• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?



cortez marine":2zb22rmc said:
We are also hoping for the training vehicle to solidify but it is still a moving target...

...Since MAC has ruined its linkage with and sabatoged the accord, pardon us as we at AMDA regroup and reconsider the best strategy...

...Since you and MAC will not support CORL, perhaps we were mistaken that there was support for professional net training in the first place.
AMDA must now find a way to best serve the members interests in obtaining netcaught fish despite these new developments. Our fund will go to supply this effort, whatever it evolves into...

Why on earth should you or anyone else have seriously expected MAC to work with you and Ferdinand on the AMDA project? I had no idea that MAC had to be involved in order for the project to work out. Clearly there is a strained relationship between Ferdinand/yourself and MAC. Why did you plan on working with MAC in the first place?

Not trying to start a war just speaking realistically,


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SciGuy2":2lt13nt7 said:
I find myself right now wondering when and whether this project is going to take off and just what it will end up looking like. I really like the concept of the project. However, it is tough for me to get real excited as it seems to drag on without specific deadlines, specific scope, and specific financial details. I had no idea that MAC had to be involved for the project to be implemement as initially advertised. Is that true? I didn't know that CORL was having problems, either.



I communicate with Steve via e-mail nearly every day.
I don't always get direct answers to my questions, but I do have a bit of a feel for what is going on. That much is true.

The rest of what you are asking is public, mostly. Most of it is contained in posts here in this forum. Much of it is tacked onto threads that may not have started on the specific subject. If you have not followed all the threads, or have gotten tired reading Steve's writing, you may not have seen the important things.

1) The Netting fund drive took place, was fully funded, and is shipping now. This is for the hand nets. This is for the proper netting material, which was not available in the Philippines.

2) MAC-CORL met in Manila and hammered out an accord where CORL would field a net training team or two, training the collectors in various areas.

3) CORL forwarded several proposals to MAC in Hawaii. They went back and forth on numbers and money several times. A final proposal was tendered.

4) The proposal languished. Reasons why are not clear.

5) AMDA launches their netting fund. This is for the more expensive netting and parts for barrier nets. This is barely off the ground yet.

During all this time, some of the players involved were out of contact for weeks at a time. For example, Ferdinand Cruz was working with a village in the Bicol region of Luzon. The area is so remote, there was no cell signal unless he climbed a mountain, oriented the phone in one direction and stood completely still. (If you knew him, you'd know that this is difficult for him.) He was out of contact for over two weeks.

As Steve indicated, the AMDA fund was not really meant for training.
It was meant for netting.

Now, where do things stand?
Good question.

It does not appear that MAC and CORL will work together.

CORL is actively looking for funding, but this takes time. (It was hoped that working with MAC, the funding could be fast-tracked and found rather quickly.) I have personally approached Mike King with the intention of helping out finding funding. Nothing official at the moment, but may be soon.

Regarding funding:
Hobbyists are not going to support the costs needed to train a couple of thousand collectors. A village or two might be able to be trained for a few thousand dollars US. The amount that Mary's netting fund raised is less than what would be needed. This has to come from some other source(s), preferable industry itself or some other foundation or grant dispensing organization.

It is also possible that AMDA's net fund might morph into something else, i.e. net training fund...

Mike Kirda


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SciGuy2":2hlvf2i8 said:
Why on earth should you or anyone else have seriously expected MAC to work with you and Ferdinand on the AMDA project?

MAC was working with CORL. CORL would have hired Steve and Ferdie to set up and do the trainings. Mike King would have been the head.

Things did not work out that way.

The CORL-headed trainings will likely go ahead without MAC.

Mike Kirda


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Original posting regarding AMDA Fund":1wwmasrp said:
The FUND will be used to buy appropriate netting and to train the collectors in the use of those nets

An AMDA Officer":1wwmasrp said:
The amount that was discussed was around $60,000. This is to pay the trainers and not just for netting. The goal is to train 1000 divers.

Okay, I re-read this entire topic thread. Why in the world was I NOT to conclude that this project's ultimate intent is to collect $60K to supply and train 1,000 collectors?

I have faith in the integrity of those involved with this project and hope the details are solidified (and clarified) soon. This topic thread seems like the obvious place to keep people updated on scope changes, goals, etc. of the project.


