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It is a solid fact of life that hundreds and hundreds of stores suffer from these fleas and ticks.
As a wholesaler there is not a day that goes by that I don't hear about it.
What bugs em the worst though is the banality of some to come and brag about saving 6 bucks on a mail order fairy wrasse and then challenging the store to do the same...regardless of his far greater overhead costs.
I fear we'll never get a message thru the hobby of sustainable practices in the field if the general body of hobbyists are so much more obsessed with saving a few bucks then saving the reefs.
I'm embarrassed to think that Filipinos may be reading this stuff here and see how 'benevolent' and 'caring' Americans really are.


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i've seen idjit customers drive 15 miles to save $2 on the purchase price of an item

do you think that after pointing out to them the price of the extra gas, wear and tear on the car, more than cancels out the $2, they decided not to go driving? :lol:


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vitz":1upsr8q8 said:
i've seen idjit customers drive 15 miles to save $2 on the purchase price of an item

do you think that after pointing out to them the price of the extra gas, wear and tear on the car, more than cancels out the $2, they decided not to go driving? :lol:

Your comment proves your lack of knowledge of your customers. Hobbyists run up hundreds of kilometers going from LFS but guess what?
They are looking for clean healthy quality product that they can buy at a fair price. They also do what all serious hobbyists do which is go place to place because they enjoy seeing new products. It is part of the fun.
If they happen to note a price differential between you and your competitor take the time to educate them why they should be buying product from you. If they don't listen to you and they buy cheap fish from the Philippines and Indonesia where the use of cyanide is rampants, sold by the cyanide cartel, and the fish ends up dying in their tank quess what? They will be coming back to you.


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naesco":1rgznait said:
vitz":1rgznait said:
i've seen idjit customers drive 15 miles to save $2 on the purchase price of an item

do you think that after pointing out to them the price of the extra gas, wear and tear on the car, more than cancels out the $2, they decided not to go driving? :lol:

Your comment proves your lack of knowledge of your customers. Hobbyists run up hundreds of kilometers going from LFS but guess what?
They are looking for clean healthy quality product that they can buy at a fair price. They also do what all serious hobbyists do which is go place to place because they enjoy seeing new products. It is part of the fun.
If they happen to note a price differential between you and your competitor take the time to educate them why they should be buying product from you. If they don't listen to you and they buy cheap fish from the Philippines and Indonesia where the use of cyanide is rampants, sold by the cyanide cartel, and the fish ends up dying in their tank quess what? They will be coming back to you.

naesco i've been dealing with customers since '78, and in 2 countries- i know them as a group far better than you do

you don't even realize that 99% of ALL lfs customers are NOT hobbyists

you don't realize that 90% of all starting lfs customers drop out of fishkeeping within a year

you don't realize that the typical lfs patron couldn't care less about an education

keeping fish does not make one a hobbyist

if stores and etailers had to rely on the 'true' hobbyists, 75% or better of the whole tropical fish industry would collapse into a black hole overnite

how many thousands of customers have you even met, let alone talked to in a sales setting/environment?

i bet the amount of customers you've handled in your entire life is less than the amount of times you blabber about stuff you know nothing about in ONE day :twisted: :lol:


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if stores and etailers had to rely on the 'true' hobbyists, 75% or better of the whole tropical fish industry would collapse into a black hole overnite

Which Vitz is another way of saying that if incraesed fish prices covered the costs of cyanide detection testing, fisher training and repair of the damage done to the reefs by the cyanide cartel AND if a impossible to keep species list (USL) was mandated, than there would be fewer vendors (the scum would be out of business) and the reefs and the critters that live therein would start to recover.

I see nothing wrong with that. Do you? Does anyone?

And, it just happens that the starter of this thread wants to get rid of the scum and unite those in the business who believe in reform. Interesting, eh! Do you support him in this positive development or are you going to continue to take shots at everyone who posts herein?


