The formula for fangblenny venom revealed

Fangblennies of the genus Meiacanthus are popular reef fish kept by marine aquarists. We've long known their fangs pack venom (used primarily as defense), but until this year, we had no idea what was in that venom. A new study discovers it is a complex and elegant drug cocktail.

A new deep-sea jawfish

Opistognathus schrieri is a new Caribbean species of jawfish currently only known from Curaçao. Specimens were collected from sand beds at the crushing depth of about 152 m (500 ft).

Aquarium Tips : Supplemental Coral Feeding?

For this video, we drove all the up to Lantana, Florida to visit our friends at Blue Earth Corals and talk about the pros and cons of feeding captive corals. We explored quite a few different points, and recorded some visual demonstrations for you while sharing some...