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Paul B

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We probably will not go next week as the tide is wrong but maybe the week after.
The shoes are not waterproof, they can be sneakers. You just need something to walk on the rocks with in the water. There is broken bottles and sharp broken shells all over the place, it is impossable to walk there barefoot, trust me.
The water at the site is only a few inches deep

Bob on the LIE you will be going the opposite direction from the traffic so it won't be bad after you pass Manhattan. If you can get around Manhattan that would be better.
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Paul B

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No I found it. This morning I was taking some wallpaper down up stairs and I had to wet the walls good. After a while some water got into one of the light boxes which I have removed for this job. I always wondered what was on the same circuit as my tank. I wired this place 30 years ago and don't have a clue what I connected to what. Being an electrician, I don't pay much attention to my own home.


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Staten Island
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Paul, I just spoke w/Tobin (Bob1000) & it looks like we will be joining you for breakfast. Are 3 or 6 mil scuba boots good enough for the rocks? If not I'll just wear some old sneakers. It seems the weatherman was wrong as usual. It's not supposed to rain now until the evening. Looks like it will be a good day after all. I'll bring a cooler w/ a few beers & waters for tomorrow.


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Still you should have some zip lock to protect it in case the lip fell open.

Boozeman already mentioned to join me for the Hong Kong Western Style breakfast near my place, so do you want to join. If you pass by on the way, wann joinn us in the morning. Actually, I think we don't need that many cars. May be Boozeman can car pool over from my place and you par your car around here.

what's Hong Kong western style? remember I have to get on a boat after this :tongue1: no exotic Dim Sum please.

I could park by you, will my car be alright for the day? :eek:

pm me your adress, or place to meet, it makes sense to take less cars these days. I'm going to bring a five gallon bucket to bring home the catch of the day.

Paul B

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SIReefer I have a cooler on the boat but you can bring one and transfer the stuff to my cooler. It is going to be crowded with 6 people and all those buckets.
Your SCUBA boots may be fine as long as you could walk on broken mussels with them. I know mine are 1/4" but they have hard soles. I use beach socks which are really thin nylon shoes with hard bottoms.
We walk through here.

But most of the collecting is done here.

Paul B

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Don't be a Sissy. It's not a good day of collecting unless you leave some blood behind so the sharks can find you as you head back to the boat.

Good thing Booze brought some fine Cognac for the pain.
I cut myself every morning before breakfast just to get my man genes moving.
By the way I have no insurance so if you get hurt I will throw you a turnaquet to tie around your neck
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Paul B

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Well another collection day has come and gone and the sea has much less shrimp and amphipods in it. The amphipods are not swarming like they were last week so you have to work for them a little but the shrimp are still taken by the pound.
Unfortunately Boozeman tried to out do the scrape I got on my leg last time and he got a bigger one. Bled all over the Sound. He diden't cry much though and he took it like a man. I told him a man would clean it out with steel wool.
Wingo jumped in the water first which was over his head, he is afraid to put his head under our pristine water. If it is good enough for amphipods, and snails :snail:it should be good enough for him :bablefish
We had two Bob's there only one Bob is really Tobin. Jhale was content to take pictures :type: of every snail, barnacle, sand flea and blade of grass.
Booze kept telling me that I diden't have to smile while he was taking close ups of baby horseshoe crabs in my hand. Many of them are about 1/4" long. We did not take any of them nor the numerous fiddler crabs.
We did get a bunch of those anemones which I am sure are pests.
When we got back to the boat they all yelled :givebeer:
Which I had in the cooler.
We almost overheated and got stuck again as we went fast. I figured out on the way home what the problem is and hopefully will have it corrected this week. During that stuck thing most of Bob's shrimp died but Wingo had a fifty gallon drum of them so he gave a bunch to Bob.
I diden't take any pictures so hopefully Booze and Jhale will post some.
I also diden't collect anything for my tank, It was enough to try to keep these explorers from drowning as they complained wading back to the boat.
Thanks guys for not getting any amphipod guts on the boat. My wife will be happy.
Bob that underwater camera I have is a Sea&Sea Motor Marine 35 MX 10
Have a great day.
The bottom right of this picture is where Booze left some skin
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Paul forgot to mention it was only a 1/4 mile walk from the boat to the shore :lol2:

The hardest part about catching the shrimp was getting there, in two passes with the net Bob and Paul caught enough shrimp for all of MR. I have some pics I'll post, and Booze will get bragging rights when you see what he did to his leg. Shrimp collecting is a full contact sport!

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