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Brooklyn, NY
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Adding this to the "to build list"...this thing is freakin' awesome...better/more functional than a lava lamp. I would totally mount this on the wall above my reef...green is beautiful...why not show it off?


It would actually make cute dosing containers for cal/alk/mg as well...

Still looking into magnetic stirrers...so far...looks like these are my only option due to space constraints...



Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Going to be trying this in the continuous feeder...ran into a very interesting read on RC about it...

"Pappone"? Recipe Italian Coral Food (Updated 12/20/2006)

5 Oysters
5 Mussels
5 Clams
5 Shrimp (NOT cocktail shrimp, the big scampi type w/o the head and the shell)
1 Tablespoon of Sugar
200 mL of RO/DI water
10 g of Red Algae (Palmaria palmata; Bisck uses Julian Sprung's brand)
and/or 10 g of Spirulina, 10 g of Nori (spirulina is what Bisck prefers)

Methods: Make SURE that all ingredients are the freshest possible and DO NOT use frozen foods (unless it is impossible for you). Make sure everything "live" is rinsed and cleaned before putting it into the blender. Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend for 5 min, wait 2 min for it to cool, 5 more min blending, 2 min of waiting again, then finally another 5 min of blending (the pausing is so that the solution doesn't get too hot and "cook" from the heat of the blender/blades). Pour into cube forms (approx 10 mL each). Then freeze it all—you want to minimize how long everything is at room temperature.

Info here:


And after the split here:

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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Alright...said I wasn't going to share but I was just looking through a few pics I tried to take last night right before lights out with my cell phone...so everything is really blue and pics are epically sh*tty as usual...but this is all II can share until I get this system where I want it and have a real photographer unt with the flu...so I don't feel like working on the system right now. :(




W/ auto flash






These do NOT show this pearlberry frag justice...I tried like hell to capture it and this is the best I could do. The little nub on the right branch is new growth since the swap...



purple tabling acro...again...pay no attention to the color...lights wound down again at this point...had to use flash...





and for laughs my wtf moment of the week:



Senior Member
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make sure you have powerfull skimmer, to remove organic.. this method used in large sps tank in italy..
i have try this before and it works indeed but too much work for me:)) at that time i had full grown SPS tank with large colonies,,


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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make sure you have powerfull skimmer, to remove organic.. this method used in large sps tank in italy..
i have try this before and it works indeed but too much work for me:)) at that time i had full grown SPS tank with large colonies,,

To quote myself from my the other thread about this...(sorry...not feeling well):

"This is what my inner mad scientist was trying to address by plumbing the 2x30's in as macro fuges, adding mangroves to the system, etc. Let's just say Chingchai's DSPS system was an inspiration in this franken build of mine...which obviously is working with a MUCH smaller budget. The plan with the continuous feeder is to feed .4ml per hour directed right at the mp10 for better disbursement throughout the water column. The macro fuges will also contain NPS and gorgs. I'm very anal about maintaining my tank maintenance schedule, so I'm very prepared...at least I hope. Of course running carbon, gfo, cpe and 2 100ml bags of purigen. And skimming, of course.

Going to start culturing live phyto as well within the next week or so to feed through the second channel on the pump in combo with this. I'm also going to add a little sodium alginate to keep the pappone mixture suspended."

Please let me know if you think my plan will work/fail...if you feel there's any way for it to fail, please give constructive criticism on how to improve it so that it doesn't.

Obviously, I will also need to upgrade skimmers in the near future as well, however, I'm hoping that my heavy amounts of macro algae will help in the meantime. I'm concerned about "overskimming" and not being able to sustain the macro fuges.

Thank you for your comment and input...it's very much appreciated! :)
Howell, NJ
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To quote myself from my the other thread about this...(sorry...not feeling well):

"This is what my inner mad scientist was trying to address by plumbing the 2x30's in as macro fuges, adding mangroves to the system, etc. Let's just say Chingchai's DSPS system was an inspiration in this franken build of mine...which obviously is working with a MUCH smaller budget. The plan with the continuous feeder is to feed .4ml per hour directed right at the mp10 for better disbursement throughout the water column. The macro fuges will also contain NPS and gorgs. I'm very anal about maintaining my tank maintenance schedule, so I'm very prepared...at least I hope. Of course running carbon, gfo, cpe and 2 100ml bags of purigen. And skimming, of course.

Going to start culturing live phyto as well within the next week or so to feed through the second channel on the pump in combo with this. I'm also going to add a little sodium alginate to keep the pappone mixture suspended."

Please let me know if you think my plan will work/fail...if you feel there's any way for it to fail, please give constructive criticism on how to improve it so that it doesn't.

Obviously, I will also need to upgrade skimmers in the near future as well, however, I'm hoping that my heavy amounts of macro algae will help in the meantime. I'm concerned about "overskimming" and not being able to sustain the macro fuges.

Thank you for your comment and input...it's very much appreciated! :)

u dirty girl :theyareon :lol2:


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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u dirty girl :theyareon :lol2:

OMG, Scoots!!! I'm sending an extra special virtual baseball bat to the kneecaps your way for that!! lmao Takin' it old school! :fight2::type::fishhit::smash:

How's that build going? Will you be a 1/4 of the way done by 2050? lol

Hmm, the pearlberry frag is growing fast ;).

Tank is looking great!


Thank you Sunny! All 6 of the frags are growing fast. And are beautiful. Still acclimating to the Mitras and working on a rescape to the left side of the scape. Very interested in your opinion of the pappone method that I mentioned above and what your secret method is to your beautiful tank/SPS. Do you feel that my plan is viable? Or that I'm headed for trouble?


