- Location
- Duluth, MN
No doubt ROOK worked overtime to pull off this 11th hour notification! I commend the elections committee for following through in a manner that ALL MOFIB representatives should.
I knew the BOD was gonna botch this process somehow yet, and they did, because they killed the timeframe for people to submit the "Campaign" statements, and there's NO TIME to debate (more stories of disappearing posts over on MOFIB for other people...it's not just me
Here's my responses as emailed to Rook:
FWIW, I have also re-emailed my nomination of Carl Kmiec to the provided email address. It didn't bounce back. I informed Rook that I had resent it in the hopes that he'll be looking for it (and if it doesn't show up, well, there's cause for concern).
Dear mpedersen,
RE: Resubmitted Notice of Pending Election of MOFIB
The Following is a resubmitted Notice of the original Notice to members dated June 17, 2009; being sent to you as a Voting Member of the Marine Ornamental Fish & Invert Breeders Association ("MOFIB"). This Notice provides the extended time line and details upon with the election of four members of the MOFIB Board of Directors will occur.
This Election will occur via voting software and begin on June 30, 2009. Any additional information and follow-up information can be found at the MOFIB official website: http://www.marinebreeders.org.
The Election Committee of MOFIB is pleased to provide the following outline and summary of the Voting Process - from Nomination to actual Vote and to the results. Please review this in detail and be certain to familiarize yourself with it.
Please Note: The Election Committee is empowered to review the voting process, verify the nominees, verify the election results and attest to the final results; all based upon the rules and guidelines set forth by the MOFIB Board of Directors. The Election Committee has not, will not, nor is empowered to change the rules and guidelines established by the BOD. The following summary is approved by the Board of Directors. These rules supercede any conflicting rules for this and only this pending election.
We realize that there has been some confusion and mis-communication regarding this process. The intent of this thread is to clarify and consolidate the information regarding the Election process.
Member in Good Standing
a. Members of MOFIB in good standing shall be those members who have completed and submitted a membership form for admission to the web forum. A member in good standing: complies with the user agreement, is not on read-only access, has not received any disciplinary action in the last 12 months, has only one user name and has made a minimum of two posts.
Voting Member
A Voting Member is a member that meets all of the following criteria:
a. Have been a "member" of MOFIB for a minimum of 90 days prior to and including the day the nomination notice email was issued, ie. June 17th, 2009; AND
b. Have at least 2 post in the breeding forums in the 12 months prior to and including June 17, 2009; AND
c. Is a Member in Good Standing.
Based upon these rules as established by the BOD; the following list http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5289 has been compiled by the Election Committee as Voting Members. NOTE: If you feel you qualify as a Voting Member and you are not on this list, please contact an Election Committee member or the BOD and state why you feel you qualify.
Eligible Nominee
An Eligible Nominee is a member that meets the following criteria:
a. You must be a Voting Member
b. You Either:
b(i). Posted 20 post in the breeding forums in the 12 months prior to and including June 17, 2009;
b(ii). You have been member "in service to MOFIB"; which is defined as either a moderator, committee member or BOD member in the 12 months prior to and including June 17, 2009.
Based upon these rules as established by the BOD; the following list http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5288 has been compiled by the Election Committee as Eligible Nominees. NOTE: If you feel you qualify as an Eligible Nominee and you are not on this list, please contact an Election Committee member or the BOD and state why you feel you qualify.
The Nomination Process has begun. On June 17, 2009, the BOD caused to be delivered to the Voting Members. All Nominations must be submitted by Friday, June 26, 2009 at 11:59 PM U.S. EDT
Each Voting Member may nominate one Eligible Nominee to serve on the MOFIB Board of Directors. A Voting Member may not nominate themself.
Voting Members may nominate an Eligible Nominee in one of two methods:
1. Voting Members may publicly nominate an Eligible Nominee by posting the nomination in this http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5280 ; OR
2. Voting Members may email, anonymously, their nomination to the following email address: [email protected]
- NOTE: if a person nominates one person via posted nomination and a different person via the email system, the email system will count and the posted nomination will be discarded. Please make sure to not do so though.
