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Recent content by Jeff CC

  1. Problem Won't Go Away! Help

    A Diatom filter or HOT Magnum w/micron cartridge may help.
  2. Should I buy a Remora Pro??

    I have used the Bakpak w/Rio 800rvt and the Remora w/maxi-jet 1200, and the Bakpak has outperformed the Remora. I know this is the opposite of what most say, but there are a few others that have been equally unimpressed with the Remora. If you do run both at the same time, please let us know...
  3. Hardiest fish you have had?

    I. too lost a Lionfish to choking...notice a trend here. The longest-lived fish I have had was A Jack Dempsey that died last year at 14 yrs. of age.
  4. Lionfish died suddenly

    Mine had been eating mostly Ghost Shrimp, but some Guppies as well.
  5. Lionfish died suddenly

    My otherwise seemingly healthy Lionfish died suddenly this afternoon. He went from swimming happily about, to hiding in the rocks and dying in a matter of minutes. He had been eating well and showed no signs of stress. All other tank inhabitants, including a Derasa Clam and Soft Corals, are...
  6. HOT TIP Submissions -- Topic: Quarantine Tips

    Make sure that the q-tank is sufficiently large that the occupant in not stressed by the size of the tank. In cramped conditions, the quarantine process could do more harm than good.
  7. Weekly Discussion - Learning curve

    Trial and error is the nature of this hobby. Even with the most diligent research, losses will occur. Our responsibility as reefkeepers is to do our best to minimize these losses- while learning as much as possible- and passing that knowledge on to to others.
  8. Poll - Best looking fish

    Striped Bass...especially if they are over 28". For a fish tank... Rock Beauty. Too bad they are so difficult to keep.
  9. Stocking a 75g

    That is a high fish total for a 75 gal., but since most of them are fairly small you may be o.k. The Maroon Clowns also could cause you some grief, so you would want to add them last.
  10. Adding a new clown

    The new Clown is likely to get abused by the old one. That said, I added a second Clarkii to a 75 gal. reef, and after a day or two of skirmishing, the two Clowns settled in nicely. That same tank also has two Ocellaris Clowns that I rescued- they were being disposed of by a fellow aquarist-...
  11. Help Emergency!!!

    A couple of pieces of cured live rock might help that uncycled tank out quickly.
  12. Rock Scrubbers

    Toothbrush and turkey baster.
  13. Overstocking?

    That sounds fine to me as those fish all stay small. Should be a nice set-up. Good luck.
  14. What tang should I get for a 46 BF?

    Different fish (of the same species) will grow at different rates. To say that a small Tang, or any small fish, can not go into a tank of modest size (with the plan to upgrade when needed), makes no sense. If the 1.5" Tang grows at a relatively slow pace it may be able to thrive in the smaller...
  15. What tang should I get for a 46 BF?

    Reefnutz- you are so right. If someone has a first-hand experience and can add to the topic, that is great. However- continually passing on the same third/fourth/fifth hand info tirelessly is ridiculous.
