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GreshamH":2tqlw523 said:
Hmmmm, thats odd, isn't it illegal for Americans to even VISIT Cuba?


Yeah! - We should start rounding up and imprisoning all those servicemen and women who have served at Gitmo!



knowse":2hh94831 said:
naesco":2hh94831 said:
GreshamH":2hh94831 said:
naesco":2hh94831 said:
DBM":2hh94831 said:
Going for a trip to Cuba Wayne? Sorry, but the guy who's importing from there certainly wouldn't appreciate me sharing. Also, as far as I'm concerned this is information hobbiests don't need access to anyways. :)

Well I wasn't planning on importing any for resale. I was just wondering if the freedom loving Republic of Cuba allowed Canadians or Americans to take some home with them when their vacation was finished.
Do you know by any chance?

Hmmmm, thats odd, isn't it illegal for Americans to even VISIT Cuba?


Did we forget that Naesco is Canadian not American?

Nope, I could never forget that fact about neasco (See above bolding :wink: ) I guess he could be talking about the US military personal as Gratefull has mentioned, but I highly doubt it. Heh, looks like soon it'll be illegal for Mexicans to even visit Cuba (Vincente Fox vs Fidel Castro - round 1)


Well I sure hope I didn't break any import laws when I brought home all those hermits I picked up when I came back from serving off the southern tip of Andros shortly after the 1st round in the Gulf.... :lol:

No wait, did I say hermits or cases of rum?

Damn I hate it when I forget things like that. :wink:


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mkirda":e42g1wuo said:
Kalkbreath":e42g1wuo said:
Gee , how soon we forget. .........Does Nuclear missiles pointed at me and my school mates ring a bell? If my neighbor in the house next to me says its okay for Russia to set up warheads ....and point them over the fence at my daughters window........Im going to remember it for a long long time.

Too bad you don't know your history.

Why was it OK for us to do the same exact thing (Place nuclear-tipped missles in a country on their border), but not OK for them to retailiate in the same way?

Oh, I forget. This country has no coherent rational foreign policy, and hasn't had one since before the Cuban Missile Crisis either...
Because we are the only world power keeeping the rest of the world from killing off each other, The United States is the single reason the earth still spins . The earth is a very evil place and always has been .......How many times in history has one nation sought out to kill off another ? five hundered times? How many times have two nations agreed to join together and welcome eachother? Only one thing has kept the peace world wide for the past fifty years......AMERICA..........What would have happened if America was not in a position to over power other nations....? First, Japan and Germany would have expanded themselves and overtaken one by one every other country in the world .....then they would have turned against each other. . But we ended Japan and Germanys dreams. Next the nuke thing with Russa and its still a big issue........The Next , generation of Americans are going to have to face twenty countries having nukes........With half of the current Americans today having little idea how big the issue is {yourself} We are more then likely going to fail at keeping the peace for much longer. Castro chose to sleep with the enemy.......He knew full well that Russa posed a greater threat to the stability of the world then the USA ever could..........Did you?


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GratefulDiver":196l1cog said:
Well I sure hope I didn't break any import laws when I brought home all those hermits I picked up when I came back from serving off the southern tip of Andros shortly after the 1st round in the Gulf.... :lol:

No wait, did I say hermits or cases of rum?

Damn I hate it when I forget things like that. :wink:

Hey Grate,
I can understand the cases of rum, but what's up with a bunch of guys that like to live in the mountains by themselves? (Sorry, couldn't resist it)


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I take it you're not in the market for one eh?

..... You sure?? - You never know until you try .....


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Kalkbreath":1fhr3qal said:

I know that holding a cocked gun to the head of my enemy invites the same sort of reaction back. But to ignore the fact that I have the cocked gun still pointed at his head and that I was the first to point it, then complain that the other guy is now pointing one at my head strikes me as the absolute height of arrogance and hypocrisy. If that sort of behaviour is acceptable to you, you woulda fit right in with the Fascists back in 1939.


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Kalk no one disputes the contribution America made in the Second World War, after they were attacked, in bringing this war to much quicker conclusion.

But you should really be addressing the problems today if you care about your future, that of your children and their children.

If American aggression in the Middle East continues and peace in that region is not enforced by international peacekeepers, you can expect a future filled with fear and terror and a citizenry watchful of their own shadows.

Rise up against what is happening! Demonstrate in the streets before it is too late.


