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I'm good at not being pinned down too. Is a tang reef safe? Sometimes.. Will X fish get along with Y fish? Sometimes...



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It has now been 14 days since I ordered one for testing. I have received no order acknowledgement, no tracking or shipping info, and no product.

Stay tuned...


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Their website claims all orders ship next day. I think that you might want to drop them an email to confirm they recieved your order. If they shipped it the next day I think that you would have received it by now. Good luck and I'm looking forward to reading your review.


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I just went over to my friends house, who has been using the 200 model on his 180. He's been using it for at least 2 months now, tons of hair algae, cyano, massive macro growth, algae even forming inside the tube and the damn thing broke when I went to remove the hoses for shipping. Its made out of a thin wall plastic that gets brittle with age (almost a year). His tank looks JUSt like my system did. I update in a few weeks on how his tank is/isn't improving since the removal of the unit.

MattM, you can take apart this one as it is useless now, one end broke. POS. I'll email you the details.


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What I find surprising is that you gave this "POS", that caused you more problems then any aquaria product you've ever owned , to a friend. You stated earlier that it had the same results on his tank and yet he left it on his tank for over 2 months.
Are you suggesting that the ECO is responsible for the algae problems or were you trying to correct the problem with the ECO? Try not to get upset with my questions, just trying to understand why and how you come to the conclusions that you are sharing with us. A lot of people have hair algae and cyano problems and to my knowledge none blame the ECO.

Hey, I even put the unit on my friends 180g recently and tested it for a few weeks. No improvement in water clarity, didn't stop algae growth, and it messed up his skimmers action as well.

This product has caused me more problems then any aquaria product I've ever owned


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What I find surprising is that you gave this "POS", that caused you more problems then any aquaria product you've ever owned , to a friend. You stated earlier that it had the same results on his tank and yet he left it on his tank for over 2 months.

What, you find it hard that I wanted to confirm what I found? All problems it may/may not have caused are correctable. Hair algae on live rock, what ever, change out the rock (not hard when you work in wholesale), or combat it. The answer to question 2 is, I had no clue he was still using the thing, I thought he pulled it a while a go (I haven't talked to him in a while) like we'd talked about. I only found out he was still using it when I went to pick it up to ship to Matt.

Are you suggesting that the ECO is responsible for the algae problems or were you trying to correct the problem with the ECO? Try not to get upset with my questions, just trying to understand why and how you come to the conclusions that you are sharing with us. A lot of people have hair algae and cyano problems and to my knowledge none blame the ECO.

Well lets see, no hair algae or cyano BEFORE eco. The unit was placed on his clean system to see what would happen to his system. Yup, a lot of people do have problems with hair algae and cyano, but are they also using the eco product as well? Were there problems before hand? Is their tank cycling? Are they overfeeding, underskimming? I know my friends entire system maintance, feeding habits and system set-up, nothing is out of whack. His skimmer is rated at 400g, his parameters were fine before eco was placed on the tank and he's only got 3 small fish, so overfeeding isn't a problem. No, I nor him have tested the parameter recently (algae producng paremters), but I do know is PH, calcium, and alkalinity are great, his calcium reactor and kalkwasser supplements keep them in check.

This product has caused me more problems then any aquaria product I've ever owned

I have never had to debate a product I've found to be defective, defend my personal expereinces, respond to untruths from company owners publicly and privetly. I find those to be problems I've never had with any other aquaria product, hence this product has caused me more problems then any aquaria product I've ever owned OR SOLD.


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Thank you for sharing your observations but I find it very hard to believe that this device could cause algae to proliferate. (But don't get me wrong, I don't think the Eco will do a darn thing to make a tank better either.) There is a more tangible explaination for your friends problems.



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Ive been addicted to this reef hobby for about 2 years. I currently have a 125 gallon reef tank with a aqua-c skimmer. When I read about the aqua-aqualizer, I was real skeptical about the manufacture's claims. I also read numerous reviews and message boards about this "miracle" product. I did notice that a large number of the negative critics were written by hobbist that never actually tested the product.

