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Very nice. Amazing growth. I like the Lumenarc Mini as well and agree with you on the glass removal PITA.


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Thanks for the nice comments all. My wife isnt throwing them out there on a regular basis. :lol:

I am thinking of using a dremel and cutting one of the flanges off of one side of my lumen arcs the next time I take them down. The regulars have the ability to slide the glass out. apparently this is an engineering aspect that was over looked during design.

I like to slide my glass out of my pendants every few months to get the salt of the outside and the haze off the inside. My light rack is to Ghetto to be removing the pendants even once a year. For me its was worse than a PITA and closer to a nightmare to hang them.


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Linked over from Classclown's thread. Your tank looks great. Any updated FTS? What is the coral in the bottom right hand corner? I'd love to see a close up. I love the ORA sarcophyton.


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OH boy! This may take a while.
First off, I guess eighteen years of agressive FW have caught up with me. I have an agressive SW reef. :cry:
My fish list:
A pair of Gold banded maroon clown fish
A hippo tang
A pacific sailfin tang
A four line wrasse
My two green chromis recently died.
and my diamond goby apparently got squished during my recent re-aquascaping.
I currently have five fish. Believe it or not. The two tangs and my female maroon tend to school. The four line is a bully, seems to run the tank and displays (flashes) for me every day after work. The four line is my favorite fish due to its social ( to me ) personality. It recently killed my latest addition to the tank within 48 hours. A melanaraus wrasse. Intended to eat flatworms of all species.
That brings us to how things are up north. Summer is crappy this year. Sunny all week and then cloudy or rainy on the weekends. Its a horrible cycle we occasionally get caught in here in the NW and beside the point.
I am currently battling AEFWs (acro eating flat worms) they are apparently one of the worst pests a reefer can come across. I have no idea where they came from. I havent intoduced a new frag to my display in four months, and my frag system in three. Last month I noticed them in the frag tank and two weeks ago in the 120. Last weekend I broke the 120 down of all the Acro's and decided to use the opportunity to reaquascape. Apparently I killed my goby. Moving 165Lbs of rock after the detritous storm isnt easy. Especially when you have 13 rocks ranging form 5 to 45Lbs. Im sure the 45 pounder did the goby in. That was a tough move on a ladder.
Currently, all of my acros are in my 40 Breeder getting iodine dips every five days. They arent excepionally happy but they arenty dieing and they arent browning out too quickly either. If you read up on AEFWs you will see. Im not doing too bad.
Ill post pics after I reintrduce the acros to the 120

I have learned a great lesson here. QT! QT! QT!!!!!
In the last year Ive had Red bugs twice, monti eating nudibranches, and now AEFWs. Nothing compares to the latter of the three. All in all. Things could be much worse. Believe it or not, I dont expect any losses from this. Most lose alot.


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Well, really sorry to hear about the problems and the crappy weather (but at least you're not getting 110 degrees with 100% humidity every day! ;) ) but it does sound like you now have it under control. Have you treated your tank with anything after removing the acros?

Again, sorry to hear it. Keep us updated and get some pictures up when you get things straightened out. :D


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bleedingthought":2xadf64w said:
Have you treated your tank with anything after removing the acros?
No, I wont treat the display with anything. By letting it sit fallow of acros for at least a month, the AEFWs in there should starve to death. There are two in tank treatments but neither heve been heavily reef tested. I posted A question about Levamisole (cow medicine) but it is known to cause an average 20% death rate in the corals. It will also kill the inverts and potentialy the fish.
The only tried and true method is an Iodine dip every five days for near six weeks. The iodine kills the worms but not the eggs. These buggers apparently are immune to FWE although they are a species of flat worm.

From now on I can gurantee. When I get a new frag. It will get dipped in an interceptor/fluke tab mix followed up by an iodine dip. I've had more than my share of pests in the last couple of years.


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Oy! Sorry for the icky news.

Check out this page for how Bay Area Reefers (BAR) are dealing with pests:

http://www.bareefers.org/discussion/ind ... 6#msg15736

The general idea:

General purpose dipping guide

Mix with saltwater according to coral type. Immerse the corals in the dip, and agitate periodically with a turkey baster. Inspect for pests and their eggs. You may find redbugs, acro eating flatworms, red planaria, monti eating nudibranchs, zoanthid eating nudibranchs, zoanthid spiders, and others.

The pests may be stunned enough to be blown off the coral, but not necessarily killed.

After dipping, rinse and quarantine the coral.

3ml/liter 25 min

2ml/liter 10-15 min

3-4ml/liter 25 min

3ml/liter 25 min

3ml/liter 25 min

Some corals have tolerated up to 2ml dip per 8oz saltwater for 25 minutes. Montis may lose color at this concentration of dip. 2ml/8oz should be the strongest concentration to use if you are experimenting. Iodine levels peak at approximately this dosage rate, and will actually decrease as you add more of the dip.


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Good luck with the fight.
So far I have been lucky with regard to AEFWs, I'm tempted to stop acquiring new SPS while I am ahead.
Hope everything comes through the treatment alright, you have a great looking set-up.


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Thanks for the words of encouragement. Also, thanks for the little excerpt form the BAR Thales. I may have been adding too much Iodine to my mix thus weakening the solution. I had no idea it was possible.
Today is another dip day. 5G of SW and 1.5hrs will get me a little further along. I can wait to get my acros back into my display. :cry: Maybe in another month if Im lucky.


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bleedingthought":31uexbd9 said:
Considering how good your tank looked, this should be worth it in the end. Hang in there! :)
Dont worry. I wont be quitting the reef keeping business any time soon. Other than some browning out I dont expect to lose any colonies at all. The acros in my display that were worst eaten dont even have any tissue necrosis. The areas that were infected, to my surprize have already regained color in those areas. Fortunately I caught it early. I will post some pics when I restock the tank.

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