P.S. I wouldn't even be asking about this project if I didn't want to see it succeed.


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I received an email from Mike King today indicating that the proposal to fund the net training looks like it may be funded. I am sure that Mike King will be on reefs.org soon to explain progress in the implementation of net-training.

Peter Rugec

Mike King

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Hi Peter Please forward that E-mail back to me so I can determine where it came from (I didn't send any to you lately (until now)). But you will be kept in the info loop from now on. In fact check your E-mail now.

To All,
As far as the funding goes there's nothing for sure yet but I have had two meetings with people from a possible funding source and I may be attending their manager meeting in the next two months where one of the DMWR/CORL projects is going to be presented. If this happens it will give me another chance to network with more of their group thus increasing the chances for getting their help for the Philippine net training. The Proposal itself is 90% done and just needs tailoring for the funding organizations it will be submitted to.

Mike Kirda has offered to help find funding for the Net Training and I welcome his offer. I'm up to my neck in CORL, Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) and joint grant proposals, Not to mention the grant proposals for villages to start their own coral farms and artificial reefs for habitat restoration. I have my hands quite full here. There is a very good reason I picked American Samoa to start CORL's track record at, and in the near future I hope I can find the time to explain this choice fully.

It was at the request of all parties involved (Steve Robinson, Ferdinand Cruz, and the MAC) that CORL even considered getting involved in the Philippine Net Training. CORL was to be the rallying flag that all could still support and would bring all the talent together for a successful program. I know both Steve and Ferdinand well and both are very capable of doing the needed net training, what I bring into the equation is my knowledge of community based ecosystem management (one of my jobs here in American Samoa).

It's hard for a new organization to obtain project funding without a track record (It's like getting that first job out of college). This was also the main reason I looked at working with the MAC at first teaming up with an established NGO helps quite a bit in obtaining project funding.
It seems now that MAC has lost all interest in working with CORL, Basically I no longer care about any association with MAC, as I was never that excited about working directly with them. I would much rather see CORL work with all organizations toward our common goals than to be forced into an alliance with one.
I have always maintained that CORL had to stay Independent of MAC in the project and I think this was the major reason the working partnership failed. I also stated at the start that "If CORL was going to do net training it would meet or surpass the standards set by the MAC, and that ecosystem management and planning would be an important part of any project we do" and I stand by that statement. Those areas we train and set up will be able to become MAC certified if they wish to. CORL will also help them with the handling and shipping problems. In the future as CORL's Coastal Resource Management program gets started in the Philippines, it may take a more active role in creating a chain of custody but that's still a long ways off.

I'm sorry I don't have the time to answer everyone's questions on what's going on but my time is at a premium now. CORL is making good progress here in American Samoa and what we accomplish here is laying the foundation for our track record. While laying this track record we are also building our capacity to undertake the net training and ecosystem management in the Philippines.

After funding is secured I will have Mike Kirda release a summery of the Accepted net training proposal.
It's Late and my day at DMWR starts at 5am and ends at 5pm after that its CORL work so I have to go....
Eeek.... forgot I'm Diving tomorrow filming benthic transects and still have to get my gear ready yet .


Mike King
Director of CORL


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SciGuy2":22qiu2ti said:
Okay, I re-read this entire topic thread. Why in the world was I NOT to conclude that this project's ultimate intent is to collect $60K to supply and train 1,000 collectors?

I have faith in the integrity of those involved with this project and hope the details are solidified (and clarified) soon. This topic thread seems like the obvious place to keep people updated on scope changes, goals, etc. of the project.


I'm hoping Steve will be able to chime in today- He had a really busy day yesterday apparently...

From what I know, things are still fluid: The announcement went out while they were still hammering out the details. AFAIK, the details are still being hammered out.

I understand where the confusion is coming from, but consider that they are working on Plan A and Plan B, with a potential Plan C, all depending on funding, not only for AMDA, but also potentially for CORL.

I hope that this clears things up a bit.

