Kalkbreath":37asjeut said:
Why dont you explain how fishing for selected species kills off all the other species? Were not talking about blast fishing or blanketing cyanide pellets over the side of the boat in PI{which you think doesnt exist anyway} grouper fishing and Removing predators means more tiny fish not less..........Do you really think the Jamaican people over fished molley miller blennies? which are not only so tiny that at two ounces, would make quite a small meal ........even for a Jamaican with smoke induced "Munchies"...........But these fish should be at record levels with such a huge food reserve..........How did the Non target fish populations plummet from food fish and sport fish collection?
Could you please identify where I indicated that the Jamaicans have overfished the molley miller blenny ? Or any other blenny.
The crux of your argument has been that fishing does not affect ecosystem health or habitat quality (i.e. your posts 1-6 on the previous page). You've now shifted to asking how fishing for target species affects non-target species.
Essentially, both of these are asking the same question i.e. whether fishing causes changes in ecosystem - habitats and communities.
There is a whole bunch of scientific evidence to say this is the case. The area of research is referred to as "trophic cascades" by which they mean that there are top down effects (e.g. from changes in predator communities) on ecological communities. This is as opposed to a view in which the only way to affect communities is via bottomup effects (e.g. from changes in primary production (i.e. more algae with more nutrients). BOTH CAN AND DO OCCUR.
Evidence for top down (trophic cascades) are as follows - I've included the scientific reference and would point out that all of these papers have been published in peer reviewed, high quality international journals.
(1) In the Black Sea, decreases in top predator species that have been overfished (bonito, mackeral) have led to increases in fish that eat plankton, decreases in zooplankton and increases in phytoplankton (algae). The increase in phytoplankton is thought to have occured due to OVERFISHING not nutrient loading (Daskalov, 2002. Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol 225)
(2) In New Zealand, increased numbers of snapper in a marine park reduced the number of urchins which allowed recovery of kelp forests. In areas where fishing continues and snapper populations are drastically reduced, urchins abound and there is no kelp to be seen. NOTE THE ROLE OF NO TAKE AREAS IN ECOSYSTEM RECOVERY (Shear and Babcock 2003, Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol 246)
(3) In a review of 18 marine studies, the presence of predatory fish reduced presence of herbivorous fish and lead to on average a 4.7x higher level of turf algae (Shurin et al. 2002. Ecology Letters vol 5)
(4) There is some evidence from the Great Barrier Reef that incraesed fishing pressure reduces the number of predators of the Crown of Thorns Starfish leading to outbreaks of these starfish and increased predation on corals and decreased fish production (Keesing and Halford 1992, Ormond et al, 1991).
(5) In Jamaica, the work by Terry Hughes, contrary to your suggestion suggests very clearly that overfishing contributed to urchin outbreaks and loss of fish habitat.
(6) Plus the work by McClanahan in Kenya which I already cited.
(7) Plus evidence in lakes that shows clearly (based on 54 studies) that changes in predatory fish lead to changes in primary production and that indeed, this was a stronger impact than that seen when adding nutrients (Brett and Goldman, 1996 Proc National Academy of Science vol 93 and Brett et al 1997 Science v 271).
Oh - and there is a whole book by Stephen Hall, ex director of hte Australian Institute of Marine Sciences called "Ecosystem impacts of fishing"
So what does this mean - you overfish, the habitat changes and then - species composition of fish communities change.
The evidence is compelling and it is there. The research has been done by competent scientists - please don't compare it to what you see in your fish tank.
This doesn't mean we can dump sewage at will - it means (once again) that fishing plays a role in changing ecologica communities and we need to consider this aspect as well.
Blue hula