Today I went to an Orthopedic surgeon for a knee pain. I already had 4 or 5 knee surgeries and 3 or 4 shoulder surgeries, but if you worked construction for 40 years and didn't wear out your joints, you were doing it wrong, weren't working hard enough or you are a Sissy or Girly Man. Joint surgeries are the result of hard work.
But that doesn't matter. I love going to this guy for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, he has a Supermodel assistant. And this time he also had a Supermodel X Ray technician. Those are of course important considerations when you are considering surgery. But also both the Dr. (who is one of the Dr's for the NY Jets) and the Supermodel Assistant, like fish and want to start a salt water tank. I coincidently brought my new book with me to show off a little. He has been talking about starting a salt water tank from 7 or 8 surgeries ago. But he had freshwater fish and keeps killing them and the Supermodel Assistant keeps killing Betta's, and to kill a Betta you need to lay it in the street and have a school bus run over it, twice as those things will live in damp sawdust.
So now it is the regular spiel, MRIs and all that and he will operate to fix a torn meniscus. I feel like I am a torn meniscus magnet as my meniscuses must be made out of tissue paper. I would like them to replace the entire knee. I wouldn't have to go for an expensive titanium model and would settle for a pressure treated one from Home Depot but most of my knees are not torn up enough to replace them. I am sure I could get a hair replacement but that probably costs even more.