Interzoo 2018 coverage: OceanLife presents biologically activated water

by | Jul 22, 2018 | Events, Supplements | 0 comments

oceanlife coral sea water
OceanLife came to Interzoo with several innovations, among which the most important is the new biologically activated bottled water: Coral Sea Water.

The idea is positively intriguing. Instead of purchasing the salt directly, you can acquire already salted and ready to use water. This way, you can count on industrially produced reverse osmosis water – a much higher quality than what we could produce at home; it contains OceanLife’s Supreme sea salt, which is considered to be one of the best salts on the market, with a theoretically perfect melting process.

But that’s not all. The salt is alive, or rather, biologically activated. We believe that some of the selected blends of bacteria have been inoculated. This way there is no pathogenic agent within the water, no kind of contaminant within the flacon, just water that can be directly poured in the aquarium, maybe after bringing it to the tank’s temperature.

One of the best features is that it gives you the option of storing a noteworthy amount of water in order to always have an emergency replacement. This, in addition to knowing you are using an essentially perfect water.

OceanLife, Simone, Luca, DaniReef

OceanLife’s Simone and Luca with DaniReef

We at DaniReef/ made arrangements with OceanLife’s Simone and Luca, who you can see in the previous picture, to quickly receive a jug so we can test it for you. We are very curious, and we could migrate to using this type of water for a fair price.

The Aquascaping corner with Simone Castagnoli

OceanLife is not only about salt water, and we also appreciated the two aquascapings our friend Simone Castagnoli prepared.

oceanlife, Simone Castagnoli, freshwater

Simone Castagnoli and his AquaScaping at OceanLife booth

Above you can see the first one, larger, and below is the smaller one. Both noteworthy.

But these aren’t all of OceanLife’s products, and Simone and Luca entertained us by displaying their whole product line.

OceanLife’s line for Marine Aquarium

oceanlife, Amin Extra

Let’s start with products for coral nutrition, among which Amin Extra stands out, made from concentrated powdered amino acids, which you can see within the transparent cube in the picture above.

oceanlife r p balance

R Balance and P Balance, which according to OceanLife are beneficial to maintain two thirds of the Redfield ratio in balance.

oceanlife coral nutrition

All of the coral nutrition products.

oceanlife coral feed

oceanlife resin

All kinds of resins: OceanLife. Deion, Silico OH-, Cationic H+, Regenerate OH-, and Regenerate H+.

oceanlife anaerobic bacteria

Of particular interest is their anaerobic bacteria for denitrification and mud decrease. Mud, to be clear, that originates from rocks and often creates a glaze in our sump.

oceanlife Biogenesis

And finally Biogenesis, full of bacteria selected for phosphate and nitrate removal.

The Fresh water world

oceanlife P Phosphor N Nitrogen

Two very interesting freshwater-dedicated products are P Phosphor and N Nitrogen, respectively phosphorus-based and nitrogen-based fertilizers.

oceanlife micros iron

Completing the product line is Micros, a microelements-based fertilizer, and Fe Iron, a fast and slow-release iron supplement.


To follow, an array of pictures of the booth and the products.


For more information about OceanLife’s products you should check their official website. In addition to this, we invite you to read our Editorial about the exhibition to learn about our take on the 36th Interzoo edition (2018):

oceanlife interzoo

[Translated by Matilde Capannini]

  • danireef

    Danilo Ronchi, aka DaniReef lives in Italy where he is hydraulic engineer, but starting from his love for reef aquarium and photography, he began to write about marine aquariums from 2006 and now he's published his first book "Marine Aquarium". From 2007 Danilo writes on his blog where publishes articles, pictures, product reviews, aquariums coverage, reportage and history of his tank. Now he's happy to be part of

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