The Midwater Signalfish Makes Its Aquarium Debut

For what might be the very first time, a Signalfish has been collected for the aquarium trade. These captivating little fishes are poorly known thanks to their penchant for the kinds of deep, silty habitats which attract few recreational divers (and even fewer...

Tropic Marin Test Nitrite/Nitrate (NO2/NO3) – Review

We tried the Tropic Marin test Nitrite/Nitrate and we really liked it (both the product itself and the price)! This test can be used for both freshwater and marine water; its scale allows us to measure nitrite values ranging from 0 to a maximum of 2 mg/l and nitrates...

Cerebra Custom Stand Build Part 2

Below you will find Part 2 of the Vertex Cerebra stand video.  Now that the project has been completed, we will be installing this in our showroom and positioning this next to the main frag tank.  As seen in the video, the controller is tilted at an angle on top of the stand while the multi-bar is housed and protected neatly inside.  Watch the time-lapse video below to see part 2 of the video.  The LED lighting turned out great and we are looking forward to setting this up. Thanks to Kyle at Marvel Signs for designing and building this amazing custom stand for us.  We would like to hear your thoughts on the one-off project. [embedded content] On a side note, we’ve seen some rumblings

Sting Ray Fossil, Heliobatis Radians

Good morning friends, Aimee, the three dogs and yours truly just returned from the annual 2017 Tucson Gem and Mineral show. Now that I have spent years underwater I find myself more attracted to the underwater fossils more than ever and when I found this rare sting-ray I of course went crazy and had to photograph it! This was a large ray measuring around or close to 24 inches from top to bottom and cost around $10,000, more than I had with me… We spent days walking around looking at gems, minerals and fossils from all over the world but most pieces were way out of our budget, I think Aimee ended up with a sterling silver ring with a tiffany jasper (lavender) cabochon and I bought a colorful tripod bag from Tibet.  While in Tucson I went out to help the SDMB association “Sonoran Desert Mountain Bike” help build a new trail at Star Pass which should be open sometime this year. I got up early two mornings in a row at 7:00 and rode the bike “burrrrrrrr” to Star Pass and met a group of around 40 other volunteers and worked swinging a pick for four hours each day, it was super fun and very rewarding.