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turbulence in a skimmer is a bad thing. I dont like the swirling action never did other then for the coolness factor. you dont really need a diffuser plate just have the pump shoot downward into a tube glued to the bottom. Very simple and effective.


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as neo said, I know kung fu ;)
thanks for the link Jose, I understand much more now.
I'm naming my project the DOCinator, or the DOC remover 2000, or the DOC Blaster, the DOC Shreder, the D.O.C.T.O.R
(disolved organic compounds total oceanic removal, this one needs some work) which one do you like?


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wedfr, does the feed pump shoot down into the tube? where does the recirculating pump shoot.
thanks, I only have 999,999 more questions to ask. really, no joke.

thanks Jose
haha. speaking of pictures here's a collage I made of a photo Ni Ni just sent me of the tank,



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the feed pump shoots either straight in about 2/3 - 3/4 of the way up the main chamber. I usually like to disperse the flow a little bit somehow to make it a nice gentle flow in.

The recirculting pump shoots into the difuser plate or tube. Whatever you decide to go with.

Id stay away from wet necks and diffuser plates unless you just liek messing aroudn and have extra tubing around. Both are things that if not designed properly could really ruin the skimmer.


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i agree with danny boy =D
well this project shouldnt be that complex, stuff can be added on later int he game, but wetneck if it doesnt balance properly you will get no foam, disperse plate will shorten contact time and drive the bubbles out into the exit if it's not done properly

[ April 20, 2005, 07:26 AM: Message edited by: spykes ]


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I don't mind putting the extra time into my skimmer, as long as I can get it to work the way it's supposed to. I have the materials.

the wet neck idea sounds like a good one, it does not seem that hard. what are the things that need to be tuned with it. the amount of water going down the neck, that should be it right?
If you have valves going to the wet neck that should make it easy to fine tune the skimmer. if for some reason it really does not work I could shut off the flow.


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this is the first rough plan I did, for size and proportion.
the overall hieght is 31", I want it to fit in my stand.
the reaction chamber is 19" I.D, the wet neck is 5", and the collection cup is 5" I.D. It will be hooked up to an exterrnal collection chamber. the reaction chamber and collection cup are 7.5" round.



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okay thanks, I was going off something Jose sent me, I must have read it wrong. or he sent me the wrong plans :cool:

so for the neck to get wet do you just have the tubes hanging over the edge of the neck? this is the part I did not get.

edit: never mind spykes, I looked at your sketch from the first page, after studying skimmer designs the past three days I finally understand what you drew. :rolleyes:

thanks, I'll redo my plan later.
Jose check out that drawing on the first page, let me know if you get it.

[ April 20, 2005, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: jhale ]


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i cant tell you guys to stay away from the wetneck and diffuser plate enough.

Once you have your skimmer working properly without them you can do them as addons later


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hey wedfr,
what makes the wet neck so difficult? on paper it does not look that bad. I'll take your advice I just want to know why you think it's a bad idea.

thanks spykes, always glad to amuse you

guys, don't forget if you want some flanges made I'll need to get your materials. I'll be home on Sunday if you want to drop them off then. lmk and I'll send you the info.
Or maybe Jose can pick them up from you, he seems to like running around the city

jk Jose, but if you live near wedfr or spykes and were planning on coming over maybe you can get their stuff this week and bring it with yours.


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Not that the wetneck is hard to make but most of the guys doing this are making skimmers for the first time. Ive ruined countless skimmers trying new ideas and getting a little too complicated. If the wetneck doesnt coat the neck just right with the right waterflow and overage i can see it completely killing all skimming. Also the way most of you are talking about doing your skimmers is you have 2 differnt diameter tubing pieces on your neck. That will not work on a wet neck skimmer. It needs to be one uniform piece. Id hate to see everyone build nice skimmers and the built in wet neck screw them all up. Once they are up and running well doing an addon wetneck shouldnt be too big a deal.

SAme goes for a diffuser plate if its not sized right or the holes arent sized or spaced right or not enough or too many can have air build up and gurgle on you, put too much back pressure on the pump , impede flow to the exit tube. etc etc. Ive found these type of things need to be experimented with to find the right balance.

I defiantly want a set of flanges. I dont knwo how many you have to make and if you have time to make multiple sets i need one set for 5" tubing and 2 sets for 12" tubing. Send me your info and let me know what you have time to do.


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okay, I'll scale back the skimmer project.

I'm going to try to make as many as i can on sunday, the flanges that is. as long as I have the materials and the designs i can ask my friend to make the rest of the flanges next week.
I'm away this week, I'll be home friday at 6pm if anyone wants to drop off their materials then. pm me for info.

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