Mike Kirda


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Hello folks,
Aside from the big chunk of monofilament bundles of the right kind of barrier netting material, the fund is really ment to be a descretionary one. A fund that has the flexibility to support the right things as they develop.
The flexibility to allocate resources dependant upon the trend and development of the hour gives us power to rise to the occassions unforseen. We want to retain the ability to re-focus and allocate in another direction if the situation warrants such a change.
Anything involving human concerns ie. a plane ticket for Mike King or Ferdie Cruz for example, is not so easy to predict and 'nail down' at the moment, ie. July 1 st. Netting to be sure is an easy fixed cost and easy to reveal.
Rest assured, the BOD of AMDA is responsible for the accounting, particularly the treasurer and all will be reviewable and ah, the word of the month..."transparent".
Sincerely, Steve Robinson
AMDA president


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mkirda":3siaie78 said:
2) MAC-CORL met in Manila and hammered out an accord where CORL would field a net training team or two, training the collectors in various areas.

3) CORL forwarded several proposals to MAC in Hawaii. They went back and forth on numbers and money several times. A final proposal was tendered.

4) The proposal languished. Reasons why are not clear.

Mike Kirda, I know that you have no primary knowledge of these things and were simply "told" them. In that respect, you are innocent of passing these misrepresentations on as fact.

CORL was as disorganized in their plan when they hoped to align with MAC as they are right here right now in this thread. Any reader's head should be spinning right now when they try to figure out what is CORL, what is the AMDA Fund...what in the world is going on? Good luck!


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cortez marine":12bgzs41 said:
Since you have been successful in the "OFF THE RECORD" campaign against CORL... the AMDA support fund project has suffered a setback as well and a loss of time and momentum.
Congratulations for this achievement John.

If you think that I was responsible for MAC rejecting the waste of time that characterizes that "accord", I suggest you blame Elvis Presley instead.


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cortez marine":w260rsp8 said:
So this is the new John Brandt?
Cantankerous, combative and filled with righteous false memories. This should be interesting.

If you are going to accuse me personally of stopping an agreement then expect real ire. I just can't let you get away with that, Steve.


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Mike Kirda (I'm using your last name now because Mike King is part of this thread),

Though others are quick to post sensitive financial numbers on this forum I won't do it without the consent and request of the parties involved. IOW, I'm not going to post figures from a CORL proposal unless CORL insists that I do.

Jaime Baquero

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Hi all,

I saw the first post of this thread and found, I quote " Your AMDA board through its membership is committed to eliminating the use of sodium cyanide in capturing fish for the marine aquarium industry and the FOOD industry". Are you guys serious about it?

I understand there are 2,800 retailers across the US dealing with marine ornamentals, only 80 of those retailers are AMDA members and seems that only half of them are supporting the leadership, meaning that only 1,48% of the retailers in the US support the initiative. Is that % relevant?

Just wondering



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Jaime Baquero":rzmlsgla said:
Hi all,

I saw the first post of this thread and found, I quote " Your AMDA board through its membership is committed to eliminating the use of sodium cyanide in capturing fish for the marine aquarium industry and the FOOD industry". Are you guys serious about it?

I understand there are 2,800 retailers across the US dealing with marine ornamentals, only 80 of those retailers are AMDA members and seems that only half of them are supporting the leadership, meaning that only 1,48% of the retailers in the US support the initiative. Is that % relevant?

Just wondering


Being an AMDA member and chipping in to their net fund is not the ONLY way to support the initiative.

Buying net caught fish, contributing to the MSI net fund and attempting to educate every hobbyist who will listen are other ways.



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I request that the above referenced proposal from CORL/AMDA representatives to MAC be made public.

Since it is apparent that an impasse has been reached that is not being addressed by one or more parties it is possible that public input and influence might help to resolve the issues.



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Though the proposal may be of interest, I do not intend to post it myself on grounds of it being a pending private proposal between CORL and MAC. If Mike King would like that done he can request it. It's not my proposal to give out.

Mike King

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John, what you have is the large very rough draft proposal that basically was an estimate on what it would take to do things right using sound scientific methodology to do the ecosystem management correctly. It was a fast incomplete budget and that's all it is and shouldn't be given out as it will only add more confusion.

