• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?


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Dear Concerned Aquarist,

We want to take a moment of your time to announce the creation of the AMDA NET & TRAINING FUND. We are establishing this fund to direct the attention of the trade and the public toward the poor handling and catch procedures used to capture the animals used in the marine aquarium hobby in certain areas of the world. This is the first of many steps to be taken to eliminate the use of sodium cyanide to catch our aquarium and food organisms in many areas of the world.

The AMDA NET & TRAINING FUND is focused on improving the chain of custody of our aquarium animals from the collectors to your local retailer. The FUND will be used to buy appropriate netting and to train the collectors in the use of those nets. By improving the catch and handling procedures at the source, a major step toward preserving the environment and improving the quality of our hobby animals will be accomplished.

Your AMDA board through its membership is committed to eliminating the use of sodium cyanide in capturing fish for the marine hobby and the food industry.

Cyanide has been used for decades to capture our aquarium fish. The practice has caused untold damage to the fish, other organisms on the reef, the environment, and to the fishermen in the Philippines and Indonesia. Even though there has been some training over the last 20 years to convert the cyanide collectors to nets, there has not been enough progress to make a real difference. To date most of the effort has been lip service with little substantial progress toward eliminating this deadly practice. The netting needed to expand the technique in practice has been in very short supply. A major step toward stopping the decades long cyanide catch practice is now at hand, and you can help by providing a donation for nets and to facilitate training to the collectors in the use of those nets. The collectors in the Philippines are interested in changing the policies of old, but they need help.

AMDA is currently at the forefront in the attempt to correct the cyanide issues in the hobby during the past months. By using AMDA funds to send our president, Steve Robinson, to the Philippines to distribute the netting and to help train the collectors, we made sure the netting got into the right hands and that they knew how to use the tool. This was the first step to solve this ongoing problem and we need to continue the effort.


With your help and other initiatives, we plan to purchase more netting and continue to provide funds to train collectors in the Philippines to use netting. By expanding the collector's ability to catch fish with netting, the number of different species available to the hobby with fewer short and long term mortalities and far less environmental damage will result. Latent mortalities are the scourge of our hobby and we are on the brink of eliminating these needless mortalities.

In past years the fish mortalities were criticized by customers and retailers, but neither party really knew how to handle the problem in the Philippines and enough fish survived to keep the hobby somewhat happy. That is changing. The losses are unacceptable and we all agree and we now have some direction to begin to solve the problem of cyanide fishing.

Retailers will benefit by our actions and our customers will have fewer problems with keeping fish. At the same time the hobby, through your local aquarium dealer, will endorse new initiatives that use captive breeding or captive grow-out as a way to supply the hobby. Indeed in the upcoming AMDA newsletter, there will be an article by Gilles LeCaillon, a member of AMDA, using new catch procedures to catch unsettled fry in the plankton drift to grow them out in a captive situation. New things are happening all the time. This is an exciting time for us.

AMDA is proud to have initiated this new effort to stop the use of cyanide in our oceans, and we will continue to support the program we started just three short months ago. Other parties have initiated funds to purchase netting. AMDA applauds any help that can be provided to the collectors in the Philippines, but we also believe that providing netting without training is like providing tools to someone without the skills to use them.

Our president, Steve Robinson, has years of experience in training Philippine collectors to catch fish with netting. With AMDA distributing the netting and assisting in the training of the collectors, we believe we have a complete program that will finally show results after years of foot dragging.

This AMDA initiative is important to create a sustainable well-managed fishery that allows the environment, the collectors, and the hobby in the United States to flourish.

AMDA believes the future of the hobby is in the hands of our retailers. We are on the verge of making significant contributions to our hobby and the environment by stopping cyanide fishing and establishing safer and better ways to collect our aquarium inhabitants.

Please become a part of this initiative.

Donations can be sent to:

AMDA Net Fund
P.O. Box #1052
Madison, FL 32341 USA

Make checks payable to: AMDA Net Fund

Visit us: http://www.amdareef.com

Photo: Me-me catches a blue tang the right way, S. Robinson
Photo: Barrier nets, S. Robinson
Photo: Cyanide damage, S. Robinson


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On behalf of Chicagoland Marine Aquarium Society and its members, good luck towards a successful fund drive. CMAS-Chicago donates $100.00 to the CORL Philippine Net Fund.

Field of soft coral with Anthias, Anilao, Philippines 2002, T.G. Sandercock


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The amount that was discussed was around $60,000. This is to pay the trainers and not just for netting. The goal is to train 1000 divers.


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What is AMDA going to do to make this process as transparent as possible? Will we be updated on donation totals, how the money is spent, etc...? What will happen to the money if there isn't enough collected to do the trainings (say you only collect $10,000)? Is there a time frame in mind?

(Just doing my diligent research before I toss any money in the ring.)


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San Francisco
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Mary and all,
What will we do different? Not much. We're already transparent. We already have a treasurer who does her job well. We already have books and already report.
It is true that our website is in need of repair and thats going to be a priority real quick.
Regular updates? Of course! There was never any other intention.

