The seasonal thing is kinda neat. I programmed mine for the seaonal lights and temp. I just adjusted all the timing of the lights +5 hours because I dont want to be woken up at 6AM, and would like the lights still on when I get home. I didn't hook it up to my tank yet because just looking at the jumble of wires made me lose my motivation to re-wire everything.
theres a table with the sun rise/sun set for each month, and you can manually enter the sun rise/sun set if you want to change it, then click update
and there was a clock option on mine where it said the tank time and computer time. I also verified that the clock on the jr is going a some seconds slower after a few days, but theres also an option in the manual to have it adjusted per day, so after I compute how much off it gets per day, I'll have it adjust that amount per day to compensate
it is the sun program, but the sun program looks on that table of sun rise/sun set times, therefore you can mimic any area of the world you want. They also let you choose lat/longitude so you can choose the location easier and it'll update the times from the web.
The clock option is in the aquanotes.
The "SUN +000/-000 Then" syntax only allows a max or 120 minutes differential. People normally just shift the controller time to accommodate any additional time variance. The Sun table used to default back to the default table after a power outage, so you would need to edit that table after each reset, I think that problem is fixed in ACIII and IIIP, don't know on the Jr.
I don't think the two clocks from AquaNotes have any affect on the time in your controller. I never notice it effected time on my ACIII's. See what does it do when you connect to your Jr.
I will go to compusa on saturday & pick up the serial cable