Nominations via the email will be automatically forwarded to each of the Election Committee members. Likewise, the Election Committee members will periodically review and record nominations set forth in the nomination thread. The Election Committee will verify that each proposed nominee is (1) an Eligible Nominee, (2) properly nominated by a Voting Member, (3) not the result of a Voting Member nominating themself or nominating more than one nominee.
Each of the Election Committee members will independently verify the nominations and the Committee will as a group compare the results for accuracy amongst the Members. Once the nominees are verified, the Election Committee will contact each proposed nominee to seek their acceptance of the nomination. If the collective Committee members are unable to elicit a response from a proposed nominee (via email, forums, pms, telephone, etc.) then that nominee will be withdrawn. The Election Committee will thereafter post via a new thread, the Official Nominees for MOFIB Board of Directors on June 28, 2009.
Once the Official Nominees are announced, the Nominees will have until June 28th, 2009 to submit to the Committee a couple of paragraphs describing their particular qualifications and the reasons why members should vote for them. By noon, U.S. EDT on June 28, 2009 the Committee will post all of the Nominees statements to the Members for consideration before the vote process begins. If anyone believes that a Nominee's statement is false or misleading: please contact the Election Committee and we will act accordingly.
The official vote and election of the four new Board of Director Members will begin on June 30, 2009 in the morning and will expire on July 4, 2009 at 11:59 PM U.S. EDT.
The Voting Process will take place via a third party voting software system. A new post and a new email will be established after the end of the Nomination process and prior to the Voting process with complete instructions on how to vote.
Only Voting Members may vote for the directors. Voting Members may vote for themself.
Upon the expiration of the voting process; the Election Committee will meet to discuss and review the vote and the results and verify that we are satisfied that the election was un-tampered and proceeded in accordance to the rules set forth herein. Once all the results are tallied and the Election Committee is satisfied with the process, the results will be post in all of the forums for the members to see.
Vote results will be published on July 6, 2009 by 6:00 PM U.S. EDT
It is our hope and expectation that our diligence in reviewing this process will bring some confidence to the MOFIB members that this election is carried out in accordance with the voting guidelines and without any undue interference.
Rook, Aomont, Fishboybt, Skearse, Mikegreen
Election Committee
The Marine Ornamental Fish & Invertebrate Breeder
I knew the BOD was gonna botch this process somehow yet, and they did, because they killed the timeframe for people to submit the "Campaign" statements, and there's NO TIME to debate (more stories of disappearing posts over on MOFIB for other people...it's not just me
Here's my responses as emailed to Rook:
There's a conflict in the scheduling of the nomination + "Campaigning" period. This gives official nominees 0 days and 0 hours to submit their paragraphs.
The Election Committee will thereafter post via a new thread, the Official Nominees for MOFIB Board of Directors on June 28, 2009.
Once the Official Nominees are announced, the Nominees will have until June 28th, 2009 to submit to the Committee a couple of paragraphs describing their particular qualifications and the reasons why members should vote for them. By noon, U.S. EDT on June 28, 2009 the Committee will post all of the Nominees statements to the Members for consideration before the vote process begins. If anyone believes that a Nominee's statement is false or misleading: please contact the Election Committee and we will act accordingly.
Also, did this email go to ALL members? I really hope this time the email went out to EVERYONE. If it went out to only "voting" members, this section is kinda "pointless" :
Based upon these rules as established by the BOD; the following list http://www.marinebreeder.org/phpbb/view ... 253&t=5289 has been compiled by the Election Committee as Voting Members. NOTE: If you feel you qualify as a Voting Member and you are not on this list, please contact an Election Committee member or the BOD and state why you feel you qualify.
FWIW, I have also re-emailed my nomination of Carl Kmiec to the provided email address. It didn't bounce back. I informed Rook that I had resent it in the hopes that he'll be looking for it (and if it doesn't show up, well, there's cause for concern).