John_Brandt":2xv2tdab said:
Mary, you are not exactly a paying "customer" who has written a letter with legitimate complaints or questions. It only takes a brief moment to survey human nature to understand the answer to the question, "How come he don't call?"
MAC Certification "policing" issues in North America are the concern of David Vosseler. Rest assured, no misrepresentation of MAC Certified status will be tolerated by MAC.
John, the vast majority of wholesalers and retailers in the United States are NOT "paying customers". Does this mean that until one antes up, one isn't deserving of responses? OR are you just saying that Mary's questions are not legitmate? They appear legitimate to me, but then I'm not a paying customer either -- not YET ( and not bleedin' likely either at this rate, but it never hurts to dangle that carrot....)
Let's talk about human nature.... as it pertains to "paying customers"....
As you know, I'm a retailer. Each week I see familiar faces and new faces. Some just come in to 'pick my brain' (or what's left of it *g*). Some do not even own a tank yet. They ask questions, I point them in the direction of my book section, I answer their queries to the best of my ability - some buy, some don't (some go to the library...) some visit many times before they ever even buy anything. Some visit every store in town. I invest my time, my knowledge and my patience in each of them - and more often than not, they will come back when they are ready to buy, and they SPEND.... why? Because I invested all that time and effort into them when perhaps others did not. If I dismissed them, thinking, "they aren't paying customers" they would never become paying customers - at least not in my shop - they would go somewhere where somebody WOULD spend the time and effort with them, and value their (potential) business. Just because MAC is the only show in town, they should not have the attitude that it's "my way or the highway" because that's the surest way to alienate the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time.
If MAC wants people to become "paying customers", then it would behove them to invest the time and effort into educating them, answering their questions, making it appealing to them. That is, unless MAC has an accountability problem or cannot or will not provide reasonable answers to the questions at hand. If they don't have reasonable solutions, then they need to stop the pissing contest and do what they need to do to work with the people they need to get along with, in order to satisfy the inadequacy. It keeps appearing to me that there is so much politicking and "I'm not going to talk to this one because (s)he ticked me off" and "Well that one is ticked off so (s)he has to call me first" that it's worse than a frigging soap opera. (And I run a website about a soap opera and it's far less dramatic than all of this!)
If Paul Holthus or the people he speaks for, can't get past their animosity toward Mary, in order to answer some legitimate concerns, that speaks huge volumes about MAC and it tells me that MAC is governed by EGO(s) and not reason.
You also mentioned that MAC will not tolerate misrepresentation (ie: non-certified retailers selling "certified" fish...) Just HOW do they intend to enforce this? It's not like they have the right to impose a fine - they aren't the "fish police" - if a non-certified retailer with a clue, received a "ticket" for selling MAC fish he'd tear it up and laugh. So what will they do? Slap a law suit on any retailer who has the whistle blown on him? Does MAC have the funds to litigate against anybody and everybody who buys fish from that LA place with certified fish, and who might sell them as such? That stuff could be tangled up in courts for YEARS - and I'm sure that the bankrolls behind MAC never intended their money to be used to sue Mom and Pop Fish Store over some questionable signage, over a fish or two that say "MAC CERTIFIED" on the invoice.... It might be an interesting legal argument - the seller bought it as "certified", just what did he do to it to make it non-certified? (oops he didn't cut that check....) the fish is still a fish....
Really, why can't MAC just answer the questions, and stop dancing around the issues? The longer the silence, the worse MAC looks.