Gorgeous Jellies

For most folks,  jellyfish come in two flavors: the dead blob of goo on the beach, or the darn thing that just stung you and has you wondering whether its vinegar you use…or god forbid… you have to start...

Is This The Nicest Lamarckispilos Hybrid Ever?

The fish seen here was observed in the Philippines near the popular dive resort of Cebu, and it’s surely one of the nicest looking swallowtail angelfish hybrids that’s ever been seen. Most of the time, when two species of Genicanthus get down and dirty together,...

Reef Kids: Pony Bead Fish

If you have a young child or two in your home, chances are pretty good that you have pony beads. This colorful plastic craft supply is great for projects of all kinds, helping build fine motor skills and teaching patience as kids work through the concept, design, and...

An Interesting Looking Soft Coral

I’m not the world’s greatest soft coral expert, especially when it comes to the nephtheid-type corals.  They tend to be classified quite simply in my mind as Dendronephthya, Scleronephthya, and an amorphous group known as...