanced Reefer
lol mancrab everyone knows you dont have a choice of being born or not, you just pop out of a vagina one day and welcome to life..You dont CHOOSE to be born......gees.....stupid question :lol:

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