liquid":3m6214a0 said:
Here's an interesting question: if the LFS is paying you the wholesale price for your coral, should they in return let you buy your purchases based on the wholesale price? If they're paying you wholesale for your coral but charging you retail on your purchase they're making $$ off you two ways: 1) they're gaining profit from paying you wholesale for your coral and selling it for retail and 2) they're buying a coral for wholesale from their wholesaler and selling it to you for retail. I'm not sure that seems quite fair to me.
Not sure I follow you on this one Shane. Buying at wholesale (regardless of
from whom) and selling at retail (regardless of
to whom) is what the retail sales business is all about!
Look at it this way: If one of our regular distributors calls up and want to buy something, we're gonna sell it at retail - just like to any other customer. The exception case would be if they want to buy a large quantity of something on an ongoing basis, then we become the destributor, at least for that particular product. But we would still have to sell it to them for something more than our cost, otherwise why bother?
Also, in general, the people selling frags to us are purchasing dry goods, not more corals.
The one exception case I can think of is that we give away Carib-Sea reef rock to some customers that use it to mount frags they will be selling back to us. There is a certain level of trust here -- we don't want to be giving away products for corals that will be sold to other stores in the area :!:
And when we buy frags from customers it's a straight wholesale purchase. It's actually better for the customer that way than consignment would be -- if it should die in our tanks it's our loss, but it would be their loss if it was on consignment. Or, they could argue that we owe them anyway because we killed it, or any number of other possible hassles. It is more clear cut for everyone if we buy it, we own it, and we take responsibility for it.