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I was out of town, so i am just now getting caught up on the discussion concerning DOA and DAA which has discussed the question Is there a difference in the DOA and the DAA with net-caught versus cyanide caught fish at the importer or the retail levels? I am soliciting more comments to this question.

From the studies that have recently been conducted, it appears that the DAA is higher than the DOA. Mary seems to disagree, others herein seem to agree that their DAA is higher than the DOA. We should not confuse the fact that all fish (both cyanide-caught and net-caught) experience stress, which can result in disease outbreaks causing high DAA if the fish are not properly treated (eg. freshwater dips, antibiotics).

I am interested in more discussion on these questions.



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From the studies that have recently been conducted, it appears that the DAA is higher than the DOA. Mary seems to disagree, others herein seem to agree that their DAA is higher than the DOA.

Exactly where did I "disagree" that DAA is not higher than DOA?? I'll save you the trouble of searching- I didn't. I stated that I did not keep exact totals, but I did specifically for that one shipment since I was there to cut the bags and would know everything going on with the fish. If I had to guess, I'd say DAA runs about 3%-5%. It sure as heck doesn't run ~20% as your "research" would suggest. I'd be out of business. But I don't track it. It's really hard to figure out DAA per batch with multiple batches in the system at any given time. Unless you're MAC of course. :roll:

One problem we had many times with the net caught fish is that even if the DOA was low, that within a few days everything would start dropping like flies. I remember one time in specific. We had a visitor coming to the facility. I got in a big shipment of net caught fish a couple of days earlier so they could see them. The night before the person was to visit, fish started dying left and right. They would be swimming one minute and dead the next. Literally. We did 6-8 dead runs that next day (vs. 1 normally) and had fish to pull every single time. It was disgusting. In fact, I talked to Steve about it. This scenario happened with increasing frequency (although not as bad) toward the end of our "net caught days". We NEVER, NOT ONCE have had this problem with the other supplier. We may lose a batch of species, but have never had everything across the board drop like flies.

We're in the process of setting up a new fish system. We put water in last night and it should be ready for animals next week. Tell ya what. I'll put my next PI shipment solely in that system and have my husband (who pulls dead) put anything he pulls in a baggie for me so I can keep track.


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MaryHM":1k21c6bg said:
Got those statistics from the store where your son works yet, Wayne??

My son has not worked at a LFS for over a year.

The store he worked at was ordering Moorish Idol on a repetitive basis. He with the help of the other staff decided to let the customers know that it was not a very wise idea to purchase Moorish Idol with the result that they perished in the LFS tanks instead of the hobbyists.

They found out about it and he was terminated.
BTW, I have not seen a Moorish Idol in that store since. :)


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So why didn't you say that in the first place? Where are you going to get the statistics you said you were going to get now?


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FYI- I pulled dead today because Morgan was messing around in the greenhouse. We probably have about 350-400 fish in the system right now. I pulled:

1 Punctato Butterfly (batch has been here about 3 weeks- PI)
1 Raccoon Butterfly (batch has been here since Thursday- Indo)
1 Chomped up mess of a goby (Hard to say how long it's been here- we get gobies constantly- PI)
1 Checkerboard Wrasse (batch been here since Thursday-Indo)
1 Green Anthias (those have been here for over a month, so I don't know what his deal was- PI)


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Well then get your ways underway and let's see the stats. I don't want this to turn into one of your famous "if I ignore the question long enough they won't ask it anymore" episodes.


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And heck, ask your son what the DOAs were like. He should know even if he hasn't worked there for a year.


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naesco":3o2avm15 said:
I have my ways.

There's a man who leads a life of danger.
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes,
Another chance he takes.
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow.

Secret Agent Man.
Secret Agent Man.
They've given you a number.
And taken away your name.

Beware of pretty faces that you find.
A pretty face may hide an evil mind.
Ooh be careful what you say.
Or you give yourself away.
Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow.

Secret Agent Man.
Secret Agent Man.
They've given you a number.
And taken away your name.

Swinging on the Riviera one day
Layin' in a Bombay alley the next.
Oh don't let the wrong word slip.
While kissin persuasive lips.
Odds are you won't live to see tomorrow.

Secret Agent Man.
Secret Agent Man.
They've given you a number.
And taken away your name.



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naesco":3is3gp6x said:
I have my ways.

So let's see:

- Mysterious (read nonexistent) "supporters"

- Myterious sources of data (read making it up)

Yeah, we'll all be certain to listen.

I you can't document your sources, they're worth exactly nothing.

And this demonstrates that you can't. More than likely because you have none, or at least none that are reputable.

Note the second part applies to everybody that doesn't post sources. But most peopel here seem to, so then the source material can be verified and checked.

The second part applies only to you as I've seen nobody else claim imaginary friends as supporters. Most outgrew them in childhood.

Put up, or shut up as they say. This applies to everyone, but almost everyone else seems to be on the put up side (ie they can claim experience/data/etc) that you don't have.

Heck you've apparently realized we can spot made up number and so now don't even bother to go to the effort. You just claim you have a source for them, and now don't even include the data, let alone the source.


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The other day, upon a stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.

He wasn't there again today.

I think he's from the CIA...


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Are you telling me that no matter what numbers I get from my sources, you will not believe them?


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No I think Keethrax is challenging you to post up some numbers and name the SOURCE of your numbers.

We're still waiting. Summink tells me not to hold my breath.... 8O


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naesco":2wtexbad said:

Are you telling me that no matter numbers I get from my sources, you will not beleive them?

No, I'm telling you that if you post numbers withno source, I won't believe you.


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keethrax":1y1qssyr said:
naesco":1y1qssyr said:

Are you telling me that no matter numbers I get from my sources, you will not beleive them?

No, I'm telling you that if you post numbers withno source, I won't believe you.

Well lets make it perfectly clear before I even bother.
I am not going to tell you the sources that get me the information.

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