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Always Thinkering
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Are you controlling the Mitras through a GHL Profilux or Standalone?

I'm where you were a few weeks/months back I guess, trying to weigh up the options over getting the new Radion Pro or the Mitras (I've had or still have most other GHL equipment and love all of it!) Then again I love EcoTech pumps and battery backup also! hmm....

Looking forward to seeing some pictures of everything under the new lights.


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Are you controlling the Mitras through a GHL Profilux or Standalone?

I'm where you were a few weeks/months back I guess, trying to weigh up the options over getting the new Radion Pro or the Mitras (I've had or still have most other GHL equipment and love all of it!) Then again I love EcoTech pumps and battery backup also! hmm....

Looking forward to seeing some pictures of everything under the new lights.

The Mitras is fully controllable on it's own. So there is no need to purchase a separate light/aquarium controller as you would have to do with say, A.I.'s.They have their own software for your laptop, there is full digital control on the fixture itself and they are working on the cell phone apps, as well, from what I understand. I only have an RKL controlling my system right now, which I hate. So upgrade is in the near future and prioritized on my "tank wishlist." I'm debating on going for the full blown apex (I want every option at my fingertips without having to upgrade later) or save up for the Profilux. I haven't even begun researching deeper into those two options, yet. It will be a few months before I upgrade controllers, because I want to finish all of my other mini-projects that I'm working on with the system first.

So, the Mitras, IMHO is the total package being that you don't need to purchase any separate/extra device/equipment to control them. The hanging kit is also included and they are working on a rail kit for owner's of large tanks. They are also working on making some type of a wireless/bluetooth update so that you don't need to connect the USB to control from your laptop.

I still have A LOT of fine tuning to do. I don't want to sway your decision, because I'm still very much a newb in the salty side of this hobby. I also can not take pictures to save my life, so the tank will not look true to life with a camera in my hand. Since you already own GHL equipment I'm sure that you are aware of "aquariumcomputer.com" and their forum is filled with great info as well.

I will try to take some pictures after the "rescape" when the dust settles, but again...I warn you not to let my photography skills sway your decision. As soon as my system fully adjusts to the change in lighting in a couple months (I feel 2-3 would be appropriate) then I will ask a pro to come take pictures.

Some reading for you:




There are also Mitras threads on RC (under GHL's forum,) Reef Sanctuary, etc. I'm sure you know never to use only one source for info, as opinions/preferences vary drastically.

Also, don't be afraid to hop on some of the overseas forums to check these out...they are after all German made. With tools like google translate, and options within the forums themselves to change the language are usually available too.

Basically, google is your friend...there's ton's of info at your fingertips on both of your lighting options. I'll tell you like I told someone else, when you feel you've made your final decision...you shouldn't feel torn/unsure/indecisive about your decision...when you're fully ready after thorough research you'll be 110% confident.

Hopefully other Mitras owner's will soon pop up on MR and we can have our own lighting club. :tongue1:

GL with your decision...

Have to go finish this marathon cleanup/rescape. :/


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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So...I'm using this cute little mini-fridge as my cooling apparatus for my d.i.y. continuous feeder project:



I still have to find small lab grade magnetic stirrers to fit inside to keep foods mixed...haven't looked yet...

I'll be using this enternal pump that I was originally planning to use for 2-part dosing:


Seen here:


Scored mine refurbished for $50 v.s. the $350 it normally sells for.

This will all be mounted close to the tank so that the distance the food has to travel through the lines is VERY minimal. Since I will be programming to feed .4ml/hr the food won't be sitting in the lines long enough to clog. I have dual lines running on the enternal pump since oysterfeast can't be combined with phyto/rotifeast due to risk of spoiling.

Waiting on silicone to arrive in my BRS order on Friday, and have to pick up some drill bits to run the lines into the fridge. I'm so excited!!

Of course it will be connected on the RKL (eventually Apex/Profilux upgrade) as a backup safety measure should the pump try to overfeed.

Still working on the major re-scape...full system scrub down went down last weekend, as well as 2 separate 5g water changes. Not ready for pics with the new light but I have to say...I am VERY happy with the purchase. Also, went ahead and changed carbon/gfo and threw in a new bag of CPE. I swear I'm already seeing some new growth on the Aussie Yellow with pink tips
frag since the swap. Everything is still acclimating to the new light, running at 40%.

