John, what you have is the large very rough draft proposal that basically was an estimate on what it would take to do things right using sound scientific methodology to do the ecosystem management correctly. It was a fast incomplete budget and that's all it is and shouldn't be given out as it will only add more confusion.
It is common Practice when developing a proposal to look at the high price proposal that is designed do it right the best way possible and then at a proposal that shows the low end. The Low end proposal was the 100K proposal MAC asked for which isn't enough to provide even a Half Ass Job for training of 500 collectors (note the ecosystem management isn't even mentioned here). The pay and creation of a safe work place for those employed by CORL and the feeding of those 500 collectors and their families while training alone surpass the 100K Proposal amount asked for by the MAC. The second proposed budget CORL Submitted is in the 350K range to train 1000 collectors and do the needed ecosystem management. BTW the 1st high proposal was like 650K and would have trained 2500 collectors and consisted of 3 Net training groups (trained by Ferdinand and Steve) and 9 ecosystem management teams with the equipment needed to do the job in 18 months, along with a full time support of a project director who is actually overqualified for the job.
The one I have passed on to those who matter is now very complete and is a decent proposal that will find a funding source.
Mike Kirda, You have my permission to give out a brief outline or summery of the 350K proposal if you have the time.
Sciguy2 If you knew the underhand dealings that have gone on trying to break up the team Steve, Ferdinand and I have formed you would understand why I don't want to give up all the information until funding is found. The Impasse isn't just in the proposal amount.
I don't need the work, Steve has his hands quite full also, Ferdinand is doing just fine on his own.
We came together as a team for the collectors and those at the other end of the chain of command (the hobbyist) at the request of MAC to look at helping them do the needed work in the Philippines. As I see it even if we do our training independently as long as we meet or surpass the standards set by the MAC and leave it to the collectors themselves to become MAC certified all win. If we can help those collectors find buyers who are willing to pay them a fair price for their fish then backsliding will not occur in high amounts as before.
John said:
" MAC Headquarters Hawaii was not forwarded several proposals by CORL. Things stalled horribly when all eyes looked to CORL to produce a workable plan. A very very tardy ridiculously extravagant proposal was cobbled together."
This just shows that you don't know what was given to me as instructions.
1st I was told by David V. that there "WAS NO RUSH" to finish any proposal.
2nd Up to a month ago I was told to work with Lino A. in creating the Proposal and not the MAC office. Last communication with Dave V. asked me to work with Peter Scott. (both Peter and Lino are located in the Philippines).
"This proposal was soundly rejected on the basis of lavish unnecessary expenses and a general unprofessionalism."
I informed all that it was the High end budget only proposal and was a 2 day job. Sorry but I have two full time jobs and only the weekends (when I"m not working on CORL or DMWR jobs) available to do added task. I have informed David about this and he said there was "no need to rush." Steve wanted something to bring to IMAC so I sent this as a starting point for discussion but never received an e-mail or Call about it from MAC ( except one call from Dave who mentioned it and I explained again that it was just a rough high end budget for a best case option an was just a starting point for discussion.).
"MAC has made many mistakes in its past and is learning from them. MAC can no longer afford to partner with vague and unmotivated entities."
I hope you will be at the 10th CRTF meeting as you will be removing the mud from your face on this comment.
"Mike Kirda, I know that you have no primary knowledge of these things and were simply "told" them. In that respect, you are innocent of passing these misrepresentations on as fact. "
Mike is still being informed on what's going on and is at least taking the time to learn that CORL is an organization that isn't driven by the almighty dollar. If he would have asked me about the above matters I would have told him as I stated above.
"CORL was as disorganized in their plan when they hoped to align with MAC as they are right here right now in this thread."
Disorganized on our plan?
No, we know how we will go about the training we just aren't willing to hand it over to the MAC.
No after your crap John the days of a chance for MAC to have CORL help it with its problems is quickly coming to an end. In Fact consider it over, I will release a memo to all those involved in the next week or so to fully explain why.
" Any reader's head should be spinning right now when they try to figure out what is CORL, what is the AMDA Fund...what in the world is going on? Good luck!"
Yeah Right.....All they have to do is visit CORL's website to easily learn what it is we are about. If they wish they can join CORL for free, or help sponsor CORL and what it is we stand for. Sorry about the flash all hope to have an option to it soon.
John, I'm not driven by the almighty dollar like you, I actually care about those I try to help and will do what I can to better their lives.
I won't answer you anymore as I have much more important things to spend my time on (see above).
Mike King
Founder and Director of CORL.