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Recent content by GreshamH

  1. Breeding Krill

    I used to work with a researcher that was able to close the life cycle of krill using our Instant Algae. Other them him I have not heard of anyone raising krill.
  2. great aquarium store on long island.

    Before making such accusations you'd best fact check first. I also find it funny you say that, yet you have no "MR support" icon for your donations :lol: And you are wrong. I have donated. I donate to the MR Swap raffles all the time which in the scheme of things is more money a year then...
  3. great aquarium store on long island.

    Ugh this thread sure does not make me want to become a sponsor of MR at all!!!! But I only have 193 posts HERE so what do I know :lol:
  4. Save the Date--Spring Swap 2011

    Same here, but we only want one table.... and can we be placed by Cherry or Reef Koi please :D
  5. par meter

    FWIW the normal Apogee meters are not accurate for LED testing.
  6. CPR Bakpak Skimmer

    I've run a Bak Pak on my 60g heavily stocked tank for nearly 10 years. With the latest pump it kicks a**.... but I would go with the Aero Force that have now, that replaced the Bak Pak for me :)
  7. Skeptical about: "Skeptical Reefkeeping Part 2 - Magic in a Bottle By Richard Ross"

    Yeah, Thales is the author of the Reefs Magazine article :) I found it to be a refreshing article given it is something I have been preaching for a while now.
  8. Breeding Copepods

    Yes they need to be fed. Diatoms work the best, along with some crushed up flake food. Also, 2 gallon tanks don't work as well as vassals that have a large surface area. They don't care about depth as much as surface area. We recommend dark colored kitty litter pans or the likes. Clear...
  9. RSVP: MR Spring 2010 Frag Swap - Sun. April 18th

    If I come it'll be one of them. Thus far no heat wave while I've been at the swaps :) <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
  10. does anyone feed there coral

    Some corals do feed directly upon phyto, even some SPS. Pocillopora have been shown to ingest it as have dendronephthyas.
  11. does anyone feed there coral

    Kent was sold to CPG and many employees were "moved on". Several of them started their own business, like Chris did with Brightwell Aquatics.
  12. can you freeze oyster feast?

    There is no expiration date on any Reef Nutrition bottle :) There is a "Best Before" of which if the product is stored correctly can be used for a month or more after. Any time you have a question about Reef Nutrition, feel free to PM or email me directly. I'd be more then happy to help you...
  13. Bad service at Custom Aquatic

    :dead1: Yup no need to tell me that ;) I'll leave the rest for in person as it serves no purpose to beat this dead horse in public :) I prefer such dirt be kept in private, even if the other is slandering you.
  14. Save the Date: Sun. April 18th!

    I can whip up a pic of that if you wish :lol:
  15. Save the Date: Sun. April 18th!

    Sucker :joke: Hopefully I'm in this time :)
