Reef Kids: Seashell Candles

For those of us here in North America, summer (and the lovely, warm weather that accompanies it) is still quite a ways away. Candles bring a little warmth and light into our winter homes, and these easy do-it-yourself shell candles are a great way to use those...

Fishy Stuff : Barlett Anthias

For this episode, I invited John Miller of Mad Reefer to visit the Afishionado Headquarters and talk about one of the jewels of the ocean, the Barlett Anthias. He covered everything about them : where they come from; how and what to feed; QT protocols; and how to...

The Benefits of Ozone in Aquariums

Some of the most fascinating aspects of owning and maintaining an aquarium involve the vivid colors and intriguing shapes of the coral, fish and other living organisms that you select. Whether filled with Boseman’s Rainbowfish, German Blue Rams or Flowerhorn Cichlids, you’re going to want to protect the inhabitants of the indoor fish tank that decorates your living space or entertains guests at the restaurant, bar or hotel that you own. You may already know that there are several factors that come into play when sustaining a healthy environment for aquatic plants and other marine life. However, when dealing with your viewing experience and the efficiency of an aquarium system, there is no denying the significant role that water quality plays in the scheme of things. And

Pseudochromis aldabrensis in the wild

I’ve just returned from a diving trip to the waters around the Omani coast, a border of the Arabian Sea. It’s a fascinating region, but it is generally overlooked by divers. This article is part of my series of posts looking at the area’s endemic...

My take on taking advice online

With the advancement of the internet and our hobby, we are now getting our information faster than ever. No longer are the days of snail mail or looking through books or even email for answers, you can access a plethora of information instantly with just the tips of...