LOL that happens ALL the time with us - I put in a lot of hours.
My store has had the same hours since we opened 4 1/2 years ago. Closed Mondays, open at 4 on Tuesdays, and "normal" hours the rest of the week - open at 10, close at 8, 'cept Fridays and Sat, close at 6... Sunday 1-5. Have never deviated from this.
I do *work* on Mondays and the early part of Tuesdays but often we're in and out throughout the day. Lights are off, sign says "CLOSED" with hours posted right at eye level. People walk up, pull the door - get this astonished look when they realize it's locked. Then they try it again a time or two, cup hands, peer in the window and if they see me there, I get a 'lost puppy' look. Most people fail to notice the sign that they have to look around to peer in the door... the one that says "CLOSED" and with all the hours posted on it... selective blindness I suppose...
I end up feeling guilty - so I usually go to the door if I'm there, open it a crack and ask if I can help them. If it's somebody who *needs* something, I'll certainly let them in - or if they want to buy a system
but 9 times out of 10, they'll just say, "Oh, I just want to come in and look." At that point I politely tell them that we open at whatever time, or that I'm closed today... and you wouldn't believe the looks I get. I used to let anyone and everyone in... thinking that even if they weren't buying *today*, perhaps they'd remember my kindness and come back another - doesn't happen.
If I let the tire kickers in, I don't get my *work* done, which is the purpose of being closed at those times. Most of the other businesses in my strip mall are also closed on Mondays, except the restaurant at one end, and the dry cleaner at the other.
It also astonishes me when people asked when I "changed" my hours - I haven't - ever. They're also surprised to find out I'm not there 24/7. It just feels that way *g*. People phone the store at all hours of the day and night... and not for anything that couldn't wait til regular business hours.
The other thing that REALLY kills me, are people that show up 5 minutes before closing - or worse - 10 minutes AFTER closing, for no particular reason other than to shoot the breeze about their tanks, their cyanobacter problem...the kewl worm-looking thingy in their live rock... If they have a need, I'll see to it, but some folks just think I enjoy staying there for an hour past closing, 'just because'. It's not like I wasn't there for 10 hours prior to their arrival :roll: or even longer...
I wonder how these people would react if I showed up at their place of work when they were ready to go home? Would they want to hang around and chew the fat? Or would they just tell me it's after hours, and close the door, or refuse to open it, or not answer the phone? Betcha some of those same people who have no problem keeping me late, would be some pissed if I did the same to them... funny how that works.
One night a few weeks ago - the guy I was referring to in an earlier post, who insisted he could make something out the old Lifegard UV module - that night when that happened, he arrived at 6, we close at 8, and at 8:30, with my staff leaving and all the lights shut off, I finally told him I *needed* to go home. I don't know how much longer he'd intended to stay - and I hate to be rude, but IMO it's rude to keep somebody unreasonably long after work unless there's an urgent purpose for doing so. He left - 10 minutes later... took his time... spent a whole $10 in his 2 1/2 hours picking our grey matter.
Every sale is important - and I keep trying to live by that, but sometimes I think it's more work than it's worth for some folks!