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naesco":aobogbei said:
if stores and etailers had to rely on the 'true' hobbyists, 75% or better of the whole tropical fish industry would collapse into a black hole overnite

Which Vitz is another way of saying that if incraesed fish prices covered the costs of cyanide detection testing, fisher training and repair of the damage done to the reefs by the cyanide cartel AND if a impossible to keep species list (USL) was mandated, than there would be fewer vendors (the scum would be out of business) and the reefs and the critters that live therein would start to recover.

no, it's not 'another way of saying' your blah blah blah-in fact, it has nothing to do with my statement above

I see nothing wrong with that. Do you? Does anyone?

i guarantee you that scum will always be in business

And, it just happens that the starter of this thread wants to get rid of the scum and unite those in the business who believe in reform. Interesting, eh! Do you support him in this positive development or are you going to continue to take shots at everyone who posts herein?

i only take shots at ignorant maniacal ranters , and lying, fact twisting, misquoters , everyone else i pretty much treat w/respect for their opinions :wink:


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Vitz, a ;) doesn't make personal insults okay. Please write it on your computer screen or something; I find myself too repetitve.


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naesco wrote:
Your comment proves your lack of knowledge of your customers

i do of course, expect naesco to edit that statement as well, since i consider it to be a highly personal insult


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vitz":1cf2kjgt said:
naesco":1cf2kjgt said:
vitz":1cf2kjgt said:
i've seen idjit customers drive 15 miles to save $2 on the purchase price of an item

do you think that after pointing out to them the price of the extra gas, wear and tear on the car, more than cancels out the $2, they decided not to go driving? :lol:

Your comment proves your lack of knowledge of your customers. Hobbyists run up hundreds of kilometers going from LFS but guess what?
They are looking for clean healthy quality product that they can buy at a fair price. They also do what all serious hobbyists do which is go place to place because they enjoy seeing new products. It is part of the fun.
If they happen to note a price differential between you and your competitor take the time to educate them why they should be buying product from you. If they don't listen to you and they buy cheap fish from the Philippines and Indonesia where the use of cyanide is rampants, sold by the cyanide cartel, and the fish ends . up dying in their tank quess what? They will be coming back to you.

naesco i've been dealing with customers since '78, and in 2 countries- i know them as a group far better than you do

you don't even realize that 99% of ALL lfs customers are NOT hobbyists

you don't realize that 90% of all starting lfs customers drop out of fishkeeping within a year

you don't realize that the typical lfs patron couldn't care less about an education

keeping fish does not make one a hobbyist

if stores and etailers had to rely on the 'true' hobbyists, 75% or better of the whole tropical fish industry would collapse into a black hole overnite

how many thousands of customers have you even met, let alone talked to in a sales setting/environment?

i bet the amount of customers you've handled in your entire life is less than the amount of times you blabber about stuff you know nothing about in ONE day :twisted: :lol:
Hey Vitz ! I Actually agree with your intire nut shell about the average LFS Customer! and what roll real hobbyists play in the day to day retailing. If we are to look at local fish club websites and listen between the lines to customers ........... We find Its almost a National obsession to find the cheapest deal and gleeful hunt to find the best way around paying retail prices. Its not that online retailers are taking that big of a bite out of total sales.......its that they are setting a vary low standard for profit margin. For everyone? Even themselves! FF express was not exactly a profit making venture. Yet even in failure they set a standard for future hobby sales? There is only one way out of a Brick and Mortar LFS Recession...........and that is"GROWTH" Trying to tax your self out of a recession will never work {Democrats} Increasing the total market will expand both the etail and Brick and mortar ...........Otherwise head to head competition with E-tail over a tiny number of consumers will continue to favor the new market over the old.


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Nearly every dissenting opinion to the AMDA BOD report centered around the defense of fish thru the mail...not concern for the marine environment nor the fisherman nor the future of the trade.
This is no surprise and was predicted. Cheapness, myopia and coveteousness are hallmarks of the marinelife aquisition hobby.
I wish that environmentally concerned people and groups would understand this when thinking of eco-labeling and certification schemes.
Vitz was pretty accurate in his assessment of the character of most hobbyists. Understanding and accepting this helps one relize that appeals to the inate goodness of the consumer ill never be successful.
Unless netcaught fish are as cheap and as varied as cyanide caught fish...they will not be popular...except to a responsible few. And then that responsible few will suffer as their competitors enjoy a cheapness and a variety unfettered by the handicaps of morality and ethics.
Wheres the energy here? Look and read!
The cheapening of marinelife is demanded and if the e-tailer can cut prices, the attention turns to him. Now as far as how the resource is faring and how sustainable it is...well those concerns take a back seat.
As reefs are destroyed...the hobby wants it cheaper. Responsible dealers are whiners we are told and need to adapt and become competitive...[code words for selling out on this issue.]
Its a hobby post of course. And it shows where the hobbys head is at.
This is why the only answer to the real issues in the trade is in field training to collect cleanly and handle fish better...for Filipino reasons. The American marketplace is are far too self centered and insensitive to pay much attention as it scrolls down the page looking for bargains.
MAC never understood this situation. They still imagine a moral revolution among hobbyists who regard their label! Its just not in most hobbyist to respond that way. Coveting fish and corals to own is not the same thing as loving the ocean...far from it.


