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Ol' Skool
White Plains, NY
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Mamaroneck Field Trip

Good times yesterday exploring Mamaroneck beaches. I managed to grab a bunch of Grass Shrimp, and Amphipods. I was like the Karate Kid out there, using Chop Sticks to catch fly's. I was armed with only a 5"X4" fine mesh net duck taped to the end of painters extension pole. Technique was not a strength when I first got there but I quickly learned and started catching shrimp by the net full despite it's small size. There were lots of snails (Ilyanassa obsoleta) , mussels, oysters, and blue legged crab. I was tempted to scoop up some snails for my display tank, but after reading this article, I thought otherwise. I suggest reading the article, if for nothing else to help prevent these from spreading new areas.


Paul B

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Yeah, they are wicked tiny. Like generally no bigger than a quarter in size. Bodies are green base with a very light pink thin stripe in a pattern similar to star fish leg pattern. Their tentacles are this same pink. It reminds me of bepto bismol (sp).

They are rather good looking and I am going to put a bunch of them in my Long Island Sound tank. I already have 4 of them in my reef (which of course is not a good idea but experiment I will)

They open up to about the size of a golf ball with white tentacles, agreen body with distinct fine pink stripes on the body.
I will post a pic eventually.
I doubt they are photosynthic as they are found in very muddy water which is 8' deep at high tide and only a few inches deep at low tide.
I have been feeding them mussels but in my smaller tank I will give them new born brine shrimp. I have only seen them in this one tide pool out of many. The pool is about 50' by 50' and gets run off from a lake at low tide. If they can live there, they can probably live anywhere except that their food intake is probably high and they may possable need the high nutrients and (unfortunately) pollution present at this location.
Booze, Bob and Wingo, they were collected right near where I fell in that hole.

Paul B

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Tuni did you identify these things yet?
Mine are wandering all over the tank. They are eating tiny pellets and mussel meat.
I want to get an entire tank of them. They look much nicer than my mojano anemones which are dull brown (and a pest).

I will be going collecting again hopefully this week. I was there every day last week but diden't go ashore. Too much partying on the boats and too far a swim. I also need to change my other water pump, the expensive one, it is making too much noise and since I got stuck with Tuni I really need to do some maintenance.

Paul B

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The anemones are still looking good and I think one of them split. They will probably take over my tank and maybe even my living room

They seem to like small pellets even better than mussel meat.
When I get time I want to get a bunch of them for my local tank.
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The anemones are still looking good and I think one of them split. They will probably take over my tank and maybe even my living room

They seem to like small pellets even better than mussel meat.
When I get time I want to get a bunch of them for my local tank.

Try algae. I found a lot of Florida Tempa Bay hitchhikers eat algae. May be same here for those animals that live around tide pools.

Paul B

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I have never heard ao an anemone eating algae but I will try it. They do not rely on symbiotic algae so maybe they need algae.

Hey Wingo, how are those amphipods and shrimp doing? I still have some of those tiny fish from a week before we went collecting.
I have been at the collection place almost every day but Ionly went ashore once since then. I need some time out there when we are not all tied up with other boats to do some collecting. I also want to take along a good camera for some close up pictures.
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Advanced Reefer
Staten Island
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pod collection

Paul I'll be there also. I need the exact location. Also what to bring. Sounds dumb but I have a 3mil wetsuit. Should I use it or do we jump in and wade as-is? I saw the pics & everyone looked cold.
Tobin (Bob1000) let me know if you want to carpool as it'll be a long ride in rush hour traffic from S.I. Also if anyone else from the Island is interested in coming let us know.

Paul B

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No you don't need a wet suit. The water is about 70 degrees. You will be dying in a wet suit. I spent all last week in that water.
You need a bucket a net and a bathing suit. Sunscreen wouldn't hurt and if you have waterproof insect repellent that would also be nice.
You can bring a camera but we will be wading to shore in 5' deep water.
I will call you.
We have room for two more if anyone wants to come.

Paul B

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how big of a net are we talking about here?

A net big enough to put a shrimp in. You don't even really need a net because I bring a large two people scene net but if you want to wander off and catch other things you can bring a net. I also use a small net to strain the catch before we bring it home to get rid of all the muddy water.

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