The very first sentence of the permit application states explicitly that the corals are going to the Reef Savers facility. "Collections of corals from the FKNMS will be put into permanent culture at the designated facility (Reef Savers, Inc.) ..." Additionally, there is an entire passage on Reef Savers as the "Culture Site" on the second page posted of the permit application. For any of these NOAA individuals to allege later that they did not know that the corals were going to Reef Savers is utterly ridiculous.
Also, the permits for coral collection give no restrictions on coral size. The only mention of taking larger corals than allowed was nearly a year after the permit was issued and 11 months after Eric gives a detailed inventory of what he took, how much, and what size. Why the wait? Also, if Eric was knowingly taking corals larger than allowed, why in the world would he give a detailed description of what he took, how much, and how large? Why not simply falsify the inventory to cover up the removal? That makes no sense.