algae dont grow unless excess nutrient is added.........
Wrong. Algae is constantly growing on the reef due to regeneration of inorganic phosphorous from reef substrates. Its growth is kept in check by flushing of a certain percent of the organic material produced by the reef that regenerates the phosphate (which keeps it to a limiting concentration to a point), and, more importantly, by the grazing of herbivores, which keep in check the algae that is fueled by the concentration of phosphates that is being regenerated.
Can you Name one species that eats the species which this story claims to have smothered the live coral?
Diadema antillarum consume fleshy algae without question.
Its the runoff and sewage which causes the Algae to overtake the reefs
Only on very rare occasions does anthropogenic eutrophication kill reefs. Most often, it's when physical flushing of organic material weakens or ceases that reefs get into trouble with overgrowth. The algae take advantage of the regenerated nutrients, and the herbivore population can take some time to adjust their carrying capacity to fit, but often, thanks to lack of appropriate numbers of herbivores in the first place, this doesn't happen, when it does happen however, the corals die whether they are overgrown or not, since many species cannot tolerate the concentration of organics that build.
mkirda":3jnfd5c3 said:
]Name one site in the Caribbean where the Diadema sp. populations are anywhere near the pre-1983 levels? I'll give you a hint: It ain't Florida.
It ain't anywhere, really.
Then tell me why the populations are not returning............There is plenty of algea and plenty of male and female urchins to make babies.......But the pollution is acting like a spermacide and an anti-Viagra and not allowing larva to mature
Wrong again. The
D. antillarum are perfectly viable. Their population has not yet regained half of its carrying capacity, where reproduction rates are maximized. Right now the existing individuals have lower incidence of successful fertilization after spawning due to space apart. Eventually, enough of them will exist that they are close enough together to maximize the rate of population expansion/incidence of successful fertilization. Pick up an ecology textbook and do some reading on population curves.
even in the most intense herbivore collection sites in Hawaii {yellow tangs along the Kona coast} there is no evidence of increased algae growth.......
There have been several papers published on Kaneohe Bay alone regarding its overgrowth of algae due to removal of herbivores.
Fecal counts and bacteria killing the coral are not from over fishing........There is a big difference between stating a coincidence and demonstrating a direct link .........Just because disco music was popular in the 1970s the same time that the reefs were declining does not make it a contributor to reef decline........At the same time Jamaica's reefs were experiencing decline so were reefs all over the Caribbean, even in remote and uninhabited regions........even the Fla Keys suffered the same coral decline and algae blooms .....and very few herbivore fish or urchins have ever been collected in US waters
Check your dates. Caribbean reefs began to have increased incidence of disease as a response to the pathogens brought over by sub-Saharran African dust in the 1980's. Thanks do desertification of grasslands, the mass and density of the dust being brought over to the Caribbean during the summer months skyrocketed. These dust are loaded with pathogens, including the already infamous seafan killer,
Aspergillus sydowii. I've seen the photmicrographs myself.
You also contradict yourself here. You claim that sewage and pollution are responsible for all this ambiguous reef decline, yet you also know that the declines happened in areas that are completely unaffected by pollution. Think about that one.
Herbivores (fish, urchins, etc.) are also frequently collected in Florida waters.
The "fecal" bacteria,
Serratia marcescens, found in the white pox etiology of
Acropora palmata are not necessarily fecal in origin. The enterobacteria in question is ubiquitous in decaying matter, and an infection would depend on the weakness of the host from other stresses.
Why is it that there are huge areas of algae covered reefs in the keys and yet very few tangs or urchins around chewing down?
Desertification of grassland Subsaharran Africa and increased total mass and density of imported iron and pathogen rich dust.
mkirda":3jnfd5c3 said:
All that tells me is that Floridian fecal matter is unlikely be the source, and that the bacterium is likely all over the Caribbean
It is, and its found in all sorts of decaying material or wounds. It's an advantage taker.
It's neither. Land based industry doesn't exist in all the locations where corals are being attacked by pathogens with increasing frequency. Neither does overfishing. The only thing that does is dust-bearing atmosphere.
I am referring to the giant brain corals scattered throughout the Atlantic {I cant recall the correct name} But I know someone who does
The true giant brains are
Colpophyllia natans. There are three other common large brains,
Diploria labyrinthiformis,
D. strigosa, and
D. clivosa. None of their pathogens have been identified as
Serratia marcescens, the so called "fecal bacteria". In other words, as mkirda said, they do not have white pox.
The white pox coral disease gets the most airplay ........due to its connection to human poop.............
The white pox disease is not connected to human feces. Connected to a species of enterobacteria that takes advantage of all decay situations and is ubiquitous, yes.
I say hard corals because the soft coral populations are at record levels ..........
No they aren't.
Do you have any explanations as to why the air soil and water are only now attacking the Giant Diploria corals ..........
Now I'm repeating myself, and therefore it is time to end this post: skyrocketing mass and density of atmospheric dust, loaded with viable pathogens, being delivered to the Caribbean in the 1980's.