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Recent content by cat23

  1. Looking for a good deal on SPS frags - 10 or more

    Try frags.org
  2. doing project for school need peoples ages

    I've been 29 for 17 years! And still holding!
  3. Reef Club In Lancaster PA

    Still trying to find members. Anyone?
  4. Reef Club In Lancaster PA

    Hi, We're starting a new reefers club in Lancaster PA and I'm trying to get some members. Anyone here interested? We will start meeting the first Thursday of every month. Dec 6 will be our first meeting. If interested, let me know and I will make sure you are informed.
  5. Hair algae question

    What kind of clean up crew do you have? Snails, etc? You didn't mention any. Phosphates and silicates may be the problem too. RO/DI water is a must with at reef tank
  6. Who hangs their lights?

    I have mine hanging. The tank is open. I do like the closed tanks better, but didn't want to try to make a canopy. I hung the light before placing the tank, that way I knew where tank would have to go in order to be centered. Here's a pic..
  7. Powder Blue Tang Poll: Success or Failure

    Nice statistical summary!. Thought I'd post a picture of mine. In 120 gal for 7 months. Great fish!
  8. I Hate Homestead Sitebuilder!

    Hi!, I'm just wondering for all you out there who have homestead sitebuilder if you are having the same problems as I am. Ever since they started charging for the sites, I found that it takes soooooooo long to do any work on my website that it's unbelievable! I add a picture and the file...
  9. mantis shrimp

    Hi, I just caught a Mantis. Check out how on my website on the Critters page! Pictures included! They are alot more work if you want to save him his life but if you are going to kill it, just get the rock out and use soda water. www.ourreef.homestead.com [ October 22, 2001: Message edited...
  10. Powder Blue Tang Poll: Success or Failure

    I have a PB in a 125 with a sailfin tang. I've had him for about 7-8 months. He hangs out with the sailfin all day playing with the water coming out of the powerheads. Eats like a pig and is very healthy. One thing I did was get a sterilizer when I added him. I think this helps. I also do...
  11. Check out the plumbing

    You'd better put some plastic clamps on the hose on those barb fittings and on the pumps!
  12. Finally got my South Down sand...

    I did the same thing. Took out all the cc with a net. Then added sand. If you use a piece of PVC, you can pour it in and let it in kind of slowly. Don't even worry about the poof though. You'll get it no matter what you do. It'll settle in a couple days. Wish I would have known about the...
  13. SD Sand in Philadelphia Area?

    The Home Depot in Lancaster has some.
