Focus on Fish – MochaVinci Clownfish

During my twenty plus years keeping reef tanks I have usually had a pair of clownfish in my display. I just love them. Not only are they colorful, but they can exhibit some really cool behavior when they host a coral and/or mate and lay eggs. As I detailed in an earlier blog post, designer clownfish provide reefkeepers with some beautiful options to choose from, with their striking patterns and coloration. MochaVinci  Clownfish – A Special Blend A few months ago I was fortunate enough to pick up a mated pair of MochaVinci Clownfish, a strain bred by Sea & Reef.  According to Sea & Reef, they created the MochaVinci Clownfish by breeding their jet Black Ocellaris Clownfish with their DaVinci Ocellaris Clownfish. The pairing produced

Liopropoma carmabi, Candy Bass

Good morning all, remember me?? My life has been crazy these past few months with traveling around the world and trying to get settled into new places, I have had very little time to post blogs… I just got back from a tiny island in the Caribbean called St. Eustatius or “Statia as the locals call it” on another assignment for the world famous Smithsonian Institution. This time I was there for two weeks taking photos of all the amazing fish and invertebrates collected from the deep using a mini-submersible owned and operated by Substation-Curacao. For two weeks we lived aboard a giant research vessel named the “Chapman” which was anchored just offshore near the main harbor of St.

Don’t Buy Dorid Nudibranchs Ever!

“Unless you are able to determine the species of a sea slug and its exact requirements in captivity from a reliable source, I would always recommend against buying any of these animals. Despite the fact that there are many beautiful sea slugs out there, unless...

Reef Kids: Pirate Fun

Wet, rainy spring weekends call for fun indoor activities – especially those that use up even a fraction of kids’ seemingly endless supply of energy. To that end, I’ve found a couple of fun pirate-themed games that should keep everyone busy for at...

Three Hawkfish from the Maldives

If you’ve seen any of my latest posts, then you know that I was lucky enough to visit the Maldives recently.  As you can imagine, I saw some amazing sights, and I’ve been enjoying the chance to share a few of the animals and habitats that I managed to...