Advanced Reefer
- Location
- Park Ridge, NJ
I think salt for the aquarium would also be helpful.
Thank you Imbarrie!!! Yes I actually like the size!!! Not toooo big... and definitely not too small!!!Welcome to MR. I've had a 75g for a little while now. It's a very popular size for reefs.
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hahahaha it's so funny that you said that!!! I went there the other day and I came out thinking "I'm never coming back to this place." Well I know I'm definitely changing the light... I am buying a bunch of live rock... I just want to make sure I get everything I need so I don't have to upgrade later... now I'm almost 100% sure that I want to keep LPS just because I like the way it looks more than SPSShannon, welcome to MR.
Keeping a Saltwater aquarium isn't too different from a fresh. True story on the whole "too many people saying too many different things." Unfortunately there are many wanna be Marine Biologists who publish their information.
Anyway, It's great that you have an RO unit. You are already ahead of the game and it's great you are taking your time to do research. Next few questions.
Is the tank Reef Ready? Meaning, is there an overflow box built into it? If it's new it should say something on the sticker in front. Also, if it isn't you have to consider placement of the tank. You'd need something called a Hang on back overflow box where you'd have to place the tank a few inches away from the wall or something.
1. What kind of corals do you want to keep? I do not keep many SPS corals and keep LPS. I love the stuff that waves.
2. Liverock is going to be relatively tricky. You'd at least need about 70 lbs. Just a general rule of thumb because the rock will be your filtration. It's great that you have livesand because all you'd have to do is buy base rock and then like 1-2 lbs of Live Rock to get you started. You'd have to know what look you are going to go for. I aquascape to the fish's needs and no so much the coral feel free to PM me if you need more info. on this.
3. You also want to look into more powerful lighting and a protein skimmer. The lights will depend on what corals you keep and what budget you have. LED's are great because of low heat and energy efficiency. On a 75 Gallon Tank a 6 Bulb T5 light should be sufficient. Protein Skimmer choice will depend if you want to go sumpless or not.
4. I know you are in Great Neck (Hello Neighbor!) and I hope you refrain from any impulse buys at Fishtown. Please stay away from the Guyanese guy, he doesn't know anything.
5. I'd be more than happy to help you out/let you check out my tank and give you a crash course. Feel free to contact me. I do not mean this in the creepy heeby jeeby way but I am literally 5 minutes away from Great Neck and when I started this hobby I started out rough but got hooked and am on my 13th tank set up in 2 years lol.
Controllers IMO are just fancy toys which you probably don't want to get until you're serious and have expendable cash.
What exactly do controllers do? I haven't gotten to them yet just started looking for a good ato