Tanks: Henry’s 160g Elos SPS Dominated Tank

For this episode, we drove all the way to West Kendall, Florida to visit Henry Rodriguez and his beautiful Elos 160. OCD to the boot, this reefer has made one amazing dream tank filled to the brim with life; he has achieved some stunning colors with his corals in...

Boaty McBoatface set to Embark on First Mission

Boaty McBoatface, is without a doubt, the world’s worst best-named submersible and it is about to embark on its first mission to the Antarctic. Last year, in case you didn’t hear about it, the submersible got its ridiculous name after Britain’s National Environment Research Council (NERC) asked the public to help name a new polar research vessel via the help of the internet.  Names were submitted and by polling the public, the name  “Boaty McBoatface” was chosen as the name went on to win by 25,000 votes over the 2nd place finisher. Sadly, and despite Boaty McBoatface winning, the folk at NERC decided they couldn’t live with the name on a multimillion dollar vessel.  Can you imagine being at a dinner party and you are the captain

Video: Gryphon C-40 AquaSaw

I bought myself this bandsaw over two years ago at the Denver MACNA. It was basically a gift to myself, but I never opened the box until two weeks ago when I started fragging some corals at last. It's pretty impressive, and hence I had to make a video about it.

Reef Threads Podcast #313

Paradise Aquatics, Kansas City, MO

We return this week to chat with chat with Evie Lyn Ebling who, with her husband, owns Paradise Aquatics in Kansas City, MO. Join us to hear about their store and how they handle livestock, maintenance experiences, and trends Evie is seeing in the hobby. It’s a great look behind the scenes of a LFS.

Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter at reefthreads.—Gary and Christine

A view of Paradise Aquatics.

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Coldwater Catalina Gobies

The future of the aquarium hobby depends on sustainable aquarium livestock harvesting and responsible aquarium keeping. The Catalina Goby, Lythrypnus dalli, has a long history of being marketed as tropical fish or a coldwater fish that can adapt to warm...