I used to work with a researcher that was able to close the life cycle of krill using our Instant Algae. Other them him I have not heard of anyone raising krill.
Before making such accusations you'd best fact check first. I also find it funny you say that, yet you have no "MR support" icon for your donations :lol:
And you are wrong. I have donated. I donate to the MR Swap raffles all the time which in the scheme of things is more money a year then...
I've run a Bak Pak on my 60g heavily stocked tank for nearly 10 years. With the latest pump it kicks a**.... but I would go with the Aero Force that have now, that replaced the Bak Pak for me :)
Yeah, Thales is the author of the Reefs Magazine article :) I found it to be a refreshing article given it is something I have been preaching for a while now.
Yes they need to be fed. Diatoms work the best, along with some crushed up flake food.
Also, 2 gallon tanks don't work as well as vassals that have a large surface area. They don't care about depth as much as surface area. We recommend dark colored kitty litter pans or the likes. Clear...
If I come it'll be one of them. Thus far no heat wave while I've been at the swaps :)
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There is no expiration date on any Reef Nutrition bottle :) There is a "Best Before" of which if the product is stored correctly can be used for a month or more after.
Any time you have a question about Reef Nutrition, feel free to PM or email me directly. I'd be more then happy to help you...
:dead1: Yup no need to tell me that ;)
I'll leave the rest for in person as it serves no purpose to beat this dead horse in public :) I prefer such dirt be kept in private, even if the other is slandering you.