DanConnor":n8qqzc0z said:I bet Greg is wishing he never brought it up right about now...
hi.Podman":1hbd77yg said:...sincerly Pod T. Man...
why can't i decide if i believe that or not?seamaiden":1hbd77yg said:again, i'd like to point out that just because something ends up in print, doesn't make it true.
andy-hipkiss":1qjzkz2z said:I must say I agree with Greg on this point. For a simplistic reason, it tends to curb the flame wars (at least a little) .. if "one" is replying to a post by "Kermit_the_frog" then it's too easy (at least for me anyway) to be more abrupt. A fault on my part, sure, but I just find it different talking to a real name (i.e. person) rather than a "joke" name.
Perhaps it's a "fault" that being of fishnet many years ago imbues upon us?
Saying that, I always thought Greg was a screen name
Save_the_Expos":3m49mmi2 said::
I don't remember when signing up that this was an experts forum or for that matter a friends of Greg Schiemer forum. If somebody asks what do you think about ACME powerheads and I've bought four and they've all failed I shouldn't say so? Because of my handle or because I could be an 8 yr old girl? I thought the point of this message board was so several people could express opinions and then the poster/reader could make up their own mind. If I post such a question I figure the more intelligent responses the better informed I will be. You could be a 80 year old escaped mental patient posting as Greg Scheimer. Welcome to the internet!
Since you apparently invented the aquarium you probably have more contacts in the industry than I do, who's to say you're not "on the take"? I can assure you I haven't sold an aquarium related thing in my life. How can i prove that? would you like to see a pay stub? The only equipment issue I've responded to is to say I like my Remora Pro. If you think someone's a commercial schill check their post history it will be blatantly obvious. Please provide a list of all Greg Schiemer approved posters so we can all disregard the average hobbyist who has chosen a different field of work. Again I have never presented my opinion as anything but that -an opinion. Judging by your whopping 49 posts (many relating to wacky screen names) I hope people aren't holding their breath waiting for a response from yourself or someone of your "pedigree" to respond. No- I'm not a marine biologist. No-I don't play one on TV. But please I've read a lot and i think I can comment on equipment I've personally owned or things that are common knowledge on a public board.
Greg Scheimer":1xcwpz43 said:Just trying to make a point here not rile anyone. Like many other's here I trust fellow members by what they say any not their username.
Greg Scheimer (not)
Albert Thiel":2gnnb4fw said:After 5 years, I finally decided to get back into the hobby.... So what happened lately??
Anybody want to buy a new book that I am writing about this hobby?
Save_the_Expos":3cum35pu said:Greg,
First off I should say I did not mean any disrespect to you personally or to demean your experience,efforts or knowledge in any way. One of my few posts was to recommend Marine Fish and Reef 2003. As you are probably aware you have an article in said magazine.
IME people who say things like "nothing personal" usually follow it up with something personal. I have chosen to speak on behalf of those who have "wacky" screen names and newbies, because ,well... you chose me,even if by accident. Maybe I have let my arguments get personal but you did choose me and ,as I've previously stated, after a disagreement in opinions.Same thing goes for Naesco (where is he by the way?), the other name you brought up. In other words if you truely wanted to just make an observation and not make it personal why not make up a name? Here's one : I EAT INSULATION. I personally find your attitude quite elitist: if I don't recongnize your name you must not have anything intelligent to say. Again, I'm not talking about myself! It's a big world Greg! I'm sure a lot of people have learned a lot reading and lurking on this forum and lots of it from some of the wacky names previously mentioned. If all you want to do is chat with your buddies, Do what I do, go out for a beer with them. Remove the word "I" from my previous posts and insert any other "wacky" name, or well-read newbie, or anyone unknown to you ,for that matter,and all my points stand. Several people have pointed out to you that advice should be taken in context with the source and I've personally pointed out to you that with a simple click you can find anyone's entire post history if you're really worried about commercial post,hidden agendas,etc.... You quoted my entire post and have ignored any opinion differrent to yours . How's your reading comprehenshion?
I will admit that I'm a bit obnoxious if you agree that your discussion skills and logic are a bit lacking...