ok ,,again im on my thinkinh mood ,every morning i wake up and do the same things ,wash myself up and then feed my Pets(Sonny & My tank)
As im feeding my Fish and Corals ,i open my freezer and take out 3 cubes (small ones ) maybe 2 and some cyclo-peze..
here what gos thrrough my mind ,this froze food that we feed our fish and coral are packed with Phosphates. i wanted to go to the local fish store and pick up some of the following, Squid,Clams,Oysters or something else ,
with some of the dry food that i have home and Seaweed.also cyclo-peze
now ,i want to take a blender and blend up a marine Cusine of my own ,then freeze into little cubes ,and just feed instead of buying all these frozen cubes and pay 5 bux a pack ,,what do you guys think ,maybe i shuold use something diff ..will it work ,,could i use the the local stores stuff?
As im feeding my Fish and Corals ,i open my freezer and take out 3 cubes (small ones ) maybe 2 and some cyclo-peze..
here what gos thrrough my mind ,this froze food that we feed our fish and coral are packed with Phosphates. i wanted to go to the local fish store and pick up some of the following, Squid,Clams,Oysters or something else ,
with some of the dry food that i have home and Seaweed.also cyclo-peze
now ,i want to take a blender and blend up a marine Cusine of my own ,then freeze into little cubes ,and just feed instead of buying all these frozen cubes and pay 5 bux a pack ,,what do you guys think ,maybe i shuold use something diff ..will it work ,,could i use the the local stores stuff?