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Why yes Mary,
People who want cheap fish and also to save reefs are airing it out.
Everyone should have their opinions challenged and refreshed from time to time!


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But Steve does not this make sense to a LFS.

The LFS pays a little more for net caught fish. From what has been posted previously it is not that much morel.
The fish arrives healthier and cyanide free because it is handled properly.
There would be much better looking fish and even a newbie can tell the difference from a healthy fish and one of those dying cyanide caught skinny infested ones you half dead in many LFS. Can't the LFS sell it for a little premium?
In addition, cyanide caught fish go downhill quick in both the LFS and hobbyist tank. He is not likely to revisit the loser online store again.
The LFS would save money on dead shortly after arrival and fish dying from cyanide poisoning.
IMO these savings and the small premium would offset the additional cost.

But as I posted many time before AMDA needs to take a united radical reeform stand in order to level the playing feel otherwise it will be irrelavent and there members and lfs will go out of business one by one.

Simply stated you all know you cannot compete with cheap cyanide fish caught by the cyanide cartel in the Phillipines and sold to the stateside cyanide cartel to online vendors. You need to stop the cyanide cartel now, period.
Have I stated this before? Why are you people not listening? (with the greatest respect).


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When people lose fish purchased from an LFS, it's blamed on cyanide, or it must be a crappy store who don't know what they are doing. When a customer loses a fish from an etailer it is blamed on shipping stress, since they have bought the net caught cyanide free marketing hook line and sinker. And since they already feel they are recieving a better value for their dollar from the etailer, they have no problem re-ordering another fish from the same place that just sold them a dead one. Pictures tell a thousand words whether they are the truth or not.


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Rover":1us2kwfw said:
When people lose fish purchased from an LFS, it's blamed on cyanide, or it must be a crappy store who don't know what they are doing. When a customer loses a fish from an etailer it is blamed on shipping stress, since they have bought the net caught cyanide free marketing hook line and sinker. And since they already feel they are recieving a better value for their dollar from the etailer, they have no problem re-ordering another fish from the same place that just sold them a dead one. Pictures tell a thousand words whether they are the truth or not.

Thanks for your comment Rover.
When an etailer claims its fish are net caught knowing that they are not that is fraud. It is a criminal offence.
The point I am making on this an AMDA thread is that AMDA must challenge them and if they continue the fraud take steps to have these fraudsters criminally charged or have some 'truth in advertising law' applied (if it exists) that requires them to have a clear statement on their website that their fish come from the Philippines where the use of cyanide is rampant. They should also be required to admit that their prior net caught claim was a lie and fined.
AMDA does this and AMDA will have a purpose and enhance the business of its members. Anything less is simply a bunch of feel good members contributing little to reeform, complaining about the cyanide cartel and they watching good LFS go out of business.
Everyone in the lfs business knows that what I am saying it true. Why don't you do something about it? Tossing a few nets at some fishers is nice but it not enough to see clean lfs survive.


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One of your excerpts belongs in Naescos greatest hits;
You wrote:
..."and if they continue the fraud, AMDA should take steps to have these "fraudsters" criminally charged or have some truth in advertising law applied"... :lol:
"...that they should also be required to admit that their claim was a lie and fined.". :!:
Braveheart was on the other nite and when he went to negotiate terms with the English officers on the field before the battle, he added;
"and stop at every village you see on your way home and apologize for a thousand years of plunder and tyranny!"

The difference is, William Wallace had an army behind him. Wayne...
the AMDA letter already brands us as er... :( incorrigible to many.
Do you think it wise to futher distance ourselves from everyone? Or shall we just jump up and charge!?

"Sancho! My sword!" :D :!:


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Here is Burton's response:
In regards to the AMDA statement of position:

I thought I would answer some of the comments on reefs.org and reefcentral in mass rather than one at a time.

