Shaun, that's pretty interesting a remote DSB/CA reactor.
I'm guessing your tank has, or will find it's new balance with
the CA reactor gone.
As for a SSB working in a reef tank I'm taking my inspiration from Steve W. I know he does an incredible amount of work maintaining his tank just for the look of sand. If his tank can be any indication then I say it can work. I'll quote him again because he says it so well;
To achieve the high water quality requirement, this system is set up along the thinking of a bare bottom philosophy?. namely, the removal, rather than the processing, of wastes. That means high flow, strong skimming, and a maintenance regiment that focuses on the removal of waste and detritus. The only modification to the bare bottom philosophy is the addition of a small amount of sand. Since I subscribe to the bare bottom philosophy, but hate the look of a bare bottom display, I added a thin layer (around 1 ? 2 inches) of sand to the visible portions of the reef only. Yes, this means more maintenance (see maintenance section); but, the visual rewards are worth it.
in my case I did not mind the look of the original BB, I just could not stand the look of the BB after I took apart my tank and lost half the coral.