Look, I am the one helping to invite 10 people to attend a CDT Workshop sponsored by NOAA. I am the one organizing a session at the next Marine Ornamentals Conference concerned with Sustainalbility of the Marine Aquarium Trade. I am the one who helped found the IMA and now collaborating with Ferdinand Cruz. You guys are sitting at your computer terminals trying to find fault.
And your organization at great expense of the Marine Ornamentals conference in Vegas 2 years ago I remember.
Actually Peter....as frustrating as it sometimes is to try and do the right thing...you already have done more then the entire crowd that sits in judgement. But dont take them too seriously. Its just recreation for most of them anyway and real results w/ fish collectors hardly matter with them anyway as they are now mainly
reef people and not fish people..
[Scott Michaels like the last fish guy speaking at the conferences.]
reef people care about the real coral reefs you might ask?
Well, no...not if they can still get a cool frag of it.
Frag..as in fragment .
Fragment as is partial picture,
smaller focus,
smaller world,
smaller concern.
Having a
fragmented world view of these things insures that reform must be initiated in the field countries and not in the
partially concerned consumer countries.
It cannot wait for rising concern in a trade w/ decreasing concern for fishlife. [ unless its a rare , deepwater fairy wrasse perhaps]
This is where the eco-labeling notions fall apart because eco-types are still lagging a decade behind and thinking about fishlife, and the
avante guard of the trade is deeply into reefs.
The smart guys, the writers, the speakers, the trend setters are reefers.
Not all of them....but most.
We have two seperate choirs [industrys] here and we are singing to the wrong one.
I mean comon..... who dreams, who obsesses over procuring a bicolor angel, an auriga butterfly, a dragon wrasse , an arc-eye hawk and some blue damsels in the home aquarium ?
Now.............brother reefers....think before you react.
Its true isn't it?
We are not the same . We are different children, of the same parents.
This is not so much a criticism as an empiracle, sociological observation.
Steve :?
Fish person today
Fish person tomorrow
fish person forever!
I'll be a reefer when you pry the net out of my cold, dead fingers!