Ah, I see that this thread has taken a new twist... oh well what the hell...
Don't get me wrong, I think that it is excellent that somebody representing the import and dealers comes onto these boards to "face the music". Far too often, the people dealing in these creatures fail to educate themselves and/or put their views across on these types of issues. Having said that, I think that you are very wrong in your stance on
Goniopora. Everything that I am about to say is based on my experience as an Australian hobbyist and as we have already establised that can present some inherent differences. However, of my reading on this point and talking to people from the U.S. and elsewhere, it seems to be a common theme.
For a start, for all I know, stories about
Goniopora spp doing well in reef tanks could be a myth. They generally do very well for 6-12 months but then invariably die. The only credible stories that I have heard of long term success is in a couple of large public aquariums running on open systems. I am all for research on this type of thing but I would not call hoards of novice aquarist buying this coral to later watch it die research. There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of people buying this coral for home aquariums are novices and allowing the average novice aquarist (indeed encouraging it) access to this coral I believe adds little to knowledge of its requirements in captivity. The inevitable outcome is that the same mistake is made over and over again ad nauseum. That is hardly a scientific approach. Perhaps this is an area where licensing aquarists to keep certain types of inverts would be sensible. At the very least, I believe that it should be mandatory for anybody selling
Goniopora spp. and some other hard/impossible corals, to advertise their poor record in captivity and difficulty in keeping them as I would say that most people buy them not knowing this. Selling this type of coral without a warning is a bit like selling a car with a major design fault (eg in the brakes) without disclosing this and when the customer brings it back saying "yeah, we were just getting you to do some research on that for us. How did it go?". A coordinated, more scientific approach on this would be something different again. Perhaps you could suggest stopping large scale import and only supplying to people who specifically ask for them and have something new to try? Failing something like that I think that your position is untenable and irresponsible I am afraid. I think the fact that you quoted about them being the third most imported coral speaks volumes for the magnitude of the slaughter and really dispeals the idea that they are just being brought in for research.
my $0.02 as an outsider... hey cool, this thing cuts both ways