I was just looking for this thread and realized, I am not subscribed to it. While I was looking I realized it has been going on for 7 years. That's a lot of posts about mostly nonsense. My tank seems to be doing very well. Everything is still living well and most of the paired fish are spawning. I am surprised at that because I have been partying so much lately that I have not taken very good care of the fish as we have been going out before the tank lights are on and come home after they are out so I assume the fish have been sending out for Chinese food and using my credit card. They all look chubby so I am sure that's what they did.
Friday we had 15 people on my boat at the dock because I couldn't legally fit them all for a cruise. These are our friends from high school as we are all still very good friends and get together all the time. On Sat we took the party upstate to a pool party, then on Sunday to the South shore where another friend has a home on the bay with the same size boat as I have, so we partied there all night. Then on Monday we went to a boat party on a large boat in my marina after spending the morning on my boat tied up to a much larger boat. Yesterday I took 5 of the Ladies to dinner on my boat so today is for relaxing and taking care of the fish who are scratching slurs into the glass with the help of the hermit crabs.
That reminds me of a story. Everything reminds me of a story.
A while ago I was in a store, a women's store because my wife was not feeling well and I had to return something. It was also in a Mall, and I don't do Malls. I get that mall look as soon as I walk in so I try to run out as fast as I can. Anyway there were about 3 women on line so I assumed it wouldn't take long. Wrong. I mean 3 ladies, how long could it take?
So the first one goes up to the checkout girl and they start talking about kids, cellulite, the sizes on European clothes etc. That takes 10 minutes and she leaves. The next Lady knows the sales girl so they exchange E Mail addresses, look at each other's kid pictures, converse on when they went to grade school etc. After 10 or 15 minutes, she is finished and leaves. The next lady, after waiting in line for 20 minutes decides she wants a different color "thing" whatever she bought so we all wait while they go and look for this non existent item. They couldn't find it so they look in the store room, then call all the other stores in the area. I am standing there getting a heart attack and a nervous breakdown, probably also growing ingrown toenails. Finally, after seemingly a weekend, she leaves with out buying anything so it is my turn. I just want to return this thing. She wants to know what is wrong with it. How do I know? I don't even know what it is, just take it back, I don't even need my money back, just get me out of here. She gives me a nasty look, probably because I didn't want to see a picture of her kid, or dog.
I get to leave and go have a drink. How do you women shop? Like, don't you have other things to do than wait in line all day?
There should be a Man store strictly for Men. And only real Men should be allowed to go. I mean, maybe they need to give you a Man card or tattoo a bar code on your arm, next to a battle ship or cro bar. In a Man store there would only be Supermodels working there, but they don't have to do anything but point. I would walk in and say something like "Where do you keep your chain saws", and she would point to the place.
The price would be clearly marked on the thing in wide magic marker including the tax and anything else they want to charge me. But the price should be rounded off to the nearest dollar. No change because change is for Sissies and Girly men, (who shouldn't be allowed in the store anyway) Then the Supermodel would point to the door where there is a bucket. You throw approximately the amount of your purchase into the bucket and leave to go use your chain saw. Sometimes you would throw in a little more, sometimes a little less, but at the end of the year, it will all work out. You wouldn't need silly accounts to figure out every penny and no need to carry change to the bank.
Waiting for the rest of the crowd, some are walking on the dock.
My wife (on the right) and an old friend in the cabin of my boat.
We party well into the night