Will We Finally See Pseudanthias fucinus?

The Okeanos Explorer is on its way to Johnston Atoll to conduct another surveying expedition, and, with any luck, we might at long last get our first real glimpse at one of the ocean’s most elusive fishes—Pseudanthias...

Reef A Palooza New York 2017: Julian Sprung

Did you know that Reef A Palooza events are not just an exhibition for fine fish, corals and equipments but for education as well? True convention for the industry, where internationally renowned speakers are lined up to speak to all the attendees for FREE of charge to help you become a better hobbyist. For this video, we got hobby pioneer, famous author and speaker Julian Sprung of Two little fishies to speak for us. This is first time ever that the speakers are being filmed for the event for those of you guys who couldn't be at the event or who missed the events. Enjoy!

Cherry Fish is now LIVE!

Breaking news, reefing world – Aquabox and Cherry Corals have just gone live with their collaboration, Cherry Fish! Drawing upon 14 years of experience designing, building, and stocking reef aquariums, Austin Lefevre has perfected his methods of acclimating reef...