Wasn't the Macaw tribe the one that use AK's to hunt the first whale years back and sunk it with out capturing it?It ain't personal. He was just waking us up after New Years.
A few million hobbyist never asked for cyanide fish?
How did they get here with this issue being so public for decades now?
Even people who don't have aquariums have heard of it!
But its true, when the retailer says..."Oh that, they solved that years ago"...the plausible deniability is there and is apparently good enough for everyone.
A few million consumers of shrimp, wild salmon, tuna and sea turtles never asked for depletion and destruction either...they never do. They just want to consume, buy and deny.
Isn't that the way the system works?
The numbers taken by the Japanese are not small and not driven by science but a corruption of it.
The Macaw tribe in Neah Bay takes small numbers of whales...ie. 1 or 2 or 3. Thats not the Japanese commercial fleet at all.
I've been to Neah Bay...not much to do there. Few jobs ...too far for a casino!
Pehaps the traditional whaling permits should be bought out.
The legalization of small numbers of say, wonderpus allow breeders to have a shot at producing them in captivity. You know this already and are being a smarty-pants.:spin:
Asking egg heads ie. knowledgeable reefsfolks to contribute to a list of inverts to slow down on or ban is not driving sustainablity but contributing to the development of a program that is.
The mass market that drives the reef trade is hardly represented by the smaller elite whose brain trusts we respect and want to tap into.
Go hang out at the fish section of any of the thousands of petcos and see where we are not going for suggestions.
Comon, what else ya got?
Happy New Years ...
We've been asked to keep this one on track Steve. Let's respect Jhales wishes and we just talk on the phone and email like we always do, or take it to RDO They just want info about the netting project it in this thread. You, as well as me, sure don't see how this is not connected, but we've spent a very long time on the issue and understand it far better then 99.99% of the trade.
One thing though, I have it it a thousand times from hobbyist and retailers alike that they "thought" the problem had been taken care of years ago. They aren't aware the efforts of many have failled. You are, I am, they aren't I have global contact with hobbyists and LFS and I hear the same tune over and over. Being I know the details I eduacate them as I go along, but I am just one man in an ocean of people