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Recent content by The Pirate

  1. do pumps need to be serviced?

    Yes, definetly! All pumps need to be cleaned of calcium deposits at least ounce a year. The easiest way I have found is to soak the pump head parts in pool acid from the local hardware store. The only pumps I don't clean are RIO pumps only because most don't last that long.
  2. Okay. Five-foot 110 gallon reef. How would*you* light it?

    Here is a shot of the old lighting system. Triple 175w ballast and moon light was bought used from Steve Tyree off his old 180 SPS tank some of you have probably seen the killer pics of. He had great success with the 175's but recommends 400w now and I would have to agree for a SPS tank...
  3. Okay. Five-foot 110 gallon reef. How would*you* light it?

    This is what I did. Since this pic was taken two more 55w actinic PC's were added along the back after the seaswirl was removed.
  4. Help, what is happening with my xenia????

    Can you test for Iodine? If so what is the level?
  5. behavioral patterns on urchins?

    Unfortunately they tend to be most active at night and on the under side of the rock so it's hard to tell so far.
  6. Help, what is happening with my xenia????

    You may be adding Iodine into your tank without even knowing it depending on the food you feed your fish :roll:
  7. Coraline bleaching...

    I recently switched from using Instant Ocean salt to Tropic Marin in my 500 gallon reserve because I herd It was "The Best" from someone I respect as a reef keeper. I have not had a burst of coralline growth after water changes like before. This maybe a combination of things in your tank...
  8. pH probe difference

    I can't answer that question but I can recommend the Pinpoint PH probe. Most probes suggest/require replacement after 6 months due to failure to recalibrate but the Pinpoint allows you to recalibrate it over 18 months (I got almost 2 years) and is also submersible for those all thumbs days...
  9. Help, what is happening with my xenia????

    Very true! Iodide is also helpful in keeping good colors on many of the SPS's.
  10. behavioral patterns on urchins?

    I bought a Blue Tux and a black long tentacle urchin just to find out for myself which one was better. So far the Blue Tux is the better Coralline algae eater :lol:
  11. Refugium lighting

    Got mine from a guy on ebay. 10 for $10.00+ shipping. Had my nose up against the glass last night and noticed a bright red root sticking out of the side of one in back. Yes you need to add iron and rub the salt off the leaves with your fingers when they come up.
  12. are long spine urchins reef safe?

    Will they eat macro algae or mangroves?
  13. Why does my starfish keep doing this?(see picture)

    I think he's about to make run for the hills better call out the dogs! Guards! Guards!! :lol:
  14. aptasia

    I believe there are 4 types of peppermint shrimps. Two will eat aptacia and two will not. You can tell the difference by the thickness of their stripes. Someone posted a good pic an aptasia eater lately.
