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Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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Rich thAt is a really great point finding that mix of import export is tough while carbon dosing! I'm having trouble figuring it out now I'm thinking every night 2 squirts oyster feast too much better to go 1 squirt every other gonna try that for few weeks
What's everyone's fav sps food


Two Decade Club
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Mike when you started carbon dosing did you have any problems growing your macros? Which carbon method are you using @ what dosages?
Rich I add vinagar in my ATO with kalk...by doing so not only is it a carbon source, but supersaturates the kalk in solution so I use less. I have no problems with growing chaeto, but the chaeto did slow down once the nutraints levels started lowering...


Advanced Reefer
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Great thread .. I would say sps loves potassium so doing water changes regular adds potassium at a regular when depleted . Lights and water flow I believe are contributioning to good color and health .
I believe the secret recipe is a good water change that's temp acclimated and air rated /stirred up ..


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thats why my next system will have automated w/c with ESV salt:) Already have 2x100g water containers.. On the same time i know some reefers who change water once a month or even once a in two month and they have good SPS tank..go figure..
Randy's tank look awsome with large bio-load..

deo glass

Advanced Reefer
northport, NY
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this is a great thread! i totally agree with a good water change being very important with sps..

now for those of you who dont know, i have a 29 gallon with the world simplest setup. i use a HOB penguin nano, 120w led, 50w heater, and an mp40w. i do a 2 gallon water change every wednesday and change carbon 9filter pad)every sunday. I have grown out many sps as well as many other corals with great success. Now for those of you who would like to bash on my setup, feel free. i dont use a skimmer, i dont dose, i dont even use RO. my growth speaks for itself and i must say that i am 100 percent convinced its due to my routine water changes. usually once a month or so i will take out the filter and pump and scrub em down.
now although it works, it is the most pain in the a$$ thing in the world. if i had the money and the fancy equiptment i would guarentee 10x the results. but just goes to show u that u can grow out sps even with the worst setup, if u keep to your water changes. ps- a really good salt helps too ( i use tropic marin pro)


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I always found water changes to help with almost anything. Most parameter issues we have can also always be fixed with water changes. I know smaller more frequent water changes are always better because they have less stress on the system. That being said when people use a Litermeter or Genesis Reef Systems and the system changes say 10 gallon per day every day but does it as 1 in and 1 out is it really effective? I mean your taking our water you just put in. Granted it has mixed into a larger system but still.. Anyone have experience with that style water change regimen?


Experienced Reefer
Greenwich, CT
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I'm dealing with a little bit of a PO4 issue right now so I just stepped up my water changes to 20% TWICE a week! You may note that this is a 500g reeftank so for those of you with stock in Reef Crystals, I congratulate you. I am otherwise running GFO and GAC, topping off with Kalk, lots of flow...all the usual ol' school Berlin stuff. Decent bioload right now; good fish population, TONS of SPS frags... I just cut down a bit on the feeding though, hoping this will hasten the lowering of the phosphates. I have noticed that many of the frags have begun to color up a bit more lately. I don't know whether this is attributable to the regimen, the phosphates themselves ('I've heard this from several sources'), or to the fact that just they're 'settling in' though.


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thats why my next system will have automated w/c with ESV salt:) Already have 2x100g water containers.. On the same time i know some reefers who change water once a month or even once a in two month and they have good SPS tank..go figure..
Randy's tank look awsome with large bio-load..

Mike I know you definitely do your water changes :) Every time I come over your place I see water mixing :)

Rich I add vinagar in my ATO with kalk...by doing so not only is it a carbon source, but supersaturates the kalk in solution so I use less. I have no problems with growing chaeto, but the chaeto did slow down once the nutraints levels started lowering...

Thanks Mike. I experienced the same in the past.

Great thread .. I would say sps loves potassium so doing water changes regular adds potassium at a regular when depleted . Lights and water flow I believe are contributioning to good color and health .
I believe the secret recipe is a good water change that's temp acclimated and air rated /stirred up ..

I haven't tested or dosed potassium in my system yet. Once I get the tank more settled in where I'm not changing things so much, I will maintain K at appropriate levels and see what difference it makes.

I'm dealing with a little bit of a PO4 issue right now so I just stepped up my water changes to 20% TWICE a week! You may note that this is a 500g reeftank so for those of you with stock in Reef Crystals, I congratulate you. I am otherwise running GFO and GAC, topping off with Kalk, lots of flow...all the usual ol' school Berlin stuff. Decent bioload right now; good fish population, TONS of SPS frags... I just cut down a bit on the feeding though, hoping this will hasten the lowering of the phosphates. I have noticed that many of the frags have begun to color up a bit more lately. I don't know whether this is attributable to the regimen, the phosphates themselves ('I've heard this from several sources'), or to the fact that just they're 'settling in' though.

That's insane!!! LOL. Have you tried other nutrient reducing methods? Vodka, bio pellets, zeo?


Experienced Reefer
Greenwich, CT
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That's insane. LOL. Have you tried other nutrient reducing methods? Vodka, bio pellets, zeo?

Nah, I'm running a sulphur biodenitrator, that's about it. My current water change frequency is only temporary though. Normal is about half that. :)

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