Also, trying to decide if I want to go with the Profilux controller and doser or Apex and Bubble Magus doser. I've been hearing a lot of crazy sh*t happening with the Bubble Magus doser, tanks crashing, etc. I'm thinking it might be better to save up for quality "toys" from the beginning. Any input from those already running Profilux on their systems would be greatly appreciated.

My little Nac3 "skimmer that could" lol:

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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Organization idea for apartment dwelling reefers...

I've got the contents of my "fish closet spilled all over my room and hallway trying to spring clean and chuck stuff I don't need at the moment. It's consuming my apartment. :mad: Have a small 36" wide closet right next to the 30g's that I evicted my boyfriend's sh*t from and took it over to contain my ATO reservoir (20g Brute) and decided to organize it into my own little NYC apartment sump room/closet. lmao

Don't worry guys...I am allowing the manchild the standard 12" of space that every woman "gifts" her man in my walkin closet to make it up to him! lmao

Basically, I am after meticulous organization. Picked up one similar to this to contain small equipment, refractometer, syringes, acclimation kit, fragging supplies, scalpels, pipettes, etc. You know...the small items...

In pink of course...snagged it for $5 locally:


Plan to get a few a few other organizing tools. The fish "crap" all over the apartment/stuffed in every nook and cranny is driving me crazy. So it's a combat zone in here right now...or I'd post updated pics. Getting this system in order is my top tank project/priority for the week. Everything has to be spotless for the new year...don't want bad tank karma for 2013. lol

Also, I was too embarrassed to admit this up to now, but a reefer buddy said it happens to every reefer so here goes and that I shouldn't be ashamed. I royally effed up when I switched out lighting and caused three pieces of SPS in my system to brown out. I'm still getting great PE and there is still some color to them Which is another reason why I've been refusing to post an updated FTS. The sh*t broke my heart. I stay on top of my sh*t and this is the first time something like this has happened to me. So I'm on a pic strike until they regain color b/c it hurts me to look at them.

My BRS order finally arrived today after "slow-PS" left it sitting on a trailer for DAYS. So hopefully, everything will come together this week.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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Sorry about the browned out pieces.:( Fortunately they will recover, and color back up in no time.;)
Fish stuff all over the place seems to be a part for the course in this hobby.lol I built a small cabinet to sit by the side of my tank, and I still have stuff behind the basement door. Sandy helped somewhat by destroying the contents in a ton of "Fish" bins that I had stored in the basement as well as my surplus tanks.:happysad:


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Sorry about the browned out pieces.:( Fortunately they will recover, and color back up in no time.;)
Fish stuff all over the place seems to be a part for the course in this hobby.lol I built a small cabinet to sit by the side of my tank, and I still have stuff behind the basement door. Sandy helped somewhat by destroying the contents in a ton of "Fish" bins that I had stored in the basement as well as my surplus tanks.:happysad:

The great news is that the Ora pearlberry, setosa, purple tabling acro (don't have specific ID,) purple polyped birdsnest and a few other frags that I picked up at the swap are all doing amazing. The growth and color on the pearlberry really has me stunned, quite a few people told me it's a hard coral to keep. It's definitely lovin' the LED's. The few that browned out are already showing some color...I can't believe it. A reefer buddy told me it'd take them like 4 months to fully recover. I really hope not. My problem now is that I had already rescaped the left side that I wanted to rescape. I bought the rest of that rock in the tub from George and debating on if I want to use that or order a crapton of BRS pukani. I absolutely love the look of the pukani. The only thing holding me back is the idea of having to cook that rock in my apartment...which may cause me to be single...which would not make me happy b/c I love the manchild more. I want pukani rock though. :sad2: I'm stuck and I know you're just the lady reefer to ask on what to do here? lol

I know...working through it and making a lot of progress...I despise clutter and disorganization. I want my reefing storage area meticulous...so that when I go to look for something...it's where I want it to be and not have to dig through crap that I don't need. I had stuff in 2 walkin closets, the small closet that I'll be using permanently, my tall TV cabinets, under both bathroom sinks and the hallway. NOT COOL.

that gorgonia is sweet

I know...sitting here with it in my LA DD shopping cart...debating on whether or not to pull the trigger...

