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Recent content by DaGoldenChild

  1. bio balls.. yes or no ???

    bio balls tend to produce more nitrates, i know from experience i had a serious nitrate problem, once i removed the bio balls my nitrates began to drop significantly and i now i have much more control over them, IME lose the bio balls especially if you have enough live rock to sustain your...
  2. feather duster question

    can anyone give any suggestions on whats a good food for feather dusters
  3. Free Critters?

    thanks alot, i just wanted some concrete info on the subject
  4. Free Critters?

    i noticed this morning i have a few small bristle worms in my display tank i have heard that they are fairly harmless and then others have said that they should be removed can anyone offer advise on the matter, i currently don't have a sump,it's a work in progress. i have a 55G with about 55 to...
  5. Lighting Questions

    i actually have this system its great only thing you might want to consider that has been a problem with mine, it doesn't look like you will have this problem but i suggest checking to make sure, i only have one power cord for the three seperate lighting systems and it makes it difficult to...
  6. scratch repair

    draining it is not a problem i just want to make sure when i refill it there won't be any major problems
  7. bta anemone help?

    whats a good temp to keep your tank at? its currently at around 80
  8. scratch repair

    anyone know of any reef safe products that repair scratches in a glass aquarium, i have one nasty scratch in my display tank its really bad and i've heard of ways to repair glass but i don't know of any that are reef safe any suggestions would be helpful T.I.A, David
  9. Need interesting things for clients to watch

    my feather dusters get alot of attention and my new anemone seems to be the life of the party now
  10. bta anemone help?

    i know that maybe i should have chose my wording a little better i meant tomorrow i would start raising my salinity i made that mistake once before of rapidly raising the salinity it killed just about everything in my tank except a few fish
  11. bta anemone help?

    ok seems as though maybe i should raise my salinity tomorrow
  12. bta anemone help?

    i hope so, it would be great to see it devide thanks
  13. bta anemone help?

    lights 2x150w metal halids, 4x10k actinics all params are good salinity 1.23
  14. bta anemone help?

    i just bought a bubble tip anemone a couple of days ago and it has gone into hiding behind my live rock, is this normal i know they need strong lighting and i would think that this wouldn't be normal due to there is so little lighting behind there any information would be helpful thanks!!
  15. cleaning outside glass

    a little windex, or sometimes just a cloth and water