To start with there was never any mention in our statement of position regarding restraint of trade. The position we have taken is that we are a group of bricks and mortar retailers and aquarium maintenance people that have a mission to learn how to stay in business and improve the hobby by encouraging sustainable and appropriate harvesting procedures of the animals we use in our trade. We take both issues very seriously. Since we are primarily bricks-and-mortar businesses, we decided that our organization should be geared toward just local retailers. Local e-tailing (within a 100 mile radius of the store) was included in the discussion and adopted as a position to be taken. This allows the retailers to reach out and expand the demographic in a logical manner. We believe in face to face dealings with customers when it comes to livestock.

Currently the bulk of the livestock suppliers allow their stock to be picked over by mail order houses, local dealers, and collectors before anything is sold to the stores that order from outside the local area. Those people for the most part are us. But I suppose to some that is our fault that we don’t all live in Miami or LA.

One comment that indicated that because Perrin has water on the floor and not an immaculate housekeeper discredits our position that we have to keep our floors and store in very good order, is ridiculous. You couldn't be a broad-based retailer of many different supplies with a store like Perrin's. One OSHA visit would shut a retail store down with water on the floor. Does he have ADA approval for the public and special parking spaces for the handicapped? I could go on for a long time on this issue, but I won’t bore you with the details.

I certainly enjoyed the comment where we were effectively called hypocrites because John Tullock founded the organization and that he was a mail order company. So what? Pilgrims founded this country and I'm certainly happy that that bunch of zealots are not still running it. Organizations change. Live with it. I don't mean to infer that John is a Puritan. He was tired of watching fish die in transit and arriving in poor shape. So am I. So is the rest of the AMDA board. We don’t necessarily all agree on how it is done, but we do agree that something needs to be done about how our fish are caught and only buying by low price is not the way to handle it. This concept will ultimately creep into market place.

Our businesses come from the neighborhoods. We contribute to the community. Some scoffed at my comment about b&m retailers being the cornerstone of the hobby, but we are. Without us there would be no hobby. There are people not as aware of the hobby/science that the advanced hobbyist who tries to act as the judge and the jury in these matters, but for the most part there are some very good people that are involved. Many times one store makes the difference in the area. The others just tag along and live off the good will of the one store. Sounds like e-tailers and mass merchants. I will promise the public that their local retailers make a difference to the hobby. Maybe not to the high-end aquarist, but when something is needed in a hurry they are there for you and they need to be supported. Spending $10 and expecting $50 worth of service in labor is not the way to keep good people in business.

One individual did recognize that the local stores create interest, which is the point of the letter. In regards to AMDA we encourage members to be a part of the community, to be involved in education, and to not sell fish that are caught and shipped improperly. We have also had a number of discussions about selling fish on impulse. It is not appropriate.

Our problems in b&m retail are different than those of e-commerce, and we choose to be with our own. We need to solve our own problems. Not once did we ever blame anyone for buying where they want. Not once did we ever insinuate that the public was going to change. The public by it's very nature, will always play both ends from the middle.

We complain that jobs are exported overseas, but we buy at Wal Mart. Most fish equipment looks very American, but most is made in Taiwan, Italy, China, Korea, etc. It is the nature of business and we don't blame anyone, but we do have a choice on who we "hang with", what we sell, and who we sell it to. I choose not to hang with manufacturers that don’t support us. I choose not to hang with e-commerce in most instances. I choose to support distributors that use net-caught fish for the bulk of our purchases. For years I chose not to use Philippine fish in our stores. Does it hurt business? Certainly it does, but I know that if we all stopped buying fish from countries that use cyanide, would stop it in a few weeks. That is the premise I would hope more AMDA members take.

The public complains that there is no service in stores and people are rude. There are reasons. If the consumer only is buying for price, the net effect is to gravitate toward the least common denominator. That's free trade at work. We don't deny it. The pendulum does swing back and forth. One day everybody is eating low fat and low protein. The next day we eat high fat and high protein. Life is like that. Today the menu consists of many fish improperly taken, improperly shipped, and improperly handled at the site of catch, and many times mishandled at the distributor level. We are trying to effect change. We sure can't get it done with quasi government organizations that do nothing but worry by the hour for the pay. We are working on the problem and we do it for free.

If any of you go to the AMDA Reef Website you will see an article on the captive raising of fish caught in the plankton of the oceans by Gilles LeCaillon. We are involved and we are interested in doing things right.

There was a comment about me owning Pet Supplies "Plus" stores. PSP is a franchise group. We come with all sorts of background. Mine is aquatic biology, management of large farms and a solid background in zoo management. That represents 35 years of animal husbandry experience. I like to think that the mix of people within the company make us a stronger organization. Like many stores, many chains, etc. some are run better than others.

