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eazy al

onyxx owner
jersey city
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Nice, I have first batch he had limited addition :) female killed the male they were a onyx n a bnw the original pair,then he came out with the others midnight n double black ,I wanna know what is the combo on those n. I think he has somethin call half black photons not sure wish he made a family tree my bigdog your pair looks nice


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Nice, I have first batch he had limited addition :) female killed the male they were a onyx n a bnw the original pair,then he came out with the others midnight n double black ,I wanna know what is the combo on those n. I think he has somethin call half black photons not sure wish he made a family tree my bigdog your pair looks nice

Here you go. I had posted this somewhere on MR earlier.



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hey sanjay, i have a mated pair of your Double Black Photon clownfish--they have been great so far. Can you tell me anything about them? and do you have pictures of the parents? thanks

Look up a few posts and you will see the lineage diagram. That should tell you the genetics of the fish.

The parents are a nice Female Black Ocellaris and the male is the original black photon. I have since broken up the pair, since these are just by breeding experiments. I have now paired up the female with a midnight black photon, so time to start watching for the "Double Black Midnight Photons" :wink1:


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