Despite the almost overwhelming negative reviews, I decided that by purchasing it, I would have an opportunity to judge its claims. I ordered the eco-aqualizer via the website about a month ago. I received it 5 business days later. I installed it and saw no real difference in water clarity until the 3rd day. I can't explain how it works, but my water has never looked clearer. My corals and fish are also doing very well. :D


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There is a more tangible explaination for your friends problems.
I find it very hard to believe that this device could cause algae to proliferate.
I'm all ears, but 2 out 2 times its had the same results. I've never expereinced this before iin all my years, in such perfect conditions. I could see if the tanks were under skimmed, lack of water movement, not maintaned, spectrural shift, etc. but that isn't the case in either set-up. My friends 180 is what I'd consider to be my dream set-up. His tank is overskimmed (Aqua-C skimmer), employees 2000g an hour return w/ 2 Sea Swirls, has a highly lit refugium, has fairly new MH bulbs and he's activelly maintaining the system. Its got a calcium reactor with 4 month old media. He only uses r/o di water for all applications, and the ro cartidges are just fine.

If you read back thru my posts, you'll see I said the eco seems to effect the skimmers performance(both tanks skimmers acted the same). It seems to make the water more viscous, limmitting the skimmers effect. The skimmer produces less skimmate, and of a lesser grade. The bubbles aren't as thick(less bubbles) then with out the eco product. I believe this is the cause of the nutrient build up that has caused the major algae bloom. My friend feeds 1/2 a formula cube daily tom his 180, that shouldn't normally be a reason for any nutrient build-up (he doesn't believe in any supplements other then ones for calcium, alkalinity and ph. He doesn't even use the phytoplankton I gave him). He's stopped with the eco product, but is keeping all the same habits. we'll see what changes happen.

One thing no one on any board has sudgested is, this could be a defective product (intrerior broken with contact to the far read material inside it (full of phosphates or something?)--remember this product isn't just magnets). We'll find that out when Matt recieves it from me, and takes it apart. I'd like to know as well. I'll eat my words if its the case.


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Good for you, Jager! :D

Is there anyone else out there that can share their experience with the Eco? So far we have one nay and one yay..

....But there is still no valid scientific explanation as to how this device might benifit or harm an aquarium.


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Welcome to RDO! jager67

Would you please elaborate on 'looked clearer'.

Also, forgive my asking, but could you provide some more info about you. 1st post to this board and its being pro ECO just seems like something they would do to promote their product. I am sure this is not the case, but, after reading this thread, I am sure you understand my wondering.




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Thanks for the welcome! What would you like to know about ne Righty? As for the water being clearer. The best way to describe it would be that the water has less tiny debris floating around. The skimmer I have is a very good one and it seems to be working better than ever. Thus far my corals are thriving. I know the "miracle" product has only been in my reef system a month, but I will definitely post any further reactions on this message board. Im not afraid to admit when im wrong.

As for my reef tank. its been running for almost 2 years. I have quite a bit of live stock: regal tang, purple tang. salifin tang (all get along fine!) 2 false perculas, barlett anthia, fire fish, banggai cardinal, gold head gobby, engineer goby, and a lawnmower blenny and an abundance of snails and small crabs. my corals consist of a plate coral, several ricordia mushrooms, brain coral, and a varitey of star polys. I have a metal halide system (2 x 175 watt) with 2 actinic bulbs (55 watts each). I have the aqua c -180 protien skimmer and an iwaki pump that return the water from the 30 gallon sump. Im sure ive left out plenty! lol :D


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You'll have to forgive Righty, He doesn't believe anything he reads about this product, unless it is negative.


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Jime":3np5q1ok said:
You'll have to forgive Righty, He doesn't believe anything he reads about this product, unless it is negative.

Was this post really necessary or prudent?


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Was this post really necessary or prudent?

Probably not, but definitely not the first post in this thread that can be considered unnecessary.

forgive my asking.... seems like something they would do to promote their product

His own words, I'm just agreeing that he should be forgiven and explaining why I think so. He asked no follow up questions of GreshamH when he posted his negative review of the ECO.[/quote]


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For the record-

Every thread I've been onvolved with concerning this Eco product, has had a new poster post in favor of the product, never the other way(not in favor of the product). It always makes the other posters suspect of the newbie(1 poster). The last thread I was involved with, the new poster posted all the propaganda from Eco's site and went as far as to quote email exchanges he had with Eco. Suspect, sure, a mole for Eco. not sure.


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Jime":wcwvfnfj said:
righty said:
forgive my asking.... seems like something they would do to promote their product

His own words,

No, an edited version of my own words, edited to rationalize your sniping.

I'm just agreeing that he should be forgiven and explaining why I think so.

No you aren't. You are taking pot shots at me, and you know it.

And you are incorrect. 'He doesn't believe anything he reads about this product, unless it is negative' is untrue. I believe much about the product and the company, just not its claims about how the device works, and to a large extent that it does what they say it does.

He asked no follow up questions of GreshamH when he posted his negative review of the ECO.

Perhaps because I had none.

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