ayy nako
The desire for tank raised everything races far, far ahead of the capability right now.
How is this not incredibly clear?
Windfall for well managed seas feed fisherman.
Putting all the worlds fisherman out of work may be a goal for some but its sure not something I want to be a party to.
[I have feeding people in lab coats futher down on the priority list.]
Feed a fisherman...buy sustainably managed properly collected livestock with a quota, a total allowable catch and a management plan.
That ritteri will probabaly remain on the reef for another 40 years as they live a long time...Most that are collected and shipped die....they have the highest mortality of all the anemones.
They are not common in nature and probably not ever going to be defensible on scientific grounds. IMO they are far more a credible candidate for a scientific [ not political] USL then most of the unwanted fishes on it now.
Nobody wants a chevron butterfly and they get on a list.
Everyone wants these...and they never appear on the list.
If and when ritteri anemone breeding becomes viable like say...clownfish breeding then perhaps some can be taken....but to sell em in the pretense of breeding them ... like so many things that never get even close to being bred at all is hardly a good idea.
A serious breeding project could of course be entertained. [ self division in someones private tank doesn't count!]