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Nice pix MGE!
You sure do stay busy with the tanks.:) Always adding something. Wish I had just a touch of your energy & drive. Best wishes with your endeavors.:meow:


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Nice pix MGE!
You sure do stay busy with the tanks.:) Always adding something. Wish I had just a touch of your energy & drive. Best wishes with your endeavors.:meow:

Thank you, Awi! :hug: I'm very much a perfectionist and love the d.i.y. aspect more than anything. Just love making things work and putting my own spin on it.

If everything works out as planned I'll be sending extra foods your way the next time I see you. I could freeze little cubes of it for you without the sugar/other additives so that it's more of a d.i.y. affordable option to oysterfeast. I've done a lot of research on the subject and it's a very popular way to get the benefits of "oysterfeast" without the cost associated.

To avoid phosphates or any other nastiness I plan to rinse everything well in RO, only use the freshest of ingredients, feeding in minimal amounts more often and making batches in small amounts so that it doesn't spoil.

Idk what you mean b/c from every conversation we've had you very much have my energy and drive. Look how fast you are rebuilding after taking such a major hit! Now THAT is bad@$$, Miss Lady! :hug:

Only a reefer would be sick with the flu and worried about getting to home depot to get the last few things that I need to complete a few of my projects while I'm down for the count. I may just break the rules and venture over there. **in my best stealth ninja costume** Shhh...don't tell the manchild...lol

Anyone else with input/experience with the pappone?


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Lol stand is done just gotta route the top n install doors so im getting there

Yeah...yeah...yeah...see you and a stocked tank in 2050 sucka! While your stand may almost be done...you and your "tank build speed" still have a loooooooooong way to go! Bahahaha

Edit: Now back on topic...I really need input on things I've posted in the last few posts that are relevent to my build...I'm all about jokes...but I'm serious about the this tank and build...

Paul B

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Please let me know if you think my plan will work/fail...if you feel there's any way for it to fail, please give constructive criticism on how to improve it so that it doesn't.

Your plan should not fail and your food choices are almost excellent. For the shrimp you would do better if you could get uncleaned shrimp with the head and guts intact, just remove the shell, the oysters, musels, and clams are great.
I also would not use a blender for shellfish like that. Much of the juices that you would want to get into your animals will get washed away in your tank. It is much better when preparing shellfish to first freeze them live. Then open them and with a sharp knife, shave off paper thin slices. I buy chowder clams live for about 50 cents and feed them every day along with live worms which I feel is the best food.
Just my 2 cents.
This is what I feed every day along with the worms, new born brine shrimp and mysis. As long as they are whole foods you will be fine. The guts of the animal are where most of the nutrition is which is why I said you need complete shrimp, not just the tails, thats the part I eat but I am not a fish.
Some people think I am , but most of me is not.

(Hello Awilda)
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Your plan should not fail and your food choices are almost excellent. For the shrimp you would do better if you could get uncleaned shrimp with the head and guts intact, just remove the shell, the oysters, musels, and clams are great.
I also would not use a blender for shellfish like that. Much of the juices that you would want to get into your animals will get washed away in your tank. It is much better when preparing shellfish to first freeze them live. Then open them and with a sharp knife, shave off paper thin slices. I buy chowder clams live for about 50 cents and feed them every day along with live worms which I feel is the best food.
Just my 2 cents.
This is what I feed every day along with the worms, new born brine shrimp and mysis. As long as they are whole foods you will be fine. The guts of the animal are where most of the nutrition is which is why I said you need complete shrimp, not just the tails, thats the part I eat but I am not a fish.
Some people think I am , but most of me is not.

(Hello Awilda)

Awesome! Thank you for the great info!! That's just the kind of actual input that I've been looking for in regards to my hair brain ideas. I will change up the recipe to include all of that in the plans. If you don't mind I'd like to also quote you on the other thread for anyone looking to replicate the idea/plan...credit of course given to you.

My daughter (11) tells me all the time that if I were to ever have another child it would be born with gills. Yup, she's at that age that my hobby and I are now embarrassing. So I broke down her tank and consolidated it into mine a few days ago. :( So I know how you feel there! lol


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Diving was one of my childhood fantasies and my first dive was when I was on R&R from Nam. I dove on the Great Barrier Reef

You lucky dog! It would be absolute heaven! I had an old boss that was obsessed with diving, he was obsessed with it the way we are obsessed with reefing. It was hilarious the way he would try to slide diving trips/equipment purchases past the wife, who wasn't too thrilled. Thinking back it reminds me a lot of how we all hide certain reefing things from our significant others. lol

Yeah, Nam is a very sore subject with my family. We lost my brother Emidio when he was barely 19. It forever changed my Dad and divided my family forever. He lost his life a whole 5 years after moving over here from the old country. So I lost a Brother and Uncle to my children that we will unfortunately never know. So, even though I'm young, that is one of the many reasons that I'm grateful for our Vets for the sacrifices they have made/continue to make.

Paul B

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It was hilarious the way he would try to slide diving trips/equipment purchases past the wife, who wasn't too thrilled
Lucky for me, my wife also dives.
It's tough loseing anyone to a war. I lost many friends there but no siblings.
We were all 19 when we were there.

Our last dive was in Bora Bora which is here.
Those "Rocks" you see in the water in the lower picture are tridnaca clams




I think this was the CARIBBEAN


On my boat.

If you drive over the Throgs Neck Bridge and look to the far east, this is on the lighthouse there, Execution Lighthouse where I dove for lobsters for many years.


And at 19 in Nam
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Great pics! First pic is really great. Your wife is adorable! You are so lucky to have someone that shares your hobbies. My ex-husband hated my tanks and the boyfriend just gives me the raised eyebrow on most days. lol

The only pic that I have of my brother:


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