It is common Practice when developing a proposal to look at the high price proposal that is designed do it right the best way possible and then at a proposal that shows the low end. The Low end proposal was the 100K proposal MAC asked for which isn't enough to provide even a Half Ass Job for training of 500 collectors (note the ecosystem management isn't even mentioned here). The pay and creation of a safe work place for those employed by CORL and the feeding of those 500 collectors and their families while training alone surpass the 100K Proposal amount asked for by the MAC. The second proposed budget CORL Submitted is in the 350K range to train 1000 collectors and do the needed ecosystem management. BTW the 1st high proposal was like 650K and would have trained 2500 collectors and consisted of 3 Net training groups (trained by Ferdinand and Steve) and 9 ecosystem management teams with the equipment needed to do the job in 18 months, along with a full time support of a project director who is actually overqualified for the job.

The one I have passed on to those who matter is now very complete and is a decent proposal that will find a funding source.

Mike Kirda, You have my permission to give out a brief outline or summery of the 350K proposal if you have the time.

Sciguy2 If you knew the underhand dealings that have gone on trying to break up the team Steve, Ferdinand and I have formed you would understand why I don't want to give up all the information until funding is found. The Impasse isn't just in the proposal amount.

I don't need the work, Steve has his hands quite full also, Ferdinand is doing just fine on his own.
We came together as a team for the collectors and those at the other end of the chain of command (the hobbyist) at the request of MAC to look at helping them do the needed work in the Philippines. As I see it even if we do our training independently as long as we meet or surpass the standards set by the MAC and leave it to the collectors themselves to become MAC certified all win. If we can help those collectors find buyers who are willing to pay them a fair price for their fish then backsliding will not occur in high amounts as before.

John said:

" MAC Headquarters Hawaii was not forwarded several proposals by CORL. Things stalled horribly when all eyes looked to CORL to produce a workable plan. A very very tardy ridiculously extravagant proposal was cobbled together."

This just shows that you don't know what was given to me as instructions.

1st I was told by David V. that there "WAS NO RUSH" to finish any proposal.
2nd Up to a month ago I was told to work with Lino A. in creating the Proposal and not the MAC office. Last communication with Dave V. asked me to work with Peter Scott. (both Peter and Lino are located in the Philippines).

"This proposal was soundly rejected on the basis of lavish unnecessary expenses and a general unprofessionalism."

I informed all that it was the High end budget only proposal and was a 2 day job. Sorry but I have two full time jobs and only the weekends (when I"m not working on CORL or DMWR jobs) available to do added task. I have informed David about this and he said there was "no need to rush." Steve wanted something to bring to IMAC so I sent this as a starting point for discussion but never received an e-mail or Call about it from MAC ( except one call from Dave who mentioned it and I explained again that it was just a rough high end budget for a best case option an was just a starting point for discussion.).

"MAC has made many mistakes in its past and is learning from them. MAC can no longer afford to partner with vague and unmotivated entities."

I hope you will be at the 10th CRTF meeting as you will be removing the mud from your face on this comment.

"Mike Kirda, I know that you have no primary knowledge of these things and were simply "told" them. In that respect, you are innocent of passing these misrepresentations on as fact. "

Mike is still being informed on what's going on and is at least taking the time to learn that CORL is an organization that isn't driven by the almighty dollar. If he would have asked me about the above matters I would have told him as I stated above.

"CORL was as disorganized in their plan when they hoped to align with MAC as they are right here right now in this thread."

Disorganized on our plan?
No, we know how we will go about the training we just aren't willing to hand it over to the MAC.

No after your crap John the days of a chance for MAC to have CORL help it with its problems is quickly coming to an end. In Fact consider it over, I will release a memo to all those involved in the next week or so to fully explain why.

" Any reader's head should be spinning right now when they try to figure out what is CORL, what is the AMDA Fund...what in the world is going on? Good luck!"

Yeah Right.....All they have to do is visit CORL's website www.corl.org to easily learn what it is we are about. If they wish they can join CORL for free, or help sponsor CORL and what it is we stand for. Sorry about the flash all hope to have an option to it soon.

John, I'm not driven by the almighty dollar like you, I actually care about those I try to help and will do what I can to better their lives.
I won't answer you anymore as I have much more important things to spend my time on (see above).


Mike King
Founder and Director of CORL.

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