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mkirda":6btsxjfl said:
Kalkbreath":6btsxjfl said:

I know that holding a cocked gun to the head of my enemy invites the same sort of reaction back. But to ignore the fact that I have the cocked gun still pointed at his head and that I was the first to point it, then complain that the other guy is now pointing one at my head strikes me as the absolute height of arrogance and hypocrisy. If that sort of behaviour is acceptable to you, you woulda fit right in with the Fascists back in 1939.
Then every police officer in this land ,{because he is caring heat} is subject to your idea that turnabout is fair play. [we can all point a gun at him , simply because he has a gun at hand to use if nessesary] Law enforcement only works when the bad guys know they cant win [ domestic or world wide]......only when clearly out gunned will peace be kept on earth. Did the Russians really think we[the US ] would harm them if they never took up the arms race? They took up the race purely for pride.......just like the space race.[did they think we would harm them if we reached the moon first?] They were the ones that put the world at risk..........not the USA. And they knew it. Ask yourself the same question today.........Because of Americas military might .......what are the chances that the USA is going to take over the world? Every single country knows there's no such chance......countries like Pakistan and North Korea build up their weapons of mass destruction to increase their self pride.......a macho thing. For self defense? Ya like the USA would let India invade Pakistan. Castro let the Russians in because he thought that the soviet union could best help him keep his little slave country intact. He placed the world in danger to keep his personal island ....his. Had WWIII began because of Castro {And it almost did} would you feel differently today.


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JennM":20c09kug said:
I see this thread veering towards the sump too...


LOL. Yup.

AFAIK, there are no imports to the US of Cuban fish or corals.
It is actually illegal to visit Cuba, however it is fairly easy to get there is you know the ways around it. Out of Cancun, you can find flights to Havana easily, and the Cuban Immigration Officials will dutifully not stamp your passport so there is no record of you having gone there for the US immigration to harrass you about. Some claim that is isn't illegal to visit, but just illegal to spend money there. I think US Immigration sees it differently.
The only way you will be able to find Cuban fish or corals is if they are illegally imported, or potentially transhipped from Canada (with the origin mismarked on the commercial invoice...) (which would still be illegal, I believe)

Mike Kirda


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mkirda":3tzvfyop said:
JennM":3tzvfyop said:
I see this thread veering towards the sump too...


LOL. Yup.

AFAIK, there are no imports to the US of Cuban fish or corals.
It is actually illegal to visit Cuba, however it is fairly easy to get there is you know the ways around it. Out of Cancun, you can find flights to Havana easily, and the Cuban Immigration Officials will dutifully not stamp your passport so there is no record of you having gone there for the US immigration to harrass you about. Some claim that is isn't illegal to visit, but just illegal to spend money there. I think US Immigration sees it differently.
The only way you will be able to find Cuban fish or corals is if they are illegally imported, or potentially transhipped from Canada (with the origin mismarked on the commercial invoice...) (which would still be illegal, I believe)

Mike Kirda

I am surprised but I guess you are right Mike
If the US government wont let Americans visit their own relatives in Cuba I guess importing fish and coral from Cuba is out of the question


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I dug up this old thread because I have the same question.

I am leaving on a business trip to Cuba for a couple of weeks with my wife and whilst there want to see whether I can arrange to meet with possible exporters or cuban fish and coral.

Does anyone have the name of anyone who may be an exporter.
Does anyone have the name of anyone who may be importing.

How many here are interested in purchasing quality cyanide free Caribbean fish and coral flown on direct flights to Vancouver? Email me.


Wayne Ryan,


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Hey Naesco

I know of only one exporter in Cuba and they're not particularly interested in exporting much for marines. The were a trade referral so it's going to remain a secret.

Don't assume the fish you get from the Caribbean are clean, don't forget that many of them are collected using Quinaldine.


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I appreciate and understand the confidentiality.

There is zero chance of any juiced fish because of the embargo. The reason for their economic survival is the booming tourist industry and the US dollars it creates.

If you would like to meet up email me and I will see what possibilities are down there.
From talking to a dozen or so people who have visited the islands are teeming with fish with a multitude of sponges, gorgonians and colourful shrooms.

I don't think there is any problem with export to the US through Canada as no declarations are required.

I have several interested emails already.


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naesco":x3oi6f1n said:
I don't think there is any problem with export to the US through Canada as no declarations are required.
I have several interested emails already.

I believe Bill O'Reilly is calling for a boycott on everything from Canada. :wink:


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Yes, Cuba has one collector and shipper of marine fish and invertebrates. They also have gorgonian, ricordea,a couple types of zooanthids, and live rock. Cuba is a member of CITES consequently they don't get involved with corals. They are a Spanish company farming and shipping freshwater fish and the Cuban manager does marine fish on the side.

They ship into Canada on a regular basis combining relatively small quantities with the freshwater. The quality is excellent-maybe because of the direct flights into Canada.

And no, unless they have started in the last few months, they do not use quinaldine or any other "juice" They just have good net collectors-I have dived with them several times. They also trap a fair amount of their fish.

And no, You can not foreward fish from Canada to the U.S. A country of origion is necessary-and not many queen angels come from Canadian waters. I suppose that it would be possible to have someone foreward them from say Jamaica if the documents were doctored.

Naesco- If you desire contact me-(another Canadian) I can supply more details.

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