Someone tell tell me it's ok to spend like $80 w/ shipping on one gorg b/c it reeks of freakin' awesomeness, please???


Aquarium Village
Copiague, NY
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I know...sitting here with it in my LA DD shopping cart...debating on whether or not to pull the trigger...

Someone tell tell me it's ok to spend like $80 w/ shipping on one gorg b/c it reeks of freakin' awesomeness, please???

do it :D just do it
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Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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Curious...anyone on here knowledgeable in regards to magnetic stirrers?

I've found a few that look promising...found a nice battery operated one so I wouldn't have to drill a larger hole for the power supply but I'm not spending $300+ each. I would need two and they would need to fit my mini fridge.

Something like these...but small as possible...preferably battery operated...






Would really appreciate some input here...I would like to get this feeder running asap.


Old School Reefer
Far Rockaway
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The great news is that the Ora pearlberry, setosa, purple tabling acro (don't have specific ID,) purple polyped birdsnest and a few other frags that I picked up at the swap are all doing amazing. The growth and color on the pearlberry really has me stunned, quite a few people told me it's a hard coral to keep. It's definitely lovin' the LED's. The few that browned out are already showing some color...I can't believe it. A reefer buddy told me it'd take them like 4 months to fully recover. I really hope not. My problem now is that I had already rescaped the left side that I wanted to rescape. I bought the rest of that rock in the tub from George and debating on if I want to use that or order a crapton of BRS pukani. I absolutely love the look of the pukani. The only thing holding me back is the idea of having to cook that rock in my apartment...which may cause me to be single...which would not make me happy b/c I love the manchild more. I want pukani rock though. :sad2: I'm stuck and I know you're just the lady reefer to ask on what to do here? lol

I know...working through it and making a lot of progress...I despise clutter and disorganization. I want my reefing storage area meticulous...so that when I go to look for something...it's where I want it to be and not have to dig through crap that I don't need. I had stuff in 2 walkin closets, the small closet that I'll be using permanently, my tall TV cabinets, under both bathroom sinks and the hallway. NOT COOL.

I know...sitting here with it in my LA DD shopping cart...debating on whether or not to pull the trigger...

Someone tell tell me it's ok to spend like $80 w/ shipping on one gorg b/c it reeks of freakin' awesomeness, please???
I would just work with George's rocks. I really don't see a diff. between BRS' & Georges' rocks. With the added benefit that Georges' rocks have already been cured.;)
Glad the corals are already bouncing back.:groupflip
Sounds like what was happening in my house.lol Fish supplies in the coat closet, downstairs bathroom, basement, attic, living room.;)

Sorry you missed out on the gorgi.:( Who's your LFS?:shhh:


Advanced Reefer
Brooklyn, NY
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I would just work with George's rocks. I really don't see a diff. between BRS' & Georges' rocks. With the added benefit that Georges' rocks have already been cured.;)
Glad the corals are already bouncing back.:groupflip
Sounds like what was happening in my house.lol Fish supplies in the coat closet, downstairs bathroom, basement, attic, living room.;)

Sorry you missed out on the gorgi.:( Who's your LFS?:shhh:

The marco rock is more like the BRS reefsaver rock...this:


Whereas the Pukani rock is pure sexiness :pimp::flirt:...this:


Plus I can take a hammer and chisel and make little caves/swim through holes, scapes that I've seen with it are epic and it's very easy to stack/scape with from what I hear...did I mention that it's pure sexiness? lol It looks even better encrusted in coralline!

Dead set on having all organization done by Sunday...in do or die mode...

Gonna keep my hopes up on the gorg...when I'm determined to get something...I always find a way...it will happen...I have faith...lol

In my best stealth ninja mode...Coral Theory...:shhh: As soon as they get done with the move...I'm placing my special request order and see what they can do with it...of course some things may not be available immediately...but I'm happy to wait. I haven't lost a coral yet that I've purchased from them...so I stick with what works. I'm just stubborn like that...

Also, in regards to the continuous feeder...I've decided it would be smarter to use a dab of expanding foam to seal the hole that I have to drill for the lines to feed the pump. I believe it would be better at preserving the cold inside the fridge, especially since it doesn't have a typical compressor.

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