Now what have I done with my six Pet Supply Plus stores in the community? I did a weekly radio show on Pet Care that was highly regarded on one of the biggest radio stations in America for 5 years. For reference call Rob Pratte at KDKA for references. I now do a Pet Care Hour on the local cable news channel dealing specifically with issues like the Nemo craze and turtle care. At Easter I did an entire show on pets not to buy on impulse. That show was aired three times on network TV. I do a weekly column in 18 local Pittsburgh papers on pet care. Last week's column was on the inadvisability of using bowls for goldfish and that we don't consider them throw away pets.

If you would like to find out what we have done for the local Aquarium Society (GPASI) I suggest you talk to the GPASI to find out what we do. Maybe some of the dissenters and snobs could learn something. I don't see F&S, Petco, PetsMart, That Fish Place, Pet Warehouse, or WalMart at any of the functions sponsored by local pet groups. Oh, I forgot they are too busy selling the faster moving items while the people in the b&m stores create the hobby.

Additionally, we recently switched three of our six stores to only captive raised and captive bred fish. We were one of the first supporters of C-Quest. We advertised and talked extensively on the use of green sailfin mollies to start marine aquariums. We eliminated all undergravel filters 11 years ago. We were the first to use AquaDyne monitors to keep track of our units both in the store and over the internet. We take fish health seriously.

We do a little more than most, and we do it locally. We do not consider livestock as a profit center. The rent is too high, the electricity too expensive, and the labor costs out of sight. To make money on livestock you need to have a certain impulse selling strategy. We do not do this. We were the first to use locally grown coral raised commercially by Anthony Calfo, and if you look at Anthony Calfo's book you will find that we were one of the first to do so.

Now for the end of my little speech. Of the top 10 managers in our company there is over 170 years of pet care experience. They are proud of what they do. For the government to tie our hands behind our back and let e-commerce trounce all over us while they tax the hell out of us is so inane as to try the sanity of most thinking people. Every person that buys a product out of state that doesn't have reciprocity is breaking the law. We don't have those options. For somebody to say we are whiners because we want a level playing field from manufacturers, distributors, and government makes me really mad and I choose not to associate with those that do not support what I consider the foundation of this business.

I would also like to state that my involvement with the people in AMDA has allowed me to understand the depth of the problem in regards to catch procedures, shipping, and fish health from the fishermen to us. It is an understanding that has taken me to a different level of understanding of the breadth of the problem that is upon us. Cheap fish are usually caught with cyanide. The aquarium industry is not the main problem in regards to the destruction of the reefs, but we are involved and we could be more effective in our objections to the catch and shipping procedures. and that is what we are about. So to AMDA I thank them for the education. I sure haven’t gotten that information from the e-tailers. Buy and sell is the mantra. There is more to our business than that when it comes to the environment and the ethical treatment of the animals from the sea. In the past some of our members only wanted to deal with domestic issues and not involve ourselves with the sources of our livestock. If we don’t who represents us? We can no longer put our head in the sand. Nothing will get done unless we stop buying the fish that are caught improperly with cyanide and shipped like these animals are cord wood.

The position statement was meant to spur comment. Some comments were thoughtful. Some just spiteful. We hope that more community retailers will join us and be part of the ongoing debate. We think it is important to define the mission of our respective businesses. Without more participation from b&m retailers, we are less for it.

Burton Patrick
AMDA BOD, Director at Large


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I would also like to state that my involvement with the people in AMDA has allowed me to understand the depth of the problem in regards to catch procedures, shipping, and fish health from the fishermen to us. It is an understanding that has taken me to a different level of understanding of the breadth of the problem that is upon us. Cheap fish are usually caught with cyanide. The aquarium industry is not the main problem in regards to the destruction of the reefs, but we are involved and we could be more effective in our objections to the catch and shipping procedures. and that is what we are about. So to AMDA I thank them for the education. I sure haven’t gotten that information from the e-tailers. Buy and sell is the mantra. There is more to our business than that when it comes to the environment and the ethical treatment of the animals from the sea. In the past some of our members only wanted to deal with domestic issues and not involve ourselves with the sources of our livestock. If we don’t who represents us? We can no longer put our head in the sand. Nothing will get done unless we stop buying the fish that are caught improperly with cyanide and shipped like these animals are cord wood.

Well put Burton.

Steve, nothing is easy but you can't cop out.


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