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ok ,,again im on my thinkinh mood ,every morning i wake up and do the same things ,wash myself up and then feed my Pets(Sonny & My tank)
As im feeding my Fish and Corals ,i open my freezer and take out 3 cubes (small ones ) maybe 2 and some cyclo-peze..
here what gos thrrough my mind ,this froze food that we feed our fish and coral are packed with Phosphates. i wanted to go to the local fish store and pick up some of the following, Squid,Clams,Oysters or something else ,
with some of the dry food that i have home and Seaweed.also cyclo-peze
now ,i want to take a blender and blend up a marine Cusine of my own ,then freeze into little cubes ,and just feed instead of buying all these frozen cubes and pay 5 bux a pack ,,what do you guys think ,maybe i shuold use something diff ..will it work ,,could i use the the local stores stuff?


This way will save me lots and lots of money.and we are feeding them the same thing ,
arent we?


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there are lots of people that make up there own fish food.
it's probably much better than stuff you can buy in terms of freshness.
you can add vitamins too.
I suggest getting a cheap blender to dedicate to the fish food.
Otherwise i will not be having any frozen drinks when I'm at your house ;) :dead1:

bad coffee

Inept at life.
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I only have a 20 gallon tank, so I only make small batches.

Total seafood is about $10 worth, and it lasts me 6 months.

shrimp (More on it later)
small slice of salmon (from my roommate's dinner. shhh don't tell her)
a chunk of cyclopeeze
some freshly made salt water

Put the seafood in the blender. I also add the juice from the mussles and oysters. Leave out a bit of the shrimp. Add some salt water as needed to thin it down a bit. (Shrimp gets really gummy if you blend it too long. so short pulses are the way to go!)
Drop in the cyclo, selcon pulse again.
add the shrimp you left out and pulse a few times. this leaves some of the shrimp chunky for the fish to have fun with. (ever see two clowns play tug of war with a piece of food?)

Spread the whole mixture into small icecube trays and freeze. I have trays designated for fish food only.

Pull the trays out and let them thaw for a few minutes, and dump into tupperware.

I feed one cube every other day or so. Thow one into a shot glass and add some tank water. I target feed some of my lps, and then just dump the rest in the tank, and a bit in the fuge.

Other notes:
I used to throw a sheet of Nori (from the sushi counter) in with the food, but I realized I didn't have any herbivores to eat it.

I quit putting flake food in (Formula 1 prime reef) There's actually phosphates in proscessed foods. (Most scallops are treated with phosphates as well.)

Good luck!


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jhale said:
I suggest getting a cheap blender to dedicate to the fish food.
Otherwise i will not be having any frozen drinks when I'm at your house ;) :dead1:
Whats worng with frozen Shrimp on the rocks,,,one sip and youll grow gills ,,and Missy could use it at her new bar.

Nudibar,,Where you can get your FROZEN FISH DRINK<,MAde Fresh everyday , :irked:
One taste and youll be going Swimming ,


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that's just nasty, when you see what you will be blending I don't think you'll want to drink from the same blender pitcher :D


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Here is another trick. Use a piece of eggcrate, put it on a cookie sheet and fill it with your sloppy mixture. Freeze them and then pop out your perfect size cubes and put them in a ziplock bag. It's a great idea and saves a lot of money and gives your fish fresher food with all the added vitamins.


Old School Reefer
Bronx, NY 10475
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momof6kids said:
Here is another trick. Use a piece of eggcrate, put it on a cookie sheet and fill it with your sloppy mixture. Freeze them and then pop out your perfect size cubes and put them in a ziplock bag. It's a great idea and saves a lot of money and gives your fish fresher food with all the added vitamins.

Eggcrate?!?! What a great idea. Especially for my sized tank.


Senior Member
Brooklyn, NY
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That is a very nice recipe, but don't know what type of seafood to buy. There are just so many time of clam, shrimp, etc..

Hey someone should just blend a whole bunch of this and mixed them up and freeze and sell them here. That way we don't have to get a extra blender, ice cube tray, etc to mixed them, hehehe..


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Tom just go to one of the asian markets and pick up what ever is fresh, they have the least expensive and the freshest fish. or we could ask rich to start delivering the catch of the day to us :D how bad would your car smell after a week of fish delivery?

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