Piebald Seahorses

Piebald seahorses are such a captivating specimen that they seem out of this world. Perhaps one of the coolest variations within the Lined Seahorse species! They are a color morph branching from Hippocampus...

Reefs.com 2017 CIPS coverage

For this video, we sent out our friend out to China to cover the world’s largest aquatic show, the China International Pet Show (CIPS). From freshwater to saltwater, this show covered pretty much everything aquatic and we were in the midst of it...

Giving Tuesday

This year, consider celebrating “Giving Tuesday” with a donation to one of the nonprofits or charities dedicated to protecting and sustaining our incredible coral reefs. With our political and social climate full of contention, anger, and strife, I fear...

In schools, fish zone in on neighbors

A new study explores how fish school. By tracking rummy nose tetras on the individual level, researchers were able to better understand how fish interact with other fish in their school. Along the way, the scientists discovered several fascinating findings.