Although the target is 60 K, if it falls short then we'll do good with a lesser amount. In fact we'll do our best with any amount. One thing I can guarantee you. We'll get more bang for the buck than any group prior.
I am much, much more concerned with being effective in the field than anything else. AMDA brings a team with all this and the appropriate officers will do their jobs.
Sincerely, Steve Robinson
AMDA president


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San Francisco
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Time frame?
Netting [ barrier netting] can be purchased ahead of time and so can rigging for it rather quickly but the facilitation of the training venue is the primary focus. Wether it be a CORL and AMDA coalition or one including MAC remains to be seen. As soon as enough money is raised for the initial training 2-3, we will go for it.
Nothing will be more theraputic then for all to see some training teams in action in some collecting areas that count...ie, where there are some fish worthy of raising an eyebrow.
As fish supply gets scarcer, the scrape for the good stuff is on. It makes little sense to train anywhere nearby Manila or anywhere comfortable. Clown trigger area is my first choice to train...in the far North of Luzon.
But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Nothing succeeds like success and once we get in the water, there will be 35 newly converted netcaught clown triggerfisherman in the first 10 days!
If, we had a sugar daddy this week, [ Maineland, Tetra, Aquarium Systems,Energy Savers hint, hint!] this sort of thing could be possible by August!
Time frame...depends on the fundraising speed and effectiveness!
Sincerely, Steve Robinson
AMDA president

PS. CORL has already pledged $400,00 thanks CORL!


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They could be done for about 5-7 K.
The problem is cranking up the trainers and then...if we don't continue training...well they need to work steady. To join us they have to quit what they are doing now.
Still, this first strike might make fundraising a lot more real...ie. after proof , video and all. Others think we should get it all together first and when we start...don't stop.
What do you think?
Sincerely, Steve


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Photo: Collector using a barrier net, S. Robinson.

Photo: Assistant Trainer in action, S. Robinson.


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Still, this first strike might make fundraising a lot more real...ie. after proof , video and all. Others think we should get it all together first and when we start...don't stop.

I vote for baby steps. Like I said in another post...go train, be successful, come back and tell the world, go train some more.


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San Francisco
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These were a shots of training clown triggerfisherman back in 1992 in Polilio Island, Quezon, Philippines.
I may have some more shots of training bluetang fisherman from 1982.
After two decades of baby steps, I hope we can start training soon with a professional, aquarium oriented team and make some more baby steps.
Baby steps have their point. Prove it before being entrusted with a larger mandate and budget.
I hope to add a 2003 training shot to this scrapbook but not some 2113 shots. We must be done with this this decade.

Jaime Baquero

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Hi all,

I am glad to see that Steve is showing good material from the training that took place back in the late 80's . In the second picture "Assistant trainer in action" the name of that assistant is Romulo "Meme" Purgatorio" Haribon's leader trainer in the Philippines during the time Haribon and OVI had projects , this is from the late 80's to 1998. The industry is in debt with this man (Meme Purgatorio) who was responsible for the training of hundreds of fish collectors in the Philippines. All this under the net training program, one of the components of our projects.

Steve, are you interested in getting Meme Purgatorio included in the training team?




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Just curious how much has been raised at this point, Steve.

CMAS will be mailing a check out Monday at the latest.

Mike Kirda


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Donators and the general audience are wishing for explanations and a running commentary of what is going on. MAC is already 3527% more transparent than this AMDA thing.

Please don't let this continue to look like a 'black hole' 8O


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John_Brandt":zucrbfdi said:
Donators and the general audience are wishing for explanations and a running commentary of what is going on. MAC is already 3527% more transparent than this AMDA thing.

Please don't let this continue to look like a 'black hole' 8O

Really? Maybe because I talk to Steve regularly, I have a much different opinion, John. I'd say that AMDA was 3528% more transparent than the MAC.


Mike Kirda


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San Francisco
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What John,
Was there a drum roll of anticipation? Was there and expectation of hidden 6 figure salaries, [ which MAC was opaque on until 'outed' by this forum?]
How about massive reserves of money squandered to no result or 400 K in consultancies or quarter of a million in travel expenses? Is that what you mean? Surely you have us confused with some other group!
There is a few hundred in the AMDA fund which has only been shown on this forum. We have to put several things in place ie. the website and our newsletter first before a serious takeoff.
We are also hoping for the training vehicle to solidify but it is still a moving target. Behind the scenes you guys worked pretty hard "against" CORL and now demand to how what we're going to do?
Since MAC has ruined its linkage with and sabatoged the accord, pardon us as we at AMDA regroup and reconsider the best strategy.
Our treasurer Liz Harris can click out a "bank statement" faster than you can say "net-free training"...but whats the point? Theres little to report at this time.
There was a mistaken comment ...and then piled on by many that we would/could somehow train 1,000 men for 60K. [ with 5-6 trainers salaries, barrier netting, transportation, food and community organizing costs...how could such a rabbit trick be done?]
No, the 'target' of raising 60K was to help LAUNCH AND SUPPLY WITH BARRIER NETS the training program that would've been administered by CORL.
Since you have been successful in the "OFF THE RECORD" campaign against CORL... the AMDA support fund project has suffered a setback as well and a loss of time and momentum.
Congratulations for this achievement John.
Since you and MAC will not support CORL, perhaps we were mistaken that there was support for professional net training in the first place.
AMDA must now find a way to best serve the members interests in obtaining netcaught fish despite these new developments. Our fund will go to supply this effort, whatever it evolves into..
What else would any money go for?
Steve Robinson
AMDA president


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mkirda":2w72jpr2 said:
John_Brandt":2w72jpr2 said:
Donators and the general audience are wishing for explanations and a running commentary of what is going on. MAC is already 3527% more transparent than this AMDA thing.

Please don't let this continue to look like a 'black hole' 8O

Really? Maybe because I talk to Steve regularly, I have a much different opinion, John. I'd say that AMDA was 3528% more transparent than the MAC.


Mike Kirda


I think you have the "warm and fuzzies" because you are on the inside regarding the project. Well, most of us aren't on the inside and feel a bit lost.

I find myself right now wondering when and whether this project is going to take off and just what it will end up looking like. I really like the concept of the project. However, it is tough for me to get real excited as it seems to drag on without specific deadlines, specific scope, and specific financial details. I had no idea that MAC had to be involved for the project to be implemement as initially advertised. Is that true? I didn't know that CORL was having problems, either.


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