Is that a Tiger?

Every so often I have one of those ‘what the heck is that?’ moments, when I see something that I just can’t quite wrap my mind around. I might be having more of them as I get older, but that’s another...

A New Fish Tree Of Life

There are somewhere around 33,000 species of fish known to science, but our system for classifying this immense biodiversity is in a constant state of flux. For the non-taxonomists out there, it can be a challenge to keep up with all these changes, and, making matters...

Reef A Palooza New York 2017: Show tanks!

For this video, we put together all the show tanks that were present in Reef A Palooza New York! Check out all the set ups. Which one was your favorite? Write on the comment below! Wait, There is more! Dustin from Dustin's fish tank also had his live Amano themed freshwater tank build off contest from the show and it was amazing to say the least. Check it out!

TIME Magazine, Baby Dolphin

Good morning gang, I trust you either had a great weekend or your still on an extended weekend because of the 4th, either way be safe out there with all the visiting tourists. I’ve been doing a bit of riding but not as much as I should be, I’m currently helping a friend re-do her bathroom at the moment hanging sheet-rock which seems to be consuming a lot of my time. Good news again, I have a full page dolphin photo in TIME Magazine this month in their Special Edition “The Animal Mind” oh yeah, page 67….. Sorry so short, I have to meet a friend for an early mtb ride, have a wonderful day!!

This new hermit crab is a lovely weirdo

Most hermit crabs use shells built by evicted gastropods (e.g. snails) for protection, but not this new green-eyed species. The "shells" of Paragiopagurus atkinsonaeis are actually permanent colonies of zoanthids who glue together sand into a non-calcified armor, so these "living shells" grow with the hermit crab!

Reef A Palooza New York 2017 : Two Little Fishies

For this video, we met up with our good friend Julian Sprung of Two Little Fishies to talk about the products that the company showcased at Reef A Palooza NY. Randy and Julian go in depth about the products, how they can be useful, what type of animals can benefit...

500 Years Of Antique Aquatic Art… For Sale

Over the years, I’ve written about several important names in the history of ichthyology. Some were enthusiastic amateur naturalists, like the early pioneers Albertus Seba and Samuel Fallours, and others were diligent researchers of